加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有感于英语水平提高的误区


不少朋友来到加拿大找不到工作,感觉英语太差,到处找英语培训。2、3年了,还是觉得水平不够,我觉得这里有误区,可能很多人因此耽误了宝贵的时间,正好今天写了封信给朋友提点建议,拿出来,希望大家对我的看法提点意见。DearAccording to my experience, improving English skills is a hard task and will go through 10 years or more. We can’t wait for perfect English skill ready, then go to work. Firstly, you should have basic communication skills and reading, writing skills, maybe Linc 4. They you need to learn work English, or professional English, that means you should choose a career direction and get familiar with English in this field. Why, because English is so complicated that you can’t master all. You must choose what you need to learn, that is career English. Too many IT professional who has bad English speaking skills found jobs in Canada because they are familiar with professional English. May I give you suggestions? Firstly, Don’t searching any English program without Career goal any more, such as ESL or Linc. ELT is not bad, because they have different directions with job-searching program. College is OK, because they give you survival skills and English training. But you must choose which you want to learn, because you need to pay for it. Open mind during your searching period, go to different place, taking part in different courses, and then make a quick decision.You may ask if my English is bad, how I can catch the class. Actually, Professional study is much easy than Linc higer level, because they focus on certain subject, repeating and repeating. Think about how you teach you baby to speak. Repeat!. You can understand every meanings if they are repeated day after day.After career English, following is office English. That is another grade, you must know how to communicate with your colleagues, your boss, how to do team work. The only way you can learn office English is from work.After Office English, following is leisure English. At this time, English is not your weakness. You begin to enjoy English as a communication tools with different person in all aspects of lives. To achieve the phase of leisure English, Chinese people with good English level need more than 10 years if you continue working in English environment. So, don’t always concentrate on English, focus on what skills you want to have.Then you get English, you get skills and you get job!

赞反馈:qing77, 千里马, phily 和 9 其他人 2008-06-09#2 rebeccazou 884 $0.00 回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区很好,值得深思。正好为我解惑。

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区希望我们能从中获益.

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区good comment!

大家捧场加纷纷啊!不少朋友来到加拿大找不到工作,感觉英语太差,到处找英语培训。2、3年了,还是觉得水平不够,我觉得这里有误区,可能很多人因此耽误了宝贵的时间,正好今天写了封信给朋友提点建议,拿出来,希望大家对我的看法提点意见。DearAccording to my experience, improving English skills is a hard task and will go through 10 years or more. We can’t wait for perfect English skill ready, then go to work. Firstly, you should have basic communication skills and reading, writing skills, maybe Linc 4. They you need to learn work English, or professional English, that means you should choose a career direction and get familiar with English in this field. Why, because English is so complicated that you can’t master all. You must choose what you need to learn, that is career English. Too many IT professional who has bad English speaking skills found jobs in Canada because they are familiar with professional English. May I give you suggestions? Firstly, Don’t searching any English program without Career goal any more, such as ESL or Linc. ELT is not bad, because they have different directions with job-searching program. College is OK, because they give you survival skills and English training. But you must choose which you want to learn, because you need to pay for it. Open mind during your searching period, go to different place, taking part in different courses, and then make a quick decision.You may ask if my English is bad, how I can catch the class. Actually, Professional study is much easy than Linc higer level, because they focus on certain subject, repeating and repeating. Think about how you teach you baby to speak. Repeat!. You can understand every meanings if they are repeated day after day.After career English, following is office English. That is another grade, you must know how to communicate with your colleagues, your boss, how to do team work. The only way you can learn office English is from work.After Office English, following is leisure English. At this time, English is not your weakness. You begin to enjoy English as a communication tools with different person in all aspects of lives. To achieve the phase of leisure English, Chinese people with good English level need more than 10 years if you continue working in English environment. So, don’t always concentrate on English, focus on what skills you want to have.Then you get English, you get skills and you get job!点击展开...How Chinglish is!

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区This letter is a Cnglish letter. I should check words' spelling and grammar carefully. Thank you up-stairs. Althrough I worked for a local company, my letter still looks like a junior student's homework. So keep learging! However, one thing I want to emphasize: express your feeling and opinions in English, no matter how suck it is!

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区good for me. thanks a lot

[FONT=宋体]繁华与喧嚣逐渐褪去,剩下的是平静和自然[/FONT]回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区good comment,it is helpful,thank you.

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区this is very good article. but there is a catch. if you cannot find a job because your English is so bad in the first place, how do you learn career English/office English? "going to school it is", you may say. but, hey, not everybody want to go to school first before landing a job.no offense, but "After career English, following is office English.", only Chinese can understand what you mean.

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区你说的有点道理。 你的英文作为中国人的我很好理解。谢谢!

多伦多北约克家庭旅馆[email protected].回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区有道理,按照这个方法,我应该先看石油大典,就这样开始吧。THANKS.

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区this is very good article. but there is a catch. if you cannot find a job because your English is so bad in the first place, how do you learn career English/office English? "going to school it is", you may say. but, hey, not everybody want to go to school first before landing a job. no offense, but "After career English, following is office English.", only Chinese can understand what you mean.点击展开...Yes, this article is for our friends, Career English means you can learn in Career training. My point is, staying in the thought about how to impove your English is wrong. You should spend more time to learn real skills.There many place for you to find work which doesn't need higher English skills, like Tim Hotton, Coffee Time, Bar. However, these place are the best for improving English. Every knight, Many local old peoples stay and like to talk with you. But you should choose them carefully, someplace like coffee shops in gas stations aren't good choice.Finding a part time job isn't a difficult thing.

You should spend more time to learn real skills.点击展开...A little correction ^_^! We say spend time on sth or spend time (in) doing sth.(You may also say it takes sb some time to do sth. ) Good luck, my friend.

突破! ?きの壁! F1 -- 1000 水果. It's Time to Move on and Time to Say Goodbye. Life's just like a SCAMPER and AIM still on the road. Good Luck to me and to Everyone.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区DING

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区各位英语都好好啊,我就凄惨了~~风萧萧兮易水寒。。。壮士出国兮不复还~~~

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区好中式的英语阿

Le soleil dans ma vie, c'est une chanson que nous ressemble.回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区所以英语不够好的人,第一个选择是找学校,但不是LINC.LINC真的起不到太大的帮助,还不如成人高中.宁可上几个月的成人高中之后选择一个自己有兴趣的专业上college的program.在加国,上学并不难,难的是太多人想一开始就工作赚钱.赚钱没有错,但上学其实可以申请各种补助和贷款,大不了出来还.要知道,上过local college出来找工作赚的钱可比没技术含量的labor高多了.

Toronto, I'm coming.回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区文章里有很多语法和表达的问题

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区Thank you for all of you. Everyone can easily find out my errors in this article. That is a reason we can't find same level jobs in Canada. So step by step, take time. But don't worry about it. I have worked in an English enviroment for a period. my collegues think I can communicate with them in oral and writing fast and clearly. Because in office, actually, you always repeat same things. And you can learn from others' speaking and reports. I can write a report with few errors, however, I stil fell uncomfortable to express every day life in English. So I encourage you learn from work. You can learn more in work than in school and you can use your English!

回复: 有感于英语水平提高的误区thanks,alexweiu know, It's really kind of u to share ur experience with us.

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