加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆第17天,找到第一份工作


I’m eagerly to share with u all this news even though this computer doesn’t all me to input in Chinese. Hopefully it would not affect your interest.The things are that. I joined a 3-day training program in Mississauga. The first day I was there, the boss chatted with me for several minutes, and then said let’s to discuss later. So today I asked her assistant whether she is available. Then, they informed me to talk after the course.At the short conversation, she asked about my background, and asked whether I would like to be an account. I said no, as I wanna to be a marketing person. And then, she asked whether I have a little accounting related working experience. I said I just read plants’ financial reports. Then, she let me to do a small test, just about how to make account booking. Event though I’d never been an account, I have some basic knowledge about debit and credit, so I do it. I must be blessed by the God, they said everything I do is correct and beyond their expectation. When I told them I can read and analysis balance sheet, P&L statement, cash flow chart and know how to control a safe stock, they are surprised. They decided to let me to join their team immediately. Bad news is the Indian assistant suggested her boss to give me a volunteer job offer, if I can satisfy them, they can consider to give me a part time offer. Anyway, I think it’s already good enough. The most difficult thing is how to start, so now, I got a ticket. I will try my best to show them. But I have a question, does a part time job means they will pay me at least the minimum salary? And best wishes to all of you.

-闪亮旅程-赞反馈:Stacy23485 2008-06-05#2 游
回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作your rate has nothing to do with whether your job is full time or part time job. your english is pretty good, so you dont need to worry about your future job.

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作way to go

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作Hi Lamjin & Quain, thanks a lot for your encouragement. I'll try my best. no matter i would be accountant or not in the future, i must let them appreciate my work, not only because of money, it's also because i'm a chinese.U know, every time when i wanna pass through streets, i pushed myself to go through the pedestrian. Because i know everyone knows i'm a chinese. regards,

-闪亮旅程-回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作很好奇,楼主的说自己的机器不能输入中文,可主题的中文标题是怎么生成的,家园有自动翻译功能?

闲得好累回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作谢谢楼主分享,看样子自己还是要准备几把刷子

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作很好奇,楼主的说自己的机器不能输入中文,可主题的中文标题是怎么生成的,家园有自动翻译功能?点击展开...

广德湖田,辟成千顷 君卿唇舌,见重五侯很好奇,楼主的说自己的机器不能输入中文,可主题的中文标题是怎么生成的,家园有自动翻译功能?点击展开...although i cann't input in Chinese, i can do copy & paste, right? nice weekend to u however, this job is quite easy. i guess the biggest challenge is account booking, but i belive i can handle it. I just don't know when they will consider to give me an position with salary.

-闪亮旅程-回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作account means accountant?

I believe--你还在那里等待,我的心已经充满了期待。。。回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作谢谢分享

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作非常好。支持。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at GeorgianI’m eagerly to share with u all this news even though this computer doesn’t all me to input in Chinese. Hopefully it would not affect your interest.The things are that. I joined a 3-day training program in Mississauga. The first day I was there, the boss chatted with me for several minutes, and then said let’s to discuss later. So today I asked her assistant whether she is available. Then, they informed me to talk after the course.At the short conversation, she asked about my background, and asked whether I would like to be an account. I said no, as I wanna to be a marketing person. And then, she asked whether I have a little accounting related working experience. I said I just read plants’ financial reports. Then, she let me to do a small test, just about how to make account booking. Event though I’d never been an account, I have some basic knowledge about debit and credit, so I do it. I must be blessed by the God, they said everything I do is correct and beyond their expectation. When I told them I can read and analysis balance sheet, P&L statement, cash flow chart and know how to control a safe stock, they are surprised. They decided to let me to join their team immediately. Bad news is the Indian assistant suggested her boss to give me a volunteer job offer, if I can satisfy them, they can consider to give me a part time offer. Anyway, I think it’s already good enough. The most difficult thing is how to start, so now, I got a ticket. I will try my best to show them. But I have a question, does a part time job means they will pay me at least the minimum salary? And best wishes to all of you.点击展开...可恶的印度阿差。

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作how did you find the training program ? Is that a training program for new immigrants ?

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作good luck!

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作if the account job responsablity the same as its' in china?

<<<股龙飞天>>>I’m eagerly to share with u all this news even though this computer doesn’t all me to input in Chinese. Hopefully it would not affect your interest.The things are that. I joined a 3-day training program in Mississauga. The first day I was there, the boss chatted with me for several minutes, and then said let’s to discuss later. So today I asked her assistant whether she is available. Then, they informed me to talk after the course.At the short conversation, she asked about my background, and asked whether I would like to be an account. I said no, as I wanna to be a marketing person. And then, she asked whether I have a little accounting related working experience. I said I just read plants’ financial reports. Then, she let me to do a small test, just about how to make account booking. Event though I’d never been an account, I have some basic knowledge about debit and credit, so I do it. I must be blessed by the God, they said everything I do is correct and beyond their expectation. When I told them I can read and analysis balance sheet, P&L statement, cash flow chart and know how to control a safe stock, they are surprised. They decided to let me to join their team immediately. Bad news is the Indian assistant suggested her boss to give me a volunteer job offer, if I can satisfy them, they can consider to give me a part time offer. Anyway, I think it’s already good enough. The most difficult thing is how to start, so now, I got a ticket. I will try my best to show them.But I have a question, does a part time job means they will pay me at least the minimum salary?And best wishes to all of you.点击展开...I fully understand that you cherish this volunteer opportunity. But, I also have a feeling that the Indian assistant that you've mentioned has big influence on the manager. In order to secure the job offer, you should try to be her co-worker but not a competitor coming to take over her job. :)Before you devote time and effort to the work that you won't be paid for, there are a couple of things that I'd recommend you to discuss with the manager: 1) How long will the volunteer work last? I'd say maximum 3 months, the shorter, the better, cause you can't just do the job for free forever, right? When the time's up, ask the manager to give you an evaluation for your volunteer performance. 2) What is the workload like? What are you responsible for? Who should you report to? (In your case, I would assume that the assistant will assign you the tasks.) It is very important to make sure that the manager and other staff are aware of your achievements. Now, back to your part-time salary question. Yes, the company has to pay their employees regardless of full-time or part-time. You can refer to the rates for the accounting clerk position at the job bank website ( http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/ ). The rates are normally higher than the minimum hourly wage. So, when your employer offers you the real job, don't forget to negotiate the rate. Good Luck!

回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作我终于可以在自己家里上网了,一天没有中国话说真难受:(白天在公司里趁午饭时间看了一眼坛子,没来得及回,不好意思。TO 北岸长风:要说最感激的是坛子里帖出PRACTICE FIRM 的前辈,我看了他的帖子就直接跑过去问那间公司有什么PROGRAM给我学。他们说我需要得到MISSISSAUGA COMMUNITY CENTRE (MCC)的评估推荐才可以,于是我一转头就去MCC了。MCC的人很好,他们想立刻给我插班到当天下午的一个WORKSHOP,可惜我已经约银行的人了,所以改约次日。等我上课时发现是10个人,连我3个中国人-她们两位女士都是做会计的,在这里呆了4年以上了,有两个当地人,觉得找不到职业发展方向,有一个率哥自己以前做小老板,现在想打工,有个奶奶,觉得在家呆烦了,想出来解闷,还有个卖保险的,想转行。别的不记得了。半天培训后就立刻给你安排一个咨询顾问,40分钟,你跟他一对一的交流,他帮你出主意。达成共识后他还密集跟进你执行到位没有,又有什么困难。。。挺热心的。值得一提的是,我当时的顾问是LYN,英国妹妹。我拿着搜集到的宣传资料问她哪个有用,她就帮我挑了现在留用我的这个公司,然后立刻亲自打电话帮我联系培训。人非常好。我后来拿到OFFER 时还专门写信感谢她,她高兴极了。而且,咱们也没其他合适的方法感谢人家,写封感谢信还是应该的,对吧?嘿嘿。至于您说的培训网站,待俺找找上课记录逐一帖出来。有一点心得是,你白天什么时候去那些公司联系都可以。如果赶到午饭时间也没有什么关系,一般他们吃饭都是非常简便的,你只要表示一下占他们休息时间挺不好意思的,他们都没事。另外最好是面谈。有时候电话整不明白,耽误事。TO JESSIEC123/JEMMA,俺 got the information. it's book keeping, that's about 弄些记帐,应收应付,外带MARKETING PROMOTION, web site upgrading, ADVERTISEMENT, FLYER DESIGN....总之,只要我愿意干,工作有的是。


-闪亮旅程-回复: 登陆第17天,找到第一份工作news update.when i'm just preparing to go home today, the boss told me that she wanna to offer me the position, and will pay from the next week. heiheiHere, i'd like to express my deep appreciation to Stacy's kind advice. i don't know where u are, if in Mississauga, i'd like to invite u an dinner,hehe, if in other places, let's try to set a schedule:)And best wishes for all friends in the canadameet family, especially the 大侠s who shares so much useful messages and advice to our newcomers.

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