加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息《托福全攻略》之人文地理


人文地理方面的知识点一直是托福题里考核的重点部分.从09年1月23日北美托福考试题中就可见一斑: section1:河流湖泊中水随四季的循环,大致是水的密度随温度变化而变化,导致水流上层和下层的交替。   section2:行星的组构过程,太该是灰尘和气团像雪球一样粘连在一起,越来越大,后来大的灰尘团开始有引力,吸引小的颗粒,最后经过碰撞形成天体。   section3:美国本土某个名字类似Holoko的民族的介绍,在土地干涸的某个地方,每年都有洪水,他们就筑起堤坝,利用从上流冲下来的肥料和水种地。 他们从植物身上摄取资源但是从来不破坏植物本身。   写作:侏罗纪时代的生物灭绝了,文章说可能是因为彗星撞地球,依据就是一些发现的古老的生物还是什么的碎片,然后它们可以dating back to 某年以前,并且在中国,日本还有某个国家都有发现,然后发现某个沟壑还是海峡有可能就是那个坑。 Speech:第一,那些碎片的化学物质没有因为地壳运动受热而改变,所以时间应该很短,应该没有250-million-old这么老。第二,碎片只在那三个国家被发现过,如果冲击力那么强的 话,那碎片应该是散落在全世界。第三,类似那个坑的坑到处都是,火山运动也会是造成沟壑的原因,该是地球内部地质活动形成的。不难看出,人文地理已经成为托福考试中的热点和难点,其中大部分文章选自国外人文类、科学类的知名报纸、杂志和研究报告。从秦苏珊英语中心的培训调查来看,大多数考生对人文地理领域的信息闻所未闻,做起题来难免会产生畏惧感。要解决这一难题,考生就必须在充分掌握阅读技巧的前提下,多读些原文作品,如新闻周刊、纽约时报、国家地理等外文期刊杂志,这样做一方面可以提高词汇量,另一方面还可以扩大自己的信息量。例文:Egypt: Ouest For EternityOne hundred and fifty years ago, the king France had this obelisk brought from Egypt to grace the heart of Paris. Three thousand years earlier, it had been dedicated to the Great Pharaoh Ramses II with these words: "So long as heaven exists, your monument shall exist and your name shall endure like the heaven." Through the 30th centuries that the pharaohs ruled Egypt, the people of the Nile graved the most glorious monuments the world has ever seen. Among them, the largest place of worship in the ancient world. These miracles in stone were tributes to their Gods and Kings. They believed that men like the sun could die and be reborn. They constructed elaborate tombs to protect the body and house the soul through all eternity. They created guides to the underworld, Books of the Dead to ensure immortality. And on their monuments, they left the testimony of their faith. These inscriptions are keys with which we unlock the secrets of ancient Egypt. And as they have, since the first days of Herodotus, Anthony and Cleopatra, thousands journey here to see these wonders...but today having endured for 50 centuries. These seemingly imperishable structures are threatened. Their fate may be determined in our lifetime. So people of science, soul and conscience travelled here from all over the globe to save the priceless monuments, to decipher the meaning of the messages before they disappear forever. (摘自:National Geographic)除了人文地理之外,科技类、历史类、经济类信息也需要多积累一些。建议考生把手头上所有的托福阅读和听力资料进行分类:地理类、科技类、历史类等,并且标明是出自哪本参考书,以便未来查阅。可以这么说,托福是对英文原版信息量掌握的杰出挑战,所以在备考时一定要系统的准备。

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