加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?


想在国内考SAS认证,准备去加国做data analysis,听说这个SAS认证在北美还挺认的,找工作比较容易。我没有这方面的经验,但是一直对统计比较感兴趣,而且现在工作中也有大把的时间让我来学习这个软件,不知道这个坛子里有没有对此比较了解的朋友,肯请提些建设性意见。谢谢啦。

尘埃落定往事如风想在国内考SAS认证,准备去加国做data analysis,听说这个SAS认证在北美还挺认的,找工作比较容易。我没有这方面的经验,但是一直对统计比较感兴趣,而且现在工作中也有大把的时间让我来学习这个软件,不知道这个坛子里有没有对此比较了解的朋友,肯请提些建设性意见。谢谢啦。点击展开...在加拿大找工作,光有某项技能是不行的.

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?你的意思是语言吗? 在加拿大找工作,光有某项技能是不行的.点击展开...


回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?This position is open as of 9/14/2007. Lead Statistician with SAS needed for huge public company! Lead Statistician, SAS, Data Analysis, Modeling Lead Statistician, SAS, Data step, Large transactional databases, Statistical methods, Logistic, cluster, anova, Customer Facing If you are a statistician with lead experience...read on!! Lead Statistician with SAS needed for one of the world's largest, most stable Marketing company! Must be able to travel twice a month! What you need for this position: • 7 years experience in a statistical field • 2-3 years data analysis • Expertise and knowledge of statistical methods (linear, logistic, cluster, factor, anova) • Statistical principles (sampling, inferences, transformations, validations) • SAS programming including data step, macros and procedures • Project management skills • Advanced degree in Statistics or related field • Consulting experience • 3 years experience conducting original research • Understanding of Abacus products • Direct Marketing experience is a plus What you will be doing: • Concept formulation, definition of metrics, determination of appropriate statistical methodology, research evaluation, and final research report • SAS Programming • Identifying and executing upon statistical and analytical projects • Statistical deliverables and business objectives • Support Sales staff and client meetings • Design, research, and develop new statistical tools, programs, and products to meet business needs • Project Management What's in it for you: • Fantastic salary • Competitive benefits • Flex hours • Casual fun environment • Extremely progressive technology • Room for growth So, if you are a lead statistician looking for an awesome company,.....apply now! Required Skills--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lead Statistician, SAS, Data step, Large transactional databases, Statistical methods, Logistic, cluster, anova, Customer FacingIf you are a good fit for the Lead Statistician, SAS, Data Analysis, Modeling position, and have a background that includes:Lead Statistician, SAS, Data step, Large transactional databases, Statistical methods, Logistic, cluster, anova, Customer Facing and you are interested in working the following job types:Information Technology, Engineering, Professional ServicesWithin the following industries:Sales - Marketing, Advertising, Computer SoftwareOur privacy policy: Your resume and information will be kept completely confidential.Looking forward to receiving your resume through our website and going over the job in more detail with you!Clicking APPLY NOW is the best way to apply, but you may also email your resume in Word to:

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?McKing Consulting Corporation is seeking a SAS Data Analyst to assist the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia in quality assurance and data analysis of SAS and SQL databases. This position will be working on a major CDC surveillance project. Data are displayed as trends, state specific prevalence figures, and state specific figures broken out by demographic characteristics. Both the number of indicators presented and the number of states with available data have increased over time. It included complex, dense tables in several different formats. Statistical analysis will need to be performed on 4 years of past data as well as on-going incoming data to show tends and glean details regarding specific data indicators.Duties of SAS Data Manager• Compile data tables, reports, and figures using SAS and other database software packages.• Become familiar with existing programs and the process used to produce tables for surveillance reports.• Modify programs to improve output format of tables and reduce the need for additional manual editing and formatting.• Produce a draft of all tables for CDC review and approval.Qualified and interested candidates should email a Word version of there resumes to the email address provided below with SAS Data Analyst in the subject line.Required Skills:Bachelor’s degree or higher in a statistics / mathematics related field and SAS statistical applications (Base, Macro, Stat, etc). Expertise in SAS Programming, particularly with its reporting facilities and Output Delivery System (ODS) as well as software such as Frontpage, MS Office, and MS Access and MS-SQL. Must have data management skills, including cleaning and editing data, validation checks, recoding variables, and merging and creating datasets. Must be able to clearly present statistical findings in oral, written, and graphic forms. Candidates must possess excellent organizational and oral and written skills and be detail-oriented.Desired Skills:Prior experience in public health and conducting statistical analysis of epidemiologic or survey data. Knowledge of wed publishing and 508 compliant formats. Familiarity with desktop publishing programs such as Adobe AcrobatAbout McKing Consulting Corporation:McKing Consulting Corporation is a small, minority-and woman-owned professional services corporation offering innovative management consulting support to the Federal and State government as well as private industries. McKing operates full service project offices in Atlanta, Georgia, and Rockville, Maryland.Benefits:Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Paid Vacation, Paid Sick Leave, 401(k)Industry:Government Pay Rate: Commensurates with experience Start Date: 10/08/2007 Emp. Type: Full Time Travel: No Travel # of Openings: 1 Location: Atlanta, GA Overtime Pay: None Job Number: 090620070001 Date Posted: 9/15/2007 McKing Consulting Corporation Other Atlanta jobs with this company. Attention: Recruiter

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?首先你要具备我这样的SEARCH和RESEARCH的能力.

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?首先你要具备我这样的SEARCH和RESEARCH的能力.点击展开...

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?我的意思是说,如果没有相关的经验,SAS能否成为我找工作的敲门砖?初级工组我也无所谓,只要是个工作就能在那边有个良好的开端,然后学位啊经验啊什么的,都是以后的事情了。。。非常感谢您的指点。点击展开...


尘埃落定往事如风谢谢您的关注。 这些我也关注了很久,我在www.workopolis.com上找了好多与SAS相关的工作,但是还非常想听听过来人的说法,从你们的过程中汲取经验。多少也有些期待idol鼓励的成分,呵呵。不过非常感谢你的建议。点击展开...

尘埃落定往事如风回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?光有证没经验的也很难得到工作。实际能力比证重要。 雇主主要看你能不能干活。

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?Everything is possible.Good luck!

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?听说过有朋友的朋友的老婆来了之后考了个SAS认证,没有啥背景,就轻松拿到了政府工作。当然,我并不是很乐观认为有这个就行了。我同意某同学说的一句话,“在加拿大,找工作就像考驾照,技术只是基础,成不成靠的是运气。”

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life顺便再问一句,在国内考的SAS认证(虽说是全球通用),在加国承认吗?谢谢点击展开...可以证明的实际工作经验和语言才是最重要的,SAS认证可能会增加你得到面试的机会。

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?关注中。。。

怀念北京动物园!回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?Below is an email I got today. It might help you figure out exactly what the position looks like.Sourcing Office: Calgary Specialization: SAS Business Analyst - Rate: To Be Determined Project Description: Our client requires a Business Analyst to join their team. This candidate will play a key part of the growth of SAS within the organization. This candidate will be required for the following: -Play a leadership role in our SAS Business Intelligence Competency Centre (BICC); including developing SAS standards. -Mentoring modelers as they learn SAS and take on more advanced tasks. ?Assist Business Analyst and Data Analyst in their BICC roles. -Maintain an understanding of all models and analytical reports. -Take part in the development of models for various groups using SAS. ?Develop and implement Business Intelligence solutions. ?Identify Business processes or models that are good candidates for migration to SAS. ?Work with older models to understand the process and make a clean transition to SAS. Must Have Skills: Experience with BI tooks such as SAS, Cognos or Business Objects (> 10 years)Base SAS programming knowledge (2 - 4 years)Advanced Microsoft Excell skills (Mandatory)SAS Product knowledge (Mandatory)Understanding and experience with IT infrastructure (Mandatory)Start Date: March 24, 2008 Work Conditions: This position is located in downtown Calary

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?请问楼上的,这个position出自哪里呀?联系方式是什么?我硕士阶段的课程有3分之一和sas有关...因为在sas上投入的精力不少,我对这样的工作还是非常有感情和兴趣的...

我坚持叠被!我把每天都叠被看作是一种有恒心、有毅力的宝贵品质。回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?good

回复: SAS...能否成为我加国生存的救生圈?SAS,只是统计工作中需要运用的一个工具而已.对于运算出来的结果还需要有很强的分析能力.

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