Thinking about college but want to know if it's the right choice? Read what some of these college graduates and their parents say about what they received from their education.
Cat NolteCurrent Occupation: Executive Assistant / Office Manager, Sons and Daughters Productions
Education: Television and New Media, Loyalist College, 2006
Proudest moment: Getting hired full time only 3 weeks into my 2-month internship. From that first job I was offered a job at the brand new production company I'm at now and couldn't be happier. I am proud to say that I was able to help build this successful company from the very start. I really feel like I'm in a great position to get exactly what I want out of this industry.
Denise Nolte“We were so excited when Catherine received her acceptance letter to Loyalist College for the Television Production and New Media Program. She, on the other hand was scared to death. Going to College meant moving away from home, family and friends. It meant being totally responsible for herself, her finances and her own well being. We knew that she had the skills she needed. It did not take long before she realized it too. Then there was no stopping her. Her confidence and drive to succeed took over. The teachers recognized her talent and pushed her even harder. The small class sizes and hands on experience made learning an enjoyable challenge. You don't get that at the big and impersonal Universities. Catherine left for College a nervous teenager and emerged a strong, confident, remarkable woman. She took hold of the College experience with all here might. She received Student of the Year awards, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. At Convocation, she received the Outstanding Graduate Award. There are no words to express how proud her family is of her. College played a very strong role in shaping her into the amazing women she is today. She had a full time job before she completed her Internship. She has a very strong work ethic and deserves all of her success.”
Vicky ChengCurrent Occupation: Manager in training, Auberge du Pommier, Oliver Bonicini restaurants
Education: Culinary management, George Brown College, 2003
Proudest moment: When I was nominated for the Ontario's Premier's Awards, over thousands of students in colleges, George Brown College decided to nominate me. Being able to represent George Brown and win this award over other colleges, receiving this award from our Premier Dalton McGuinty is definitely one of the proudest moments of my life.
Mom“I remembered Vicky's first taste of cooking was around the age of 11 or 12 when he started to help me cooking rice. As he grew older, his interest in learning to make all kinds of dishes also grew. I always believe the background of education is very important to the person but I recognize that his interest in cooking grew into a passion for culinary art. We knew George Brown had a good reputation on this subject, which is why we made this decision. In his grade 12 year, he had the opportunity to enter into an interim program where he would work as a student trainee at one of the top 10 French restaurants in Toronto. There, he really found the beginning of his career and his mentor. My son worked very hard during the interim and earned the recognition of his teacher, the executive chef of the restaurant who offered him a summer job at the restaurant. This is really when he started to develop his skills. At college, he learned all the basic tools & technology for food preparation and culinary art. I am very proud of my son not only for his achievement, but also for his character and manner. He is very serious and calm when cooking ? but only because he is so passionate about a new receipt or different food. It's the reason he gets up in the morning and I support him 100%.
Matt HubbardCurrent Occupation: Copywriter, Smith Roberts Creative Communications
Education: Advertising, Sheridan College, 2006
Proudest moment: Finally landing my dream job in the creative department of an advertising agency.
David HubbardWhen Matthew was a young child we thought he was going to be an artist ? he loved drawing. He also loved to create and build things. We still have quite a bit of "Lego" and "Construx" building blocks that he loved to play with. For a good part of his youth Matthew was quiet and pensive. After graduating from High School, unlike a lot of kids these days that just automatically go to university, Matthew took some time to decide what he wanted to do for a living. While deciding he spent nearly a year working and touring around Australia. Upon his return it did not surprise me that he chose to go to college instead of university. He wanted a solid, practical educational experience that would help him find a job in his chosen field of work. He graduated with honors in Advertising from Sheridan College in Oakville and is currently working happily in an advertising firm in Toronto. http://whycollege.ontariocolleges.ca/en/testimonials.html
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