11、Have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today? If yes, describe how you expect the positions to be the same. 你过去从事过与你今天应聘的工作岗位相似的工作吗?如果是,谈一谈你预计它们有哪些共同之处? 12、In what ways do you expect them to differ? 你预计它们之间有哪些差别? 13、What is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you will bring to this job? 你从以前的工作经历中学到的哪些最重要的东西可以带到这项工作中来? 14、If where were two things you could change in your last (or present) job, what would they be and how would you change them? 如果在你的前一个(或现在的)工作中,你可以改变两件事,这两件事会是什么?你如何改变它们? 15、Why did you leave your last job? 你为什么辞去了前一个工作? 16、Why do you think you were successful in your last job? 你为什么认为自己在前一个工作中干得很成功? 17、How has you last (or present) job changed since you’ve held it? 从你接手前一个(或现在的)工作开始,这项工作发生了怎样的变化? 18、Please describe your last (or present) supervisor’s management style? 描述一下你的前任(或现任)主管的管理风格。 19、If you could make one constructive suggestion on your last (or present) CEO, what would it be? 如果你有机会向你的前任(或现任)公司总裁提一个建设性的建议,你会提什么? 20、Of al the work you have done, where have you been the most successful? 对于你所做过的所有工作,你在哪项工作中最为成功?
地址: 411 Dundas St. W.,3rd Fl.,Toronto,ON M5T 1G6 电话: 416-591-8992 传真: 416-593-5116地址:3195 Sheppard Ave E.,3rd Fl., Toronto, ON M1T 3K1电话: 416-756-7788 传真: 416-298-3085新东方专栏回复: 与求职者工作经历有关的20个问题(下)感谢分享.
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!回复: 与求职者工作经历有关的20个问题(下)不客气!
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