加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息讨论:危机对就业形势的影响
以下是今天偶然在RBC网站上的《经济趋势观察》看到的。摘录几段供大家参考,希望有点帮助。欢迎就此话题展开讨论。(http://www.rbc.com/economics/market/pdf/ecotrend.pdf): 1、就业形势不乐观Employment in Canada fell by a record-smashing 129,000 in January. The labour force also declined, but by a more moderate 29,100, which sent the unemployment rate sharply higher to 7.2% from 6.6% in December. 2、临时工作受影响较小The decline in employment was concentrated in full-time jobs, which were off 113,900, with part-time positions falling by a much softer 15,100. 3、制造业受的影响远大于服务业Goods producers cut the most jobs with 120,500 falling off their payrolls, while service producers cut a much more modest 8,600 positions. Most of the weakness was concentrated in manufacturing, which plummeted a record-breaking 100,900. On the services side, transportation and warehousing and business/building services cut the most positions. Wholesalers and retailers trimmed 8,600 jobs as well. 4、保健和社会服务行业反而逆流而上Denting the weakness in the service sector was a 30,800 increase in health care and social assistance. 5、受冲击最大的几个省(貌似也是人口最集中的省份)The decline hit Ontario (-71,000 jobs), British Columbia (-35,000) and Quebec (-26,000 the hardest with significant cuts to manufacturing in all three provinces, especially motor vehicle manufacturers. Ontario's unemployment rate jumped to 8%.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.回复: 讨论:危机对就业形势的影响多谢楼主。看来现在长登也不是不行。计划不变了。
回复: 讨论:危机对就业形势的影响多谢楼主。看来现在长登也不是不行。计划不变了。点击展开...客气。 我们的计划也不变。
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.回复: 讨论:危机对就业形势的影响其实就是制造业受影响,如果从事医药文教卫生等服务性行业,基本没问题.
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