加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息★哪儿有mainframe机会?


I'm new immigrant of Canada, here's my brief introduction FYI, 1)Solid IT academic background (B.S, M.S of Computer) and in-depth knowledge structure 2)16+ years of experience in software project and technical team management 3)Strong experienced in JavaEE (5 years) and familiar with common design patterns 4)5 + years of experience in banking systems R&D. 5)Established knowledge and good experience about MVS system, CICS, TSO/ISPF, JCL, COBOL,DB2, and other common MVS Utilities 6)Sound experience in developing COBOL programs both for batch processing and on-line transactions. 7)Well master the technical skills in coding JCL procedure for batch processing. If there's related opportunities, kindly pls. contact me via the following ways,thanks a lot in advance ! MSN/email: [email protected] SkyPe; Jeffrey.Jia

加拿大山西人的网络家园:http://jinren.groups.live.com/ IBM 大机区: Z/OS,JCL,DB2,COBOL,PL/I,IMS etc.http://mainframer.groups.live.com回复: ★哪儿有mainframe机会?mainframe工作机会很少,我一个朋友一直想找这个工作,后来还是放弃了

回复: ★哪儿有mainframe机会?3)Strong experienced in JavaEE (5 years) and familiar with common design patterns点击展开...So why not seek a java job?

专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。回复: ★哪儿有mainframe机会?留意一下银行的职位吧。上次有个recruiter打电话问我老公会不会mainframe的。可惜他不会。好像是CIBC要人。

[FONT=楷体]蚊子虽小~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]吃得也少~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]咬你一宿~[/FONT][FONT=楷体]立马疯掉~[/FONT]回复: ★哪儿有mainframe机会?很多大公司,银行和政府部门都还在用Mainframe,只是新移民要进政府不太现实。给你一个CRA的JOB POSTING供参考。http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/apps/careers/external/english/2007-6413-HQ -2400-1034-Notice.htmlCanada Revenue Agency Notice of Job Opportunity Selection Process Number 2007-6413-HQ -2400-1034 Advertisement Number 00006413 IT Specialist - Storage Services - Stream 3 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements IT Specialist - Network - Stream 1 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements IT Specialist - Mainframe - Stream 2 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements Permanent / Term Salary range: $ 67,201 to $ 86,366 annually Who can apply: Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents residing in the National Capital Region - That is, persons residing or working in Eastern Ontario or Western Qu殁ec, who have a home or business postal code beginning with K1 to K7, K8A to K8H, K0A to K0J, J8L to J8Z, J9A to J9J, or J0X. Final date for receipt of applications: September 01, 2008 11:30 PM EST - Eastern Standard Time General Information: *Amendment to the Experience requirements for Stream 2, Assessment section and tenure The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is one of the largest Information Technology (IT) shops in Canada. CRA's Information Technology Branch has over 2000 IT professionals providing operations of a range mainframe and distributed processing technologies. Our computer systems process over 20 000 000 individual tax returns, 1 000 000 corporation returns, plus numerous employers, charities tax returns, GST and more. IT specialists in search of a professional challenge will surely find one within the CRA Information Technology Branch. As this selection process is on going until September 1, 2008, applications will be considered on a monthly basis. By registering through this process, candidates who meet the education, experience and other requirements are submitting their candidacy for consideration when vacancies arise within the Information Technology Branch of the Canada Revenue Agency. When positions become vacant, an inventory search will be conducted for applicants who meet the requirements of the position be staffed. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Applications will be kept on file until October 31, 2008. Applicants MUST use the ONLINE application form. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected without further consideration. Please retain the confirmation number. Step 1 In addition to the on-line application, applicants MUST ALSO provide a detailed r轶um?by EMAIL to the following address : [email protected]. Proof of education must be sent by fax to (613) 948-7072 or (613) 948-1067. Please indicate selection process number on the cover sheet. Step 2 Applicants with a foreign educational degree/diploma must supply evidence of Canadian equivalency within three (3) weeks of submitting your application on-line. For further information, consult The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials at http://www.cicic.ca. Only fully completed on-line applications, including the r轶um?and proof of education, sumitted at the time of application will be accepted. Failure to do so will result in the application being screened out without further consideration. It is the candidate's responsibility to fully demonstrate, providing sufficient detail, how they meet the prerequisite criteria i.e. education and experience. Applications will not be retained if insufficient/incomplete information is provided. The inventory established in this process will be used to staff similar specified period positions. Should you be called for an interview, you will be required to bring supporting documentation showing proof of Canadian citizenship / permanent resident status must be provided (i.e. birth certificate, passport, citizenship card, record of landing). It is the applicant's responsibility to produce proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Job description and duties: Stream 1 - Network IT Specialist - Network Engineering: Enterprise Network Planning/Network Engineering (ENP/NE), is responsible for the research, planning, design and maintenance of network solutions, ongoing support, and strategic planning. Analyze network requirements and perform long-term strategic planning. Research, test, recommend and develop network technology solutions. Document solutions, create and maintain network diagrams, configuration templates and implementation procedures. Work with colleagues, application representatives, clients and vendors to maintain a reliable and effective network service. Maintain and utilize a network Lab environment to test and stage changes. Provide level 4 network support, the highest internal level at CRA. Interact with other CRA groups, clients, external departments & Agencies and network technology vendors to understand requirements and develop network solutions accordingly. Disseminate technical information to peers. Provide formal presentations to peers and management. Stream 2 - Mainframe IT Specialist - Mainframe Support and Planning, is responsible for the development, delivery, integration, enhancement, maintenance and support of the operation of IT infrastructure, products, solutions and services. Writing technical specifications and documentation. Installing, integrating, configuring, monitoring and testing components in the Host environment. Logging, monitoring, investigating and resolving problems. Updating and maintaining hardware and software inventory and monitoring system component performance and usage. Preparing local guidelines, procedures, reports and documents. Supporting backup and recovery processes and procedures for the computing environment. Ensuring that security policies, standards and procedures are followed and understood. Assessing the impact of hardware and software changes on the computing environment. Maintaining personal technical currency. Stream 3 - Storage Services IT Specialist - Enterprise Storage Services is responsible for the research, planning, design and maintenance of storage solutions, ongoing support, and strategic planning. Analyze storage requirements and perform long-term strategic planning to position storage infrastructure in line with future CRA business requirements and emerging technologies. Research, recommend develop and test storage technology solutions to enhance performance or add new functionality. Document storage solutions and procedures. Escalate and interact with vendors as required to resolve storage problems. Interact with other CRA groups, clients, external departments & Agencies and storage technology vendors to understand requirements and develop storage solutions accordingly. Experience: The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise. Stream 1 - Network Minimum 7 years experience in each of the following: -Integrating mainframe (MVS, S/390, Z990) systems OR SUN Solaris systems, OR Windows systems, into TCP/IP Networks. -Designing and implementing computer networks using the TCP/IP protocol suite. -Configuring Cisco Catalyst switches. -Forecasting network trends, strategic planning. -Configuring load-balancing appliances, content switches. -Configuring rate limiting appliances, traffic shaping. Minimum 3 years experience, in the last 7, designing and /or implementing at least three of the following technologies in the TCP/IP network: -Designing and implementing QoS over IP networks. -Designing and implementing Voice over IP networks. -Designing and implementing MPLS in IP networks. -Designing and implementing Encryption in IP networks. -Designing and implementing wireless IP networks. Stream 2 - Mainframe Minimum 7 years experience in Information Technology. Minimum 3 years experience during the last 7 years in: 1. Performing information technology infrastructure planning or support in the Host environment. Stream 3 - Storage Services Minimum 7 years experience in Information Technology. Minimum 3 years experience in last 7 in: -Installing, customizing, testing, and integrating software and tools related to storage management on one of the three major operating system platforms at CRA (z/OS, Windows and Sun Solaris). AND -Configuring storage devices. Education: University Degree or College Diploma in computer science, information technology, information management or another specialty relevant to the position to be staffed. Any other University Degree with a minimum of 3 years IT experience. Fax number: (613) 948-1067 Conditions of employment: Reliability/Security: Reliability Status For a list of prerequisites, assessment standards, conditions of employment and placement criteria, please see Statement of staffing requirements. Apply Online IMPORTANT NOTICE Date posted: 2007-07-13 Canada Revenue Agency Statement of Staffing Requirements Selection Process Number 2007-6413-HQ -2400-1034 Advertisement Number 00006413 IT Specialist - Storage Services - Stream 3 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements IT Specialist - Network - Stream 1 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements IT Specialist - Mainframe - Stream 2 Technology Services, Multiple sites in the National Capital Region, Various Language Requirements Permanent / Term PREREQUISITES Education: University Degree or College Diploma in computer science, information technology, information management or another specialty relevant to the position to be staffed. Any other University Degree with a minimum of 3 years IT experience. Experience: The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise. Stream 1 - Network Minimum 7 years experience in each of the following: -Integrating mainframe (MVS, S/390, Z990) systems OR SUN Solaris systems, OR Windows systems, into TCP/IP Networks. -Designing and implementing computer networks using the TCP/IP protocol suite. -Configuring Cisco Catalyst switches. -Forecasting network trends, strategic planning. -Configuring load-balancing appliances, content switches. -Configuring rate limiting appliances, traffic shaping. Minimum 3 years experience, in the last 7, designing and /or implementing at least three of the following technologies in the TCP/IP network: -Designing and implementing QoS over IP networks. -Designing and implementing Voice over IP networks. -Designing and implementing MPLS in IP networks. -Designing and implementing Encryption in IP networks. -Designing and implementing wireless IP networks. Stream 2 - Mainframe Minimum 7 years experience in Information Technology. Minimum 3 years experience during the last 7 years in: 1. Performing information technology infrastructure planning or support in the Host environment. Stream 3 - Storage Services Minimum 7 years experience in Information Technology. Minimum 3 years experience in last 7 in: -Installing, customizing, testing, and integrating software and tools related to storage management on one of the three major operating system platforms at CRA (z/OS, Windows and Sun Solaris). AND -Configuring storage devices. ASSESSMENT STANDARDS You may be assessed using one or more of the following tools: standardized test(s)written examination(s)interview(s)reference/performance check(s)Employee Performance Management ReportMust meet the minimum requirement of 70% in each the following: Client Service Orientation Analytical Thinking Effective Interactive Communication Teamwork and Cooperation Dependability Information Technology Writing Skills* 70% or Level 3 *Please note that the hiring manager may choose to administer either a locally developped tool or the Canada Revenue Agency standardized Writing Skills test to assess this competency. Conditions of employment: Reliability/Security: Reliability Status PLACEMENT CRITERIA Placement decisions will be based on one or more of the following criteria: Availability of candidate Organizational criteria Depth, breadth, type, and/or performance quality of work-specific experience Level/degree of one or more competencies/qualifications Further assessment of a qualification already assessed linked to work-specific requirements New additional qualification/competency linked to work-specific requirements Employment Equity (EE) may be used as placement criteria. In such cases, qualified candidates will be contacted prior to the placement stage and invited to self-identify if they wish to be considered as members of any EE designated groups. CRA is committed to employment equity.

回复: ★哪儿有mainframe机会?多谢!

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