加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何提高英语水平?


如何提高英语水平? 加拿大政府资助免费帮助新移民提高英语水平,多伦多教育局,天主教教育局以及社区和非牟利机构均有开设ESL(English as a Second Language)班和LINC(Language Instruction for Newcomer to Canada)班. 你可根据自己的水平和需要免费参加学习. LINC班只提供给新移民, 需要通过语言测试,定级分班.可通过YMCA的LINC专线蔼416-925-5462 约定测试时间及地点. ESL 班一般不用通过测试,有白天,晚上和周末班.上课其间,有些机构提供免费儿童看护. 还有专用ESL培训班,如商业英语班,TOEFL班,找工作及语言培训班等. 语言培训和测试中心详情,请查阅 English as a Second Language programs and Language Assessment Centres. 下列网站提供更多语言培训信息:•Toronto District School Board - Adult ESL Programs - Information about English as a Second Language Programs offered by the Toronto District School Board. •Toronto Catholic District School Board - Adult ESL Programs - Information about Adult English as a Second Language Programs offered by the Toronto Catholic District School Board. •ESL Programs Offered by Post-Secondary Institutions - this list of links to ESL programs in universities and colleges is compiled and maintained by the Council of Second Language Programs in Canada. •Study Canada - a listing of schools and programs, including some language schools, by city or town and by type of program. Most of these schools have fees for classes and are geared to international students. •Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - the Web site provides detailed information on TOEFL and TSE (Test of Spoken English), including test centres, dates, and sample tests. •Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) - the TOEIC test is designed to assess a person's English skills in the workplace and everyday life. •International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - the IELTS tests the four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing for those who want to work or study in English.

超级签证保险/探亲保险/新移民保险/外出旅游保险/人寿保险 416-834-9204 (Toronto)/ 403-228-1798 (Calgary)/ 604-637-2195 (Vancouver) 1-877-834-9204(Toll Free) 网站: [email protected]; [email protected]赞反馈:宇宙之王 2008-07-09#2 T 1 $0.00 回复: 如何提高英语水平?看了楼主的,觉得不错,可我正为如何学英文发悉呢?

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