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The News Angle是一个金融资讯网站,网址如下:www.nsangle.comTHE NEWS ANGLE提供的信息和内容将逐步包括外汇,商品和股票基金三个主要方面。而不同的市场将以时间顺序由亚洲市场的开幕到美国市场的结束为单个交易日周期。具体的市场时间内THE NEWS ANGLE为用户提供不同产品市场(如外汇或商品)内包括市场信息,技术分析,市场预期数据等等一系列内容。现招聘兼职翻译和信息发布人员,主要是翻译相关的外汇或商品期货方面的信息或文章,然后把翻译好的信息或文章发布到网站上去。欢迎在校学生或刚毕业的学生,不一定要是金融相关专业的,但是一定要有很强的中英文能力。对金融外汇和商品期货方面感兴趣的同志做起这份工作来会更有意思。同时我们会给予一些培训。以下是一篇需要翻译的例文,主要是让大家对这个工作有个大概的认识,有兴趣的请将这些信息发送到[email protected]:你的姓名,在读或毕业的大学,专业,以及联系电话和邮件地址。Asian Markets Open In The G20’s ShadowAsian trade: Asian markets opened higher for a second day in a row, as the finance ministers from the world’s most developed 20 countries pledge, this weekend, to take the necessary actions to steam the credit crisis.The top 20 finance ministers and central bankers meet in southern England this weekend, in the regular G20 meeting to discuss ways to put the global economy back on the track. Ahead of the meeting, the International Monetary Fund said that the world’s economy would contract this year for the first time in 6 decades, since World War 2.The main themes discussed were how to value the toxic assets held by banks, more regulations, and of course pay-caps for bank’s executives. However, the main problem was the stimulus bill, were two different ideologies crashes. European countries refuse to inject additional money into the economy, while the U.S. officials said more should be done. Ironically, the U.S. administration is the one that usually refuses to interfere with the economy, as opposed to the European approach.Another important decision taken by the G-20 was to extend the IMF’s funds. The extra-money would be used to bail out another few more countries, as the credit crunch is worse. The IMF will have at its disposal $500 billion, and probably more funds will be available, if needed.Tonight, the Nikkei rose 174.80 points (2.31%) to 7,744.08. The Australian S&P/Asx gained 20.40 points (0.61%) to 3,365.60.Crude oil declined on a small volume tonight. Crude oil for April delivery fell $0.20 to $44.40.Gold trades caught between the 20 and the 50-day moving averages. Bullion for immediate delivery fell $1.70 to $928.50.

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