加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息HELP:looking for labour job
I have landed here for several days. I hope i can start work before the Christmas. So, would you guys recommend some light labour jobs? See, i am a girl . There is no Chinese Input System on the computer which i am using now. So, i have to use English.SORRY. THANKS A LOT.
Cool Down...Let it go...Smile always回复: HELP:looking for labour jobyou can install sw- " ntstar communicator" to enable input in chinese. and then browse into www.iask.ca. there are lots of job posted by agency and employer. it is so easy to get that. wish you happy with your new job.
回复: HELP:looking for labour job你英语这么好,还搞啥labour
回复: HELP:looking for labour job英语怎么好了,没看出来.
回复: HELP:looking for labour job我们单位招工,请Pm 我电话。8.5元/hr,活轻钱少.permanent, part time job.不过我觉得你好像急了点。我是钱花光了,才开始找工的。
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