加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息中英对照:酒店英语面试经典问题


1、 能用英语自我介绍吗?  Could you introduce yourself in English?  2、 您是如何培训本部门员工的?  How do you train the staff of your department?  3、 如果酒店正式录取您,您上班第一件事是做什么?  If you are employ by the hotel , what will you do firstly?  4、 请画出西餐banquet流程图。  Please illustrate the procedure of western restaurant banquet。  5、 您如何理解服务行业的“服务意识”?  How do you comprehend the “service consciousness” of service trade?  6、 您是如何理解职业道德的?  How do you perceive the morality of career?  7、 请举例您在工作中遇到的几件困难,而您是如何克服的?  Could you list some difficulties during your work? And how did you conquer them?  8、 您对您以前的直属领导有何看法?  How do you like your senior leader who led you directly before?  9、 您的人生观是什么?  What is your philosophy?  10、 您对自己未来五个的计划是什么?  What are the five plans for yourself in the future?  11、 您都用业余时间学习些什么?  What are you studying in your spare time?  12、 你的期望待遇是什么?  What kind of treatment do you expect?  13、 请介绍你的家庭。  Would you mind introducing your family?  14、 请你用英文介绍目前服务的公司。  Could you introduce the company which you are serving in English?  15、 如果我酒店雇用你,你觉得可以为部门带来什么样的贡献?  What could you make a contribution to our hotel if you are employed by our hotel?  16、 你开始投入找工作的时间有多久了?  How long have you been looking for the job?  17、 你是怎么知道我们招聘这个职位的呢?  How do you know the message that we have this vacancy?  18、 除了工资,还有什么福利最吸引你?  Besides the salary, what welfare attract you mostly?  19、 你参加过什么业余活动?  What amateur activities have you ever taken part in ?

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...赞反馈:生命的狂想 2009-04-29#2 生命的狂想
31,849 $0.00 回复: 中英对照:酒店英语面试经典问题ding

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?赞反馈:故乡的云 2009-05-12#3 故乡的云
56,388 $0.00 回复: 中英对照:酒店英语面试经典问题谢谢分享

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