加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息零钱换整 英文怎么表达??


想把一堆硬币换成整的,英文怎么表达? 谢谢!

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??想把一堆硬币换成整的,英文怎么表达? 谢谢!点击展开... MAY YOU DO ME THE FAVOR OF EXCHANGING THESE COINS INTO WHOLE CURRENCY?

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??直接问Could you change these coins to big/large note for me please?一般对方会问你How would you like it?/In what denominations? 如果你要100面值的,就是One hundreds, please!如果你心里有数的情况下,可以直接说change these coins into one hundreds。

白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球!直接问Could you change these coins to big/large note for me please?一般对方会问你How would you like it?/In what denominations? 如果你要100面值的,就是One hundreds, please!如果你心里有数的情况下,可以直接说change these coins into one hundreds。点击展开... 谢谢!

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??it is very good

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??I want to exchange coins for big bills.***************************************************Growing up in Pasadena, Yeung would visit his local bank to exchange dollar bills for rolls of pennies. Then he would sift through the piles of pennies in search of valuable coins, using a collector's book as a reference.He would return the ordinary pennies to the bank for bills and keep the more valuable coins. The next day, he would return to the bank to exchange the bills for more pennies.By ninth grade, Yeung was working part time at a coin shop. His passion led him to skip school on many Fridays. He started traveling to coin shows in Las Vegas and New York.When Yeung was 16, he and his cousin started their own mail-order coin business. But they did not have a big enough budget to make a big splash.After high school, Yeung worked at various coin shops including Panda America before purchasing the Torrance business.What does your job entail?We buy and sell old and new coins. I manage the day-to-day operations. I'm the rare coin expert in the place. We buy estates, collections, just about any coin that is of value. Most everyone has in their household a jar of pennies or some old coins from their grandfather. And they bring them in for valuation.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??change是改变, exchange是更换. bills大面值币.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??谁能把COINS变成BILLS,只有魔术师. :)

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??Canadian hundred-dollar billFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchImage:CAD100 Front.png Canadian $100, frontImage:CAD100 Back.png Canadian $100, backImage:CAD100Birdsfront.gif Canadian $100, front, old DesignImage:CAD100Birdsback.gif Canadian $100, back, old DesignThe Canadian $100 bill is one of five different banknotes of Canadian currency. It is the highest-valued and least-circulated of the bills.The current 100-dollar bill is dominantly brown in colour. The front features a portrait of Sir Robert Borden, the coat of arms, and a picture of the East Block of the Parliament buildings. Security features visible from the front include a hologram strip along the left side, depicting the number 100 alternated with maple leaves; a watermark of Borden's portrait; and a broken-up number 100, which resolves itself when backlit. The reverse side depicts themes in Canadian exploration, including a map drawn by Samuel de Champlain and a canoe that would be used in his era, as well as a telecommunications antenna, the RADARSAT-1 satellite and a satellite image of Canada; it also has a quotation from Miriam Waddington's poem "Jacques Cartier in Toronto". The reverse also has a visible security feature: an interleaved metallic strip, reading '100 CAN' repeatedly along its length. Yellow dots representing the EURion constellation can be found on both sides (and on all 2001 series notes). As well as textured printing, this new 2004 design incorporates a special tactile feature similar to Braille dots for the blind indicating the denomination.The older "Birds of Canada" design remained in circulation as of late 2004. It featured, on the front, a portrait of Sir Robert Borden, the coat of arms, and a picture of the Centre Block of Parliament. On the reverse side was a wilderness scene with Canada Geese. It also had a holographic sticker showing the amount in the top left side, which changes from gold to green when tilted. The front had a wavy background of extremely small but still clear numeral 100s. This "micro-printed" background is very hard to copy. Some of the printing on a 100 is textured so that it is easy to feel, quite different from normal printing.All Canadian banknotes underwent a major redesign in 1986, partially to incorporate some of the latest anti-forgery methods. Bills continue to be improved, with the latest design placed into circulation on 17 March 2004. Notes are printed on paper composed of pure cotton at two Ottawa companies contracted for the purpose. They are the Canadian Bank Note Company and BA International Inc., a part of the Giesecke & Devrient GmbH group of companies.Each bill in the 1991 series was sprinkled with special green ink dots that glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. The ink can be scraped off, so worn bills tend to have fewer, if any, glowing dots. These were replaced with more permanent ultraviolet-detected threads in the new bills, as well as an ink imprint of the coat of arms.Despite these numerous security features, many small and medium sized Canadian retailers continue to implement policies wherein $100 bills are not accepted for use in customer transactions.As with all modern Canadian banknotes, all text is in both English and French.[edit] External linkBank of Canada banknote site

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??学习,change也可以指零钱吧?是指花整后找回的零钱还是零的都算?。。。查到了change也有以下意思To give or receive the equivalent of (money) in lower denominations or in foreign currency.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??change指零钱是名词.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??零的都算,路上经常有人问你要的.给点CHANGE吧,25分.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??exchange一般是指不同货币之间的兑换吧?所以不宜用于bill换coin或相反情况,对吧?。。。

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??exchange一般是指不同货币之间的兑换吧?所以不宜用于bill换coin或相反情况,对吧?。。。点击展开...ALEX, 见我前面附的文章.或你到银行去一下,听听银行职员是讲change or exchange.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??Growing up in Pasadena, Yeung would visit his local bank to exchange dollar bills for rolls of pennies. Then he would sift through the piles of pennies in search of valuable coins, using a collector's book as a reference.He would return the ordinary pennies to the bank for bills and keep the more valuable coins. The next day, he would return to the bank to exchange the bills for more pennies

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??To give or receive the equivalent of (money) in lower denominations or in foreign currency.点击展开...这个change的用法似乎是动词的用法,而且似乎change也有exchange的意思,是不是日常口语非正式用法中可以多用change啦?。。。

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??这个change的用法似乎是动词的用法,而且似乎change也有exchange的意思,是不是日常口语非正式用法中可以多用change啦?。。。点击展开...你讲CHANGE人家懂你的意思的,但不对.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??去一趟银行,找个黄头发的老外,别找东亚人,然后换几块钱.

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??明白了,谢谢2008!。。。

回复: 零钱换整 英文怎么表达??你可说I need some change.

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