加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?
由于元旦前一天搬家,没有上班,其余时间都是正常上班,但是工厂没有付给我元旦的工资,这合理么?还有就是在我试用期的前三个月,没有收到任何法定假期的工资,有朋友了解安省关于这方面的规定么?听朋友说,如果第一个条件成立的话,那么试用期也是应该收到法定假日的工资的。 谢谢!
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?你签Contract了吗?如果现金工这些问题会存在
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?我在社区听见:如果假如前后没有上班(不含周6,星期天),是没有工资的。
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?没有合同,但是也不是现金工
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?有假期工资的前提是假期前后都必须上班。
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?那试用期呢?有朋友说有2种规定,按照假期前后都必须上班这种规定,试用期也要付假日工资,是么?
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?很多公司在试用期都没有假期工资,合同里有规定。
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?法定假日前后一天请假,都没有假期工资,老板好的话会给,请假前最好问清楚.
以上内容不代表本人立场回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?劳工法没有这方面的规定么?刚开始打工的时候,没有看见什么合同,时间长了才知道,这里什么福利待遇都没有,都是听别的工人说得,关于假期工资这个问题,现在是我遇到了,才向 大家请教的,以前我也不知道。
回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?Check it herehttp://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/factsheets/fs_public.htmlHow do employees qualify for public holiday entitlements?Generally, employees qualify for public holiday entitlements unless they: fail without reasonable cause to work their entire shift on their regularly scheduled days of work before or after the public holiday (this is called the "Last and First Rule")or fail without reasonable cause to work their entire shift on the public holiday if they agreed to or were required to work that day (please note that only some employees can be required to work on a public holiday (see" What about employees who qualify for a public holiday but are required to work under special rules?" later on in this fact sheet) Qualified employees can be full-time, part-time, permanent or on a limited-term contract. They can also be students. It does not matter how recently they were hired, or how many days they worked before the public holiday. Note: most employees who don't meet either of the qualifying criteria are entitled to be paid premium pay for every hour they work on the holiday. What is "reasonable cause"?Employees are generally considered to have "reasonable cause" for missing work when something beyond their control prevents them from working. Examples include, but are not limited to: absences related to personal emergency leave (i.e. personal illness, injury, or medical emergency and the death, illness, injury, medical emergency or urgent matters relating to certain family members and dependent relatives) as well as absences for family medical leave. Employees are responsible for showing that they had a reasonable cause for staying away from work. If they can do so, they still qualify for public holiday entitlements.What is the "Last and First" Rule, and how does it work?The "Last and First" Rule is one of the criteria that qualify employees for public holiday entitlements. The rule is that employees must:work all of their regularly scheduled days of work before and after the public holiday (unless they can show reasonable cause for failing to work). However, the "regularly scheduled days of work before and after the public holiday" don't have to be the days right before and right after the holiday. For example, if an employee isn't scheduled to work the day right before or after the holiday, as long as he or she works all of the last regularly scheduled shift before the holiday and all of the first one after it—or provides reasonable cause for not working either of those days—he or she meets this criterion.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=73073&page=10回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?所说的假期工资是什么概念?是指上班了却没给你工资还是给了你平时的工资没给你1.5倍或者2倍?
银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm回复: 求助:安省法定假期的工资怎么计算?谢谢大家的信息,今天主管说我们部门有几个人也没有发,以后会补发的。平时工作每周超过44小时,才给1.5倍工资
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