加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息WEB 2008国际会议在蒙特利尔举行.建议懂得WEB的移
今天开部门会,同事通报将到蒙城参加这个会议.我还没注意到.错失了一次回来的机会.建议懂得WEB的移民去参加,说不定你就得到了一份工作. http://www.archimuse.com/mw2008/The MW ProgramMW features plenary sessions, parallel sessions, museum project demonstrations, commercial exhibits, mini-workshops, professional forums, a usability lab, a design 'Crit Room,' and the Best of the Web awards. Download the Final Program [with locations - 3.1MB PDF] or browse on-line. Prior to the conference, there are full-day and half-day pre-conference workshops and a day of pre-conference tours, including one to the museums of Ottawa, Canada's national capital.Social events include receptions each evening, a Birds-of-a-Feather Breakfast, and plenty of refreshment breaks to provide hours of discovery and debate among hundreds of colleagues from around the world.The MW2008 Program is selected through peer-review by an International Program Committee. LanguageThe primary language of the conference has always been English, but in 2008, the sessions will be simultaneously translated English/French and French/English to encourage wide francophone participation. Sommaire du programme en français [PDF]. Who Attends MW?Webmasters, educators, curators, librarians, designers, managers, directors, scholars, consultants, programmers, analysts, and developers from museums, galleries, libraries, science centers, and archives join the professionals, companies, foundations and governments that support them and attend Museums and the Web every year. See the list of institutions that will be represented at MW2008 for a sense of the diversity of this fun, creative and enthusiastic group. Space is available in the Exhibit Hall for Commercial participants.MW2008 is sponsored by Interwoven and Interflow. Other Sponsorship opportunities are also available.Scholarships and VolunteersArchives & Museum Informatics awards MW Scholarships to museum professionals from small institutions and developing countries. For MW2008, The Department of Canadian Heritage has sponsored Scholarships for Canadian Professionals. Congratulations to the Scholarship Winners. Students are invited to volunteer at MW; they may attend the conference in exchange for helping out. Preference in 2008 will be given to fully bilingual volunteers. Volunteer applications are accepted until all spaces are filled. All volunteer positions are now taken.
回复: WEB 2008国际会议在蒙特利尔举行.建议懂得WEB的移民去参加,说不定你就得到了一份工作可以当场注册参加的
回复: WEB 2008国际会议在蒙特利尔举行.建议懂得WEB的移民去参加,说不定你就得到了一份工作Who Attends MW?Webmasters, educators, curators, librarians, designers, managers, directors, scholars, consultants, programmers, analysts, and developers from museums, galleries, libraries, science centers, and archives join the professionals, companies, foundations and governments that support them and attend Museums and the Web every year. See the list of institutions that will be represented at MW2008 for a sense of the diversity of this fun, creative and enthusiastic group.
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