加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Does someone tell me where can I find an English Cafe on wee
My friend goes to talk with a local people every weekend. I also want to find a local people to help me improve my English. But where can I find them? Can someone tell me?
回复: Does someone tell me where can I find an English Cafe on weekend?去参加English cafe。The Talk English Cafe's are conveniently located across the GTA, view the schedule at www.accestrain.com or call 416-921-1800.如果你住在多伦多的西南, culturelink 有个host program是干这个的。
回复: Does someone tell me where can I find an English Cafe on weekend?The English Cafe in ACCES is in Tuesday or Thursday, but I hope to find an English Cafe on weekend.
回复: Does someone tell me where can I find an English Cafe on weekend?看样你也不住在西南。 第二个你也参加不了。你问问你朋友怎么找到的不就行了。
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