加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息为你提供兼职工作机会,努力才有收获!
Market Force Information needs a mystery shopper to complete this easy and quick shop that is for gathering information only. Visit the store and express interest in cell phone service. Listen carefully to the associate's presentation, sales skills and closing skills. You must be at least 20 years old and have a minimum of a high school education. You need excellent observational skills and must be very detail oriented. Professional attitude and high quality standards are a must. If you are currently a Market Force shopper and you qualify for this shop, you can find and select the shop on our self-assign Shopper Website. You can find even more opportunities at NAMS, a Market Force Company. NAMS specializes in theatre checks and in-store merchandising as well as mystery shopping. To register and become Member, go to http://www.namysteryshop.com/ Get more part time work opportunities.
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