加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才


Dear ***,Congratulations and welcome to the School of Business at Centennial College. It is my pleasure to inform you that an Offer of Admission was mailed to you on February 2, 2009. Centennial College is an excellent choice. As a student in the School of Business, you will be a member of an exciting community of faculty, students, and corporate partners. Our knowledgeable and supportive faculty members bring professional experience to the classroom and take a personal interest in your success. At Centennial, it is our goal to provide you with the knowledge, skills and the competencies that you need to succeed in your chosen field and prepare you for the future of the industry. You will have until May 1, 2009 to accept our Offer of Admission online at ontariocolleges.ca. Please review any conditions attached to your offer. I invite you to join us at Connect with Centennial on Sunday, March 22, 2009. Where: Business programs are offered at the Progress campusWhen: 1:00 p.m. It will be your chance to talk to faculty, meet students and staff, and get your questions about Centennial College answered. I wish you every success in your current endeavours and look forward to meeting you in September 2009. Sincerely,******, Dean

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料没错,这就是传说中的college offer.

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料楼主,你咋命这么好。嫉妒死我也

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料楼主,你咋命这么好。嫉妒死我也点击展开...楼上,你申请的很费事吗?我在网上申请到这个email通知总共2星期不到,其间也没任何通知要补啥材料,简直简单的让人不敢相信,不知道别人申请的情况

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料Dear ***,Congratulations and welcome to the School of Business at Centennial College. It is my pleasure to inform you that an Offer of Admission was mailed to you on February 2, 2009. Centennial College is an excellent choice. As a student in the School of Business, you will be a member of an exciting community of faculty, students, and corporate partners. Our knowledgeable and supportive faculty members bring professional experience to the classroom and take a personal interest in your success. At Centennial, it is our goal to provide you with the knowledge, skills and the competencies that you need to succeed in your chosen field and prepare you for the future of the industry. You will have until May 1, 2009 to accept our Offer of Admission online at ontariocolleges.ca. Please review any conditions attached to your offer. I invite you to join us at Connect with Centennial on Sunday, March 22, 2009. Where: Business programs are offered at the Progress campusWhen: 1:00 p.m. It will be your chance to talk to faculty, meet students and staff, and get your questions about Centennial College answered. I wish you every success in your current endeavours and look forward to meeting you in September 2009. Sincerely,******, Dean 点击展开...不要过于高兴,搞清楚这个学校的底细,专业受社会欢迎程度,就业指数等.不要花冤枉钱.COLLEGE在加拿大是谁都可以开的.我也可以开个COLLEGE.没有无缘无故的大奖等你领.

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料这个college 是多伦多四大著名公立college ,一点问题没有。

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料这个college 是多伦多四大著名公立college ,一点问题没有。点击展开...OK,我看了一下信的内容,有可能是有条件录取.Please review any conditions attached to your offer.

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料OK,我看了一下信的内容,有可能是有条件录取.Please review any conditions attached to your offer. 点击展开...是由条件录取,要求通过英语评估,要求提供成绩单或相关工作经验的Resume

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料LZ还没考试是吗?是申请完给个OFFER吗?考完试收到?

回复: 请帮忙看这是不是就是传说中的College Offer啊?才申请就收到这个,也没让提供任何资料楼主参加考试了么?我也打算报相关专业,5月课程,能多提供点信息参考么?

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