加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息驾照考试实用英语


驾照考试实用英语1. Good morning sir/madam. 早晨好!先生/女士2. Good afternoon.午安3. How are you? 你好吗?4. Do you know English?你懂英语吗?5. I don know English,我不懂英语.6. I can speak a little English.我识很小英语。7. please speak slowly.请慢慢讲。8. would you mind speaking louder please,请说大声些。9. Do you wear glasses?你有戴眼镜吗?10. I wear contact lenses.我戴隐形眼镜11. Do you live at the same address?你白。地址没有改吗?12. Do you have any medical problems?你的健康有问题吗?13. Did you have a licence before?你以前有车牌吗?14. Where did you get your driver's licence?你有那里考取车牌?l5. In Hong Kong, I've had it since l987.在香港1987年.16. Have you ever been suspended from driving?你的车牌曾否被吊销过?17. You must obey all the rules and trafflc signs.你要遵守所有交通规例及路牌。18. Do you have any quesiions?你有什么问题吗?19. please sign your name here。请在这里签名。20. Are you ready now?你可以开始吗?21. Turn on the engine(car).打火。22. Let's go.现在开始23. Right turn 右转24. Left turn 左转25. Go straight/Keep going straighi 直驶26. First street right turn /left turn第一条街右转/左转27. Traffic light right turn /left turn交通灯右转/左转28. stop sign, make a right turn/left turn 停牌右转/左转29. Stay in this lane 保持在这条线行驶30. Second street 第二条街31. Turn on the headlighis 开车头灯32. Turn on the wind shield wiper 开雨刮器33. Right of way 优先权34. stop the car here 在这里停车35. Pul1 0ver to the curb 靠路边停车36. Slow down 慢驶37. Three point turn 三点式转(窄路掉头)38. Paralle1 parking 平衡泊车39. Up hil1 parking 上斜坡泊车40. Down hil1 parking下斜坡泊车41. Back up 倒后退42. Back into this driveway 倒后驶入车路43. Too c1ose 驶得太近44. Too slow 太慢45. Too fast 太快46. Speed up 加速行驶47. Give a signal 打灯号48. Cance1 your signal 熄灯号49. Try again 再做一次50. Watch for pedestrians 小心行人51. Take it easy/Relax please 请不要紧张52. More gas 加油53. Follow car 跟著那车54. Go back to the test centre 驶回考试场55. Entrance 入口56. Exit 出口57. Intersection 十字路口58. Put on your seat belt 放安全带59. Turn on the heater/air conditioner 开暖勿冷气60. Parking brake 手掣61. Head in parking/Drive in 车头入泊车62. Back in parking 退后泊车63. Turn off the engine 熄掉汽车64. You fai1ed 你不合格65. Do you have any identification 你有什麽证件?66. You passed 你合格67. Try again 下次再试



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