加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息工程预算的就业情况


看了很久没有看到工程预算的人士在加的就业情况,有经验的朋友说说:1.工程预算就业容易吗?2.加拿大有没有类似国内的注册造价师一类的职业认证?3.谢谢! 午后的雨滴

整个论坛为您拿到VISA雀跃欢腾,请别忘记和大家分享好消息。回复: 工程预算的就业情况呵呵!才看到07-05月一个类似的问题。这两个问题普遍存在:1. 语言很重要2. 加国的经验少有人会有

整个论坛为您拿到VISA雀跃欢腾,请别忘记和大家分享好消息。回复: 工程预算的就业情况关注。看看这个也许有帮助 http://www.bestjobsca.com/bt-jobd-romana-114368.htm

回复: 工程预算的就业情况至少15年工作经验!!!

回复: 工程预算的就业情况1. 语言很重要.2. 有. 3. YOU ARE WELCOME.

回复: 工程预算的就业情况我有个朋友就在多伦多做这个,挺稳定的。

回复: 工程预算的就业情况请问国内能作一些什么准备有助于在加拿大找类似的工作呢?

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(请问国内能作一些什么准备有助于在加拿大找类似的工作呢?点击展开...好像需要英联邦国家的皇家测量师协会会员

回复: 工程预算的就业情况一起努力吧!

整个论坛为您拿到VISA雀跃欢腾,请别忘记和大家分享好消息。1. 语言很重要.2. 有. 3. YOU ARE WELCOME.点击展开...lamjin, 你也是这个行业的么?国内分门别类有做土建预算,机电预算的,加拿大是怎么分类的呢?我们这里的机电预算在那边相应的职位是什么?我看了一下他们的招聘广告,看不出专业,能指点1,2么?谢谢

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: 工程预算的就业情况姗姗来迟,你朋友具体是什么专业的,方便介绍以下吗?谢谢

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: 工程预算的就业情况参见http://www.oiqs.org/public/http://www.ciqs.org

回复: 工程预算的就业情况姗姗来迟, 你朋友具体是什么专业的,方便介绍以下吗? 谢谢点击展开...介绍也没什么不方便的,虽说在国内就是同事,但是我还真没注意他是做土建预算的还是机电的。反正他的第一份工作找了近一年。

回复: 工程预算的就业情况好像需要英联邦国家的皇家测量师协会会员点击展开...晕菜,如果一定要现取得会员资格才能入门,怕是这辈子都没有希望了.30出头去加拿大,15年经验才能goldenseal,也该退休了

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(参见http://www.oiqs.org/public/http://www.ciqs.org点击展开...机电预算是不是就是electrical & mechanical cost analyst? 感觉他们更偏重技术设计,再加上MBA, 国内做这个没有这么难呀?没有拿到正之前能找到junior算算量什么的labour工么?

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: 工程预算的就业情况DESIGN GROUP STAFFING INC.EstimatorLocation: Edmonton, ABJob Category: Construction, EngineeringIndustry: Recruitment/StaffingNumber of Positions: Company Url: http://workopolis.dg.caPost Date: Jan 16, 2008Email your resume: [email protected] Number: 49150 Title: Estimator Employment: Contract # of Openings: 1 Job Type: DG-Heavy Industrial/Trades, Construction Location: Edmonton, AB Apply To: [email protected] Description: As an Intermediate Estimator you will prepare conceptual estimates, interpret documentation, specifications and design drawings to determine material & labour costs including preparation of final estimate summaries. This requires analyzing each section for scope, pricing and completeness, the preparation of cost studies to assist in selection of economical designs and review of estimating values for purchasing requirements prior to delivery to procurement or funding allocation Requirements: You will have related training in engineering, engineering technology or a trade. Multi-discipline experience in gas facilities/projects combined with 5-10 years estimating experience including mechanical, piping, electrical, process controls, and civil/structural with an ability to understand and interpret multi-discipline drawings is required. Knowledge and experience with ICARUS software and risk methodology is considered an asset. Candidates with less educational qualifications will be considered with a work history that includes relevant on the job training and solid experience in the field.

回复: 工程预算的就业情况TGA GENERAL CONTRACTING & RESTORATION INC.ESTIMATORLocation: Toronto, ON, CANADAJob Category: Construction, Engineering-Civil, Project ManagementIndustry: ConstructionNumber of Positions: 2Company Url: www.tga.caPost Date: Jan 11, 2008Email your resume: [email protected] FUNCTIONThis position requires an individual well versed in computer applications that directly relate to the estimating and bidding functions. The use of job file control systems and information sharing methods that improve the timing of information sharing and overall job knowledge by operations personnel is a key function of this position. Additional functions include preparing accurate estimates in a timely manner, job coordinating, job controls, scheduling work with existing and potential customers and supporting other members of the estimating team.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Preparation of all residential, commercial, and industrial estimates, ensuring that all assignments are completed on time and within budget.. Directly responsible for all residential, commercial, and industrial business in the private customer category.. Input estimates into computerized job costing system allowing for proper contract analysis and review.. Ensure all contracts are customer approved in writing and returned prior to work commencement.. Prepares and organizes all contract files ensuring site supervisors have all required documentation prior to job commencement, and ensures files are complete and accurate upon job completion.. Prepares and organizes all job files as directed by the Operations Manager including scope of work (contract and extras), production sheets, and complete billing information.. Prices all change requests submitted by sales and production staff and return for their presentation to customer.. Review invoicing prior to release to customer checking for accuracy and completeness of billing.. Assists in the planning and coordination of all production requirements including work force, materials, supplies, equipment and tools.. Communicates necessary information to field employees ensuring their understanding of critical issues (job duties, production reports, etc.). Maintains cooperative working relationships with all Company employees, existing and potential customers, sub-contractors, owners, suppliers, etc.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->REQUIREMENTS Must drive own vehicle (car allowance by the company)Education: Minimum of Community College with an engineering/architectural/project management background. C.E.T. designation preferred.This position has the basic function of supporting the Operations Teams. The primary goal is to complete projects within estimate, on schedule with the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction with highest profitability achievable.This position also requires an individual well versed in computer applications that directly relate to the estimating and bidding functions. The use of job file control systems and information sharing methods that improve the timing of information sharing and overall job knowledge by operations personnel is a key function of this position.Additional functions include preparing accurate estimates in a timely manner, job coordinating, job controls, scheduling work with existing and potential customers and supporting other members of the estimating team.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->Salary Range: $35,000 to $75,000 depending on experience.[/B]

回复: 工程预算的就业情况lamjin, 你也是这个行业的么?国内分门别类有做土建预算,机电预算的,加拿大是怎么分类的呢?我们这里的机电预算在那边相应的职位是什么?我看了一下他们的招聘广告,看不出专业,能指点1,2么?谢谢点击展开...electrical estimator

回复: 工程预算的就业情况Requirements: You will have related training in engineering, engineering technology or a trade. Multi-discipline experience in gas facilities/projects combined with 5-10 years estimating experience including mechanical, piping, electrical, process controls, and civil/structural with an ability to understand and interpret multi-discipline drawings is required. Knowledge and experience with ICARUS software and risk methodology is considered an asset. Candidates with less educational qualifications will be considered with a work history that includes relevant on the job training and solid experience in the field.点击展开...国内的engineering training不被认可,再加上5+years' experience, 看样子如这个行真不容易,而且我看到的招聘广告里,power, mechanical, structure的比较多,electrical 很少也..................唉,不如改行做会计了,中国能拿到cga证书

13oct08 Torontodealing with dandelion :(回复: 工程预算的就业情况我现在也是做预算的,不过是做室内装修方面的,看来也要改行啦!我干脆去学个理发什么的好了

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