加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息11月1日金融招聘会


11月1日金融招聘会[FONT=宋体]JOB FAIR ? Investors Group[/FONT][FONT=宋体](11月1日金融招聘会)[/FONT]​Company: Investors Group (www.investorsgroup.com)Over 80 years strong110 financial planning centres across Canada4,500 professional financial Consultants$58-billion in assets under administration for 1 million Canadian clients1Over $45-billion of insurance coverage2Over $7.5-billion in banking and mortgage loansJob Position:Financial Consultantfollow the Investors Group Business Discipline model while focusing on financial planning servicesProvide ongoing, comprehensive financial planning services for clients’ short- and long-term goalsHelp clients to achieve personalized, diversified, and well-balanced financial plans by linking clients’ needs to Investors Groups products and servicesReview and monitor clients’ financial plans and discuss progress with them on an ongoing basisDevelop a communication plan with clients to identify what, when, and how they prefer to receive information on Investors Group products and services and financial marketsInform clients about financial planning trends, changes, and legislation that may affect financial plansMeet and exceed client expectations by being reliable and responsive to individuals’ needsRequirement:Fluent EnglishCSC certificates preferredExcellent Interpersonal SkillsTime:Nov 1, 2:00 p.m.[FONT=宋体]Please Bring your resume, business suit required. Register Required.[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]Tel: [FONT=宋体]([/FONT]416[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]412-0165[FONT=宋体]或[/FONT](416) 412-3088502-1200 Eglinton Ave, E, North York, Ontario

回复: 11月1日金融招聘会It is very kind of you!

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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