加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大政府有关健康研究的四个高薪POSTDOC位


Post-Doctoral Program in Health ResearchDepartment Name: Statistics CanadaLocation: Ottawa Classification: ES - 04 Salary: $66,011 to $76,145Closing Date: March 31, 2009 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: STC09J-009055-000017Selection Process Number: 09-STC-EA-NCR-932-340Employment Tenure: Anticipating to staff term (12 months) positions with the possibility of indeterminate positions.Vacancies: 4 Website: For further information on the department, please visit Statistics CanadaWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.English or French essential EducationUseful InformationGraduation with a Ph.D. degree from a recognized university with specialization in a health related specialty such as, epidemiology, health sciences, biochemistry, health services research or child health and development. The specialization may also be obtained through an acceptable combination of education, training and/or relevant experience. Candidates must have graduated within the past 3 years or expect to graduate by December 2009.Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.ChallengeThe post-doctoral health researcher plans, develops and conducts analytical studies using survey, census or administrative data. He/she applies applying social or health theory or frameworks to the analysis of statistical data and he/she applies statistical techniques using statistical software. He/she writes and presents research results to a wide audience including the general public, academics and policy departments. He/she provides subject-matter expertise and/or statistical expertise.Information to be provided:ONLY CANDIDATES WHO APPLY ONLINE AND SUBMIT ALL DOCUMENTS LISTED BELOW BY MARCH 31ST 2009 WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THIS PROCESS.You must provide the following information when submitting your application:Please indicate your degree, institution, date of graduation or anticipated date of graduation.Your current Résumé that clearly indicates start and end dates by month and year, position, responsibilities and accomplishments. Recent published research article should be listed in bibliographic form.A covering letter (1 page) clearly explaining how you meet each of the education and experience qualifications and any applicable asset qualifications. It is necessary to meet all of the education and experience qualifications to be considered further in the process. While asset qualifications are not essential, you should also provide additional information regarding how you meet any applicable asset qualifications. In all cases, please provide concrete examples and details of experience and your position at that time.You must sudmit a Reasearch Proposal.You must complete the Experience Questionnaire below and clearly demonstrate, with concrete examples, how you meet all of the experience requirements.You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment TenureInformation that is requested:Contact information for the following number of References: 3RESEARCH PROPOSAL(2-3 pages) Please submit a 2 to 3 page research proposal using Statistics Canada data to address a policy relevant topic in the area of either population health, health services research, child health and development, mental health, chronic and/or infectious disease, environmental measures/bio-monitoring, healthy living (e.g., physical activity, obesity), nutritional biochemistry or microsimulation. This proposal will be used to evaluate the candidate’s ability to apply social or health theory or frameworks and statistical analyses to address a policy relevant research question. The proposals should provide the following details regarding the project to be undertaken while at Statistics Canada: a) research question or hypothesis; b) theoretical framework; c) data source; d) methods and e) potential policy relevance. The proposal must specify the Statistics Canada data holding that will be used (e.g. Canadian Community Health Survey, National Population Health Survey). Proposals will be evaluated based on the extent to which they: • articulate a research question/hypothesis; • demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks; • display policy relevance of research for decision-makers; • convey awareness and knowledge of relevant data source(s) within Statistics Canada; • convey awareness and knowledge of quantitative methods.Please describe your recent experience in applying theoretical frameworks to the analysis of statistical data in your subject-matter area.Please describe briefly your experience in working with statistical analysis software, such as Science Analysis Software (SAS), Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), or STATA.Please describe your recent experience conducting quantitative analysis using survey, census, administrative or other micro data sources.EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE Please explain in the following section how your education, training and/or employment experience demonstrates your subject matter expertise in one of the following health domains: • Population Health • Health services research • Child health and development • Chronic or Infectious disease • Mental Health • Environmental measures • Bio-monitoring • Healthy living • Nutritional biochemistry • Microsimulation.You must also submit the names of at least three (3) references (name, relationship, phone number and email) including current and past supervisors who are in a position to attest to your work. Experience may be verified with these references.Notes:Recent is defined as approximately over the past three (3) years. Research must be post-master's (may include research from a Masters thesis). “Research article” is defined as an analytic study demonstrating the following: • the application of social or health or economic theory to the analysis of data • quantitative analysis using statistical techniques.If you are not the primary author or the publication does not name the author(s), you must provide the name of a reference person who may be contacted to verify the author’s role in the research and publication.Important MessagesCandidates who pass the screening phase should expect to be invited to an interview. Candidates who are invited to an interview should be prepared to make a 15 minute oral presentation of a research project and be prepared to respond to questions. The presentation should be designed to demonstrate how the candidate meets the knowledge and abilities criteria set out above.A pool of qualified candidates may be established to staff similar or identical positions.Additional Requirements / CommentsCONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Security clearance: reliability This factor is not used at the preselection stage. The department is responsible for the security clearance process. NOTE: Interested persons must meet each essential qualification to be appointed to the position. However, a person may be appointed to the position even though he/she does not meet any or all of the asset qualifications, operational requirements or organizational needs. However, meeting these criteria is desirable and may be a deciding factor in choosing a person.Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.

回复: 加拿大政府有关健康研究的四个高薪POSTDOC位置OPEN感谢分享,布什哥现在应该向政府要广告费啦,太好了.

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