加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助!!大学的问题!!
大家好啊,有个问题想请教下昨天晚上我在加拿大各大大学上看了一下,然后再安大略省申请学校的网站上做申请时候,发现这样一件事:我家里马上就要移民到加拿大去了但是肯定是在deadline之后,那么像我这种情况,申请大学的时候应该是按照哪一种呢? You will complete the OUAC 105D application if you: <LI class=text-body-small>currently reside in Canada (Canadian citizens, permanent residents or those currently studying in Canada on a study permit or other visa) OR <LI class=text-body-small>are a Canadian citizen living elsewhere (not in Canada) AND are not currently attending an Ontario secondary school in a daytime program of study Apply Online!http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/105d/e/For new applications and applications in progress. Review and Change Your Completed Application Once you have submitted your COMPASS.105D application, you can browse this site to review/change your application information and/or review/respond to any university offers of admission.You will complete the OUAC 105F (International) application if you: <LI class=text-body-small>currently reside outside of Canada AND <LI class=text-body-small>are not a Canadian citizen AND are not currently attending an Ontario secondary school (in Ontario or abroad) in a daytime program of study Apply Online!http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/105d/e/For new applications and applications in progress. Review and Change Your Completed Application Once you have submitted your COMPASS.105F application, you can browse this site to review/change your application information and/or review/respond to any university offers of admission.
回复: 求助!!大学的问题!!帮顶
回复: 求助!!大学的问题!!international student申请,移民下来了再去转身份
回复: 求助!!大学的问题!!楼上没错,先按照国际申请,交学费通常在开学后的一两周,只要那时身份变了,就可以出具证明少交钱了。
申请就象怀孕,煎熬中期盼;但到了日子总会瓜熟蒂落。 而登陆才是呱呱坠地, 手忙脚乱中彼此磨合,共同成长 -----从此你要花费一生的心血去承担你自己做出的选择 回复: 求助!!大学的问题!!顶上
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