登陆正在准备当中。在美国的同学说那边好找工作,叫我们过去,不知道可行性有多大。以期在家园见过相关贴子,找不到了。 我想可能医疗和保险方面会有问题,不知道在美国工作的同时,加拿大那边的保险有没有用?生孩子是不是就是自费?
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 赏 反馈:zhkn 2006-10-30#2 4,866 $0.00 以你现在地身份--持中国护照,要到美国工作,需要美国的工作签证,这个很难拿到,不过实力强的也是有可能的。这种情况下到美国工作,就不能算在加居住了,加拿大这边的福利就不要想了,想办法享受美国的福利吧。如果被加拿大公司聘请,派到美国工作,仍算在加居住,可享受一切福利。
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 赏 2006-10-30#3 4,866 $0.00 你现在还不能用搜索功能,等满了50贴后,再慢慢找吧,是有一个这方面的帖子的。
泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 赏 2006-10-30#4 1,387 $0.00 原来是这样!!! 难怪,我还奇怪这么好的地方怎么这么落后,连搜索都没有?!
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 赏 2006-10-30#5 1,387 $0.00 我的意思是先到加报到,然后过去美工作.
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich.我的意思是先到加报到,然后过去美工作.点击展开...他就是指你来加后. 以你现在地身份--持中国护照,要到美国工作,需要美国的工作签证,这个很难拿到,不过实力强的也是有可能的。这种情况下到美国工作,就不能算在加居住了,加拿大这边的福利就不要想了,想办法享受美国的福利吧。如果被加拿大公司聘请,派到美国工作,仍算在加居住,可享受一切福利。__________________泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 在没拿加国籍前我得到了一次面试,一般要专业工作才可能得到工作签证,但对你加入加国国籍不利,因为时间不能算.但如有加籍后只需在边境凭雇用信签TN VISA就可去美合法工作,请看我写的 沙漠绿洲亚利桑那工作面试 毕业前夕,我放弃了参加麦吉尔大学图书馆与信息研究硕士学位的颁赠仪式,经过七八个小时的旅程,由蒙特利尔转芝加哥,在傍晚时分到达了此行的目的地---遐尔闻名的大峡谷州的沙漠名城图森。 到这里来是因为得到来自美国西南部的亚利桑那大学科学图书馆的面试邀请。我是三月份在美国图书馆学会网站看到的广告,五月份得到了电话面试,他们一共收到了54份申请,选了最强的15个人电话面试,然后再选9个人去现场面试去竟争3个相当于助理教授的助理图书馆员的职位。我在电话面试后五天就得到了现场面试通知。因为我住在蒙特利尔,是最远的候选人之一,而且去图森要转机,所以对方让我第一个选应试时间,机票和三天的交通食宿由对方支付。 我选了6月6日,正好是星期五,可以讨个吉利,再则面试完以后可以在星期六逛逛这个沙漠绿洲,对方也愿意为我多付一天的食宿费,因为即使这样,星期天的机票也比星期六第二天就走要便宜很多。选好日期后,对方就给我电邮来了日程安排,一天的面试包括一小时的招聘委员会的面试,一小时演讲,午餐,一小时的与将来一起工作的同事的面试,一小时和教工代表的会谈,一小时参观,半小时见图书馆总馆长,加上晚宴,真是丰富多彩,充满了挑战性。 在蒙特利尔进美国海关时,当时我还没入加籍,持的还是中国护照,当然我早就有了往返十年多次入境的签证,所以移民官要问几句话,问我到哪里,去干什么。我很自信地说去工作面试,告诉他是亚利桑拿大学的邀请。我向他出示了对方招聘委员会主席发来的电子邮件。因为图书馆员属于NAFTA协议上的专业职位,所以移民官笑了笑对我说,欢迎你来美国,祝你面试成功。一声祝福,顿时让我倍受鼓舞。 在飞行转机途中我抓紧时间翻看了出发前才收到的资料,发现这上面内容很祥尽,是有关亚利桑那大学图书馆的介绍,比如它们有在美国很有名的有关摄影术的博物馆,还有它们图书馆的价值观和理念等。我就趁这个机会临时抱抱佛脚,结果面试中还真用上了。 到达图森后,我直接坐巴士到达了对方为我安排的四星的Marriott酒店。因为是对方已付费预订好了,所以我到服务台一报名字就拿到了房间钥匙。服务台要了我的信用卡号码,因为饭钱得由我先付回来后再寄发票报销,长途电话费是要自己付的。房间朝向墨西哥,坐在阳台上可以清晰地看到晚霞余辉下的墨西哥境内巍峨雄伟的高山。我在稍事休息沐浴后,给招聘委员会主席打了个电话,谢谢她为我做的安排。她在电话里和我寒喧了几句,让我早点休息,明天一早她来接我。电话中她忽然说到,我们没见过面啊。我立刻答到,我会认出您的。她高兴地笑起来了,是的是的,我也能认出你。哈,人还没见,面试却已经开始了。
have learned
sannorm 说:他就是指你来加后. 以你现在地身份--持中国护照,要到美国工作,需要美国的工作签证,这个很难拿到,不过实力强的也是有可能的。这种情况下到美国工作,就不能算在加居住了,加拿大这边的福利就不要想了,想办法享受美国的福利吧。如果被加拿大公司聘请,派到美国工作,仍算在加居住,可享受一切福利。__________________泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 在没拿加国籍前我得到了一次面试,一般要专业工作才可能得到工作签证,但对你加入加国国籍不利,因为时间不能算.但如有加籍后只需在边境凭雇用信签TN VISA就可去美合法工作,请看我写的 沙漠绿洲亚利桑那工作面试 毕业前夕,我放弃了参加麦吉尔大学图书馆与信息研究硕士学位的颁赠仪式,经过七八个小时的旅程,由蒙特利尔转芝加哥,在傍晚时分到达了此行的目的地---遐尔闻名的大峡谷州的沙漠名城图森。 到这里来是因为得到来自美国西南部的亚利桑那大学科学图书馆的面试邀请。我是三月份在美国图书馆学会网站看到的广告,五月份得到了电话面试,他们一共收到了54份申请,选了最强的15个人电话面试,然后再选9个人去现场面试去竟争3个相当于助理教授的助理图书馆员的职位。我在电话面试后五天就得到了现场面试通知。因为我住在蒙特利尔,是最远的候选人之一,而且去图森要转机,所以对方让我第一个选应试时间,机票和三天的交通食宿由对方支付。 我选了6月6日,正好是星期五,可以讨个吉利,再则面试完以后可以在星期六逛逛这个沙漠绿洲,对方也愿意为我多付一天的食宿费,因为即使这样,星期天的机票也比星期六第二天就走要便宜很多。选好日期后,对方就给我电邮来了日程安排,一天的面试包括一小时的招聘委员会的面试,一小时演讲,午餐,一小时的与将来一起工作的同事的面试,一小时和教工代表的会谈,一小时参观,半小时见图书馆总馆长,加上晚宴,真是丰富多彩,充满了挑战性。 在蒙特利尔进美国海关时,当时我还没入加籍,持的还是中国护照,当然我早就有了往返十年多次入境的签证,所以移民官要问几句话,问我到哪里,去干什么。我很自信地说去工作面试,告诉他是亚利桑拿大学的邀请。我向他出示了对方招聘委员会主席发来的电子邮件。因为图书馆员属于NAFTA协议上的专业职位,所以移民官笑了笑对我说,欢迎你来美国,祝你面试成功。一声祝福,顿时让我倍受鼓舞。 在飞行转机途中我抓紧时间翻看了出发前才收到的资料,发现这上面内容很祥尽,是有关亚利桑那大学图书馆的介绍,比如它们有在美国很有名的有关摄影术的博物馆,还有它们图书馆的价值观和理念等。我就趁这个机会临时抱抱佛脚,结果面试中还真用上了。 到达图森后,我直接坐巴士到达了对方为我安排的四星的Marriott酒店。因为是对方已付费预订好了,所以我到服务台一报名字就拿到了房间钥匙。服务台要了我的信用卡号码,因为饭钱得由我先付回来后再寄发票报销,长途电话费是要自己付的。房间朝向墨西哥,坐在阳台上可以清晰地看到晚霞余辉下的墨西哥境内巍峨雄伟的高山。我在稍事休息沐浴后,给招聘委员会主席打了个电话,谢谢她为我做的安排。她在电话里和我寒喧了几句,让我早点休息,明天一早她来接我。电话中她忽然说到,我们没见过面啊。我立刻答到,我会认出您的。她高兴地笑起来了,是的是的,我也能认出你。哈,人还没见,面试却已经开始了。点击展开...感兴趣,继续!!
1.多伦多及周边58小时见闻http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=810662.美南万里行http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=99996 赏 2006-10-31#9 Y 18 $0.00 去美国可以做什么工作呢?也是累脖吗?
http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/82534 if you are interested in my experience, plase click the above link then you can read all my articles. Thanks.感兴趣,继续!!点击展开...
helenjoe 说:原来是这样!!! 难怪,我还奇怪这么好的地方怎么这么落后,连搜索都没有?!点击展开...up一下,攒点帖子
sannorm 的经历好精彩!!
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 赏 2006-11-01#13 1,387 $0.00 yinyinrose2006,朋友是同行,介绍专业工作,所以很心动.
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 赏 2006-11-01#14 1,387 $0.00 sannorm,美国面试的贴子有下文吗?
***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 赏 2006-11-02#15 647 $0.00 有用!收起来。。。。
2006年4月7日FN ROW2011年2月20日网查DM 赏 2006-11-02#19 1,585 $0.00 雇用信签TN VISA 请问这是什么VISA来的?
2006年4月7日FN ROW2011年2月20日网查DM 赏 2006-11-02#20 S
General InformationTN-1 is the current designation for visas for Canadian citizens who intend to temporarily work in the United States. Both the intended activity and the applicant must qualify under Schedule 2 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The TN-1 provides some major advantages over the H-1B. Although the TN-1 is granted for only one year periods, the number of renewals permitted is currently unlimited. There are no forms required for issuance of a TN-1, and TN-1 is obtained at the border, in person, without having to submit the visa application by mail as with other visas. Back to top of page Duration of Stay / CostAn individual with TN-1 status can live and work in the United States for up to one year and can renew the status for additional periods of one year each. There is no ceiling on the total number of years that a person with TN status can work in the United States. However, it is unlikely the INS would renew TN status indefinitely as the nature of the visa is temporary.Because of the ease at which TN-1 visa status can be obtained, the costs involved are minimal. There are no attorney fees, and the only costs are the filing fees assessed at the border. Currently, the fees are US$56.00. Specifically, there is a US$50.00 filing fee for the TN plus an I-94 fee of US$6.00. Back to top of page Lead Time and TransferabilityThe processing time for a TN-1 visa is immediate. Specifically, a well-documented application takes from 20 minutes to one hour. An INS officer immediately decides the fate of the application at the port of entry. Applications for TN-1 status are handled by special NAFTA officers located at major airports in Canada with INS pre-clearance facilities and at class "A" land ports of entry. If applying at an airport, the applicant should call the airport to find out the time-allowance requirements for processing; some airports require that application be made a few days in advance of the applicant’s flight, while others require only a few hours for processing. Using Form I-94, any number of entries and re-entries are permitted during the year, as long as the same employer and originally intended business activity are involved. TN-1 visas, similar to H-1B visas are non-transferable. If an individual desires employment separate from his/her current position, such individual must re-apply at the port of entry.Back to top of page The TN-1 ProcessWith TN-1 status, professional Canadians can access the U.S. market with even greater ease and U.S. employers can freely recruit throughout Canada. When a recruiter representing a U.S. employer wants to bring a Canadian candidate to work in the U.S. as a contractor, the recruiter should ask some important questions to ascertain if the candidate is eligible, and the candidate’s intended activity meets those outlined under NAFTA.No two immigration cases are identical, although the basic requirements usually are similar. The process begins with the recruiter faxing in to Top Echelon a TN Position Information Form. This form is substantially shorter than the H-1B Position Information Form. The form is utilized so that Top Echelon can draft a supporting letter for the candidate to present at the port of entry.Back to top of page Requirements for TN-1The applicant must be a Canadian citizen.The applicant must provide evidence that the intended U.S. business activity and the applicant qualify under Schedule 2 of NAFTA. A list of professionals who qualify is attached as Exhibit A. The applicant must provide proof of possession of a license to practice his/her profession in the U.S., if one is necessary in the U.S. state where employment is located. The applicant must provide documentation of remuneration arrangements with U.S. employer. The applicant must show the U.S. employment will be temporary. There can be no strike or lockout from a labor dispute in applicant’s job at the worksite. Back to top of pageRequirements for Canadian CitizensCanadian citizens usually do not need a visa as a NAFTA Professional, although a visa can be issued to qualified TN visa applicants upon request. However, a Canadian residing in another country with a non-Canadian spouse and children would need a visa to enable the spouse and children to be able to apply for a visa to accompany or join the NAFTA Professional, as a TD visa holder. To apply for visa, please see the requirements under the section Mexican Citizens- Applying for a TN Visa- Required Documentation. A Canadian citizen without a TN visa can apply at a U.S. port of entry with all of the following:Request for admission under TN status to Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, U.S. immigration officer; Employment Letter - Evidence of professional employment. See Employment Letter below; Proof of professional qualifications, such as transcripts of grades, licenses, certificates, degrees, and/or records of previous employment; Proof of ability to meet applicable license requirements; Proof of Canadian citizenship- Canadian citizens may present a passport, as visas are not required, or they may provide secondary evidence, such as a birth certificate. However, Canadian citizens traveling to the United States from outside the Western Hemisphere are required to present a valid passport at the port-of-entry; Fee of U.S. $50 http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1274.html#5 ·生活百科 Fronius Primo gen24 8.0随机掉落功率gen
·生活百科 RCA的适配器到闪电?