加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口
最近刚拿到移民,准备登陆,也在University of Calgary找了博士后位置,前半年只有3.5万,能不能养活一家3口呀? 大家给给意见.下面是工资的规定: Typically, you will be probationary period of 6 months at a salary of $35,000/annum + benefits (Health Cover etc). Assuming a satisfactory performace the contract will be extended for a further 18 or 30 months at a salary of $40,000/annum (+ cost of living increase and Health Cover). If your application is successful at the AHFMR the annual salary will be $48,000/annum.
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?税后大概2000加币,加上小孩牛奶金,生活没问题。
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?Calgary物价蛮高的。去年平均薪资水平是24.5/小时,据朋友说(没仔细演算过)相当于4-5万的年薪。如果按这个标准,3.5万还低于平均水平呢,养三个人不是不能过,但肯定很紧巴。
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?不是前半年只有3.5万,前半年是3.5/2
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?是呀,说的是年薪3.5万,也就是说每月2500-2900元,可以活了,呵呵,我有个朋友每月1500,还不知道什么时候被雷呢,一家3口,也活在多伦多呢
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?是呀,说的是年薪3.5万,也就是说每月2500-2900元,可以活了,呵呵,我有个朋友每月1500,还不知道什么时候被雷呢,一家3口,也活在多伦多呢点击展开...多伦多物价比Calgary便宜呀。比如,多伦多15刀左右都可以吃不错的buffet了,Calgary30刀都吃不到同样水准的。大多地区的平均工资(工资跟物价是挂钩的么)多办是没有Calgary高的。
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?恩,LS说的有理,要是那么算的话,博士后年薪3.5万,那也是少了些,不过,没有过不去的难关,LZ加油!
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?哦,听说好像博士后的钱是不用交税的(没有核实过,不知道真假)。如果那样还好点。另外也许可以靠教些书补贴一下。
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?大部分事情DIY的话就足够你全家生活了。不要担心!楼主已经办了移民,所以不享受中加博士后免税协定了。
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?Thank you guys for all comments. I just wonder whether the income tax can be refunded in the next year if total family income is CAD35.000 (only me working). Actually this stipend is less than that in my USA income . But it will take couples of years for green card application in USA. Anyway I like to cook, and hopefully we can survive in Calgary.
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?One more question: do you guys know how to 托运 my car from USA (new york) to calgary? What about the cost? Which company is good? I have to sale my car before leaving for Canada if it costs me too much and the future boss will not give me moving fee.
回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?请问楼主你是怎么申请到博士后的呢,除博士学位以后还有什么要求呀?
3.5-签收 3.31- DM 4.10- IP 4.14 -FN 144.22-12 5.13-13回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?网上有专门的托运车的公司,好像是到了加拿大以后你要去领一下,办手续,并且是要报是你的财产的,好像第一次免税。
世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?我也想问楼主,现在加拿大申请博后的平均工资大概是多少,比如在多伦多,一般老板一年给多少钱?还有,鉴于目前的经济局势,博后的申请难度如何?
227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业回复: University of Calgary博士后3.5万加元,能不能养1家3口呀?再问一个问题,在多伦多,我带一个小孩(得上幼稚园)再带上父母,1个月的生活费用大概是多少(不要太紧那种)。谢谢!
227 policy, Hongkong>>2010-1-28 Application Received>>2010-4-30 FN>>2010-7-6 IP>>2011-2-22 MER>>2011-3-28 PL>>2011-5-3 DM>>2011-5-13毕业Thank you guys for all comments. I just wonder whether the income tax can be refunded in the next year if total family income is CAD35.000 (only me working). Actually this stipend is less than that in my USA income . But it will take couples of years for green card application in USA. Anyway I like to cook, and hopefully we can survive in Calgary. 点击展开...呵呵。能过呢。你还有收入呢?收入不高也是满好的,退税是看你交了多少税,多退少补。这个收入明年孩子还可以拿全额牛奶金,老婆上学还可以申请个funding、loan啥的。孩子也可以申请补助上幼儿园,pre-school,after-school都可以申请补助。这个收入刚好申请FEE Assitance Card,去THE CITY CALGARY下的体育馆啊、公园低到四折。还有诸多好处,等你来了再说吧。 我们刚来的时候,是盲流过来的。你有工作,有收入,呵呵,就准备着新生活吧!
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