加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回


LibrarianLibrarianUnited Arab EmiratesJoin one of the most progressive and innovative centers for higher learning in the UAE and help shape the future yours and ours.It is an environment that both desires and produces excellence. From 16 modern campuses, our 16,000+ students enjoy the opportunity to learn and grow, becoming the foundations for tomorrow taught by the experts of today.Higher Colleges of Technology, Join Us... and Shape the Future.Join one of the United Arab Emirates’ premier organizations and work in a culturally diversified environment. If you’ve ever wanted to pursue a safe and rewarding adventure with the opportunity to travel and contribute to the development of a nation and its place in the world, HCT is the chance you’ve been waiting for!LibrarianLibrarians will support the teaching and learning objectives of the college through the effective delivery of Library & Learning Centre Services to students and faculty. They will plan and deliver information literacy skills instruction, provide reference services and assist in the development of collections and facilities.Requirements:Graduate or post-graduate degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA accredited institution (or equivalent) Minimum 3 years professional librarian experience, preferably in an educational setting High level of computer literacy and strong information technology skills and experience in the use of integrated library systems Experience in international or multi-cultural settings and working with second language learners is desirable Should have excellent oral and written skills in English Teaching qualifications / EFL Teaching experience are highly desirable Salary & Benefits: Competitive tax-free salary, 44 working days of paid annual vacation, unfurnished accommodation, relocation allowance, tuition assistance for dependent children, annual air tickets to country of origin for employee and dependents, contract completion bonus ... and much more!For a detailed job description and to apply, please visit http://recruit.hct.ac.ae

回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!AND MUCH MORE,估计还包老婆.

回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!还有卡塔尔还是加尔格里大学分校.Library Technical SpecialistUniversity of Calgary - QatarORANZATION INFORMATIONThe University of Calgary opened its first overseas branch campus with generous financial support from the State of Qatar and began delivering undergraduate nursing programs in the Fall of 2007. As a member of our University of Calgary Qatar team you will play a significant role in the next phase of the internationalization of the University of Calgary.We are looking for highly adaptable people, who are open to learning and experiencing new cultures, who have a commitment to excellence in international post-secondary education, and who can thrive in a start-up environment. All University of Calgary Qatar employees will receive competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and enjoy a positive, family centred work environment in a country with one of the world’s most dynamic economies. The State of Qatar provides a safe living environment and its location presents countless opportunities to travel and explore this region of the world. This is truly an opportunity not to be missed - an adventure of a lifetime.POSITION DETAILS:The University of Calgary Qatar (UC-Q) is seeking a Library Technical Specialist to join the Library & Learning Commons team. This position is a two or three year limited term appointment renewable by mutual agreement. As this position is located in Doha, the successful candidate needs to be prepared to relocate to Qatar in August 2009.Under the direction of the Chief Librarian, the incumbent will provide the technical support that the Library needs to offer excellent services to our students and faculty by ensuring: the quality of catalogue and acquisition data submitted to the University of Calgary Library database; the proper identification of titles for purchase; a smooth acquisitions workflow with Finance; the timely delivery of shelf-ready books; and the satisfactory resolution of problems with publishers or suppliers. The incumbent will also be adept in the use of University of Calgary’s integrated library system and relay problems, as appropriate. The incumbent will participate in the delivery of public services by managing the circulation and shelving of the book stock, providing basic reference assistance, troubleshooting problems with online access, and training, supervising, and scheduling student and/or clerical assistants.QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERTISE REQUIRED:A library technician's diploma plus a bachelors degree and a minimum of 2 years related experience. A combination of education and experience will be considered. Subject background in health sciences preferred. Previous supervisory experience, preferably including scheduling and training. Knowledge and experience of current cataloguing practice; acquisitions and/or document delivery experience in an integrated library system environment. Excellent customer service skills: personable, patient, and reliable. Maintains current awareness of developments in the field. Ability to work in an environment of constant change and continuous growth where priorities change and there is often last minute demands; Ability to work productively in a framework of operations that fully respects the laws, culture and religion of Qatar. All successful candidates will receive attractive compensation, including: competitive salary + living allowance annual airfares to Canada transportation allowance relocation allowance fully furnished accommodations and free utilities children’s school fees end of contract bonus Application deadline is March 25, 2009.All applications should be made online at: www.qatar.ucalgary.ca/employment.Employment is contingent on the successful completion of the State of Qatar visa process.All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates and honours diversity.

回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!As this position is located in Doha, the successful candidate needs to be prepared to relocate to Qatar in August 2009.

回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!都是图书馆管理的专业的啊?有没有计算机的?


回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!布什哥,我的意思是没有去中东地区的计算机工作的?我现在去你给的网址看看.


回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!上面这个网址比你第一次给我的好些,一下子就能找到不少我说的工作,呵呵,非常感谢,加声望!

2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!回复: 到沙特阿拉伯去工作工资免税还包吃包住包来回机票,一年44天带薪休假!24小时内加了太多声望,加不了了,太阳地.下次再说了,感谢布什哥,找工作去了.

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