加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息托福口语应试诀窍


[FONT=宋体]新[/FONT][FONT=宋体]TOEFL[/FONT][FONT=宋体]取消了语法部分,增加了口语测试。口试部分,共六道题目,每题4分,考生需经历读、听、思、说四个步骤,难度较大。特别是后四道题,结合读、听、说于一体。其中包括一篇百词左右的阅读材料,考生需在45秒内读完,然后再听一段长达1~2分钟的对话,30秒后,给考生1分钟时间陈述两段材料和对话。[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]在陈述过程中,考生不必谈及自己的观点,而是用听读材料中的具体信息作答。这其实是在考查学生是否具备了对先前读到、听到的材料进行快速归纳、总结、融合,然后再用口语复述的能力。很多考生反映,最不适应的题型就是先听后说部分,想在仅有15至30秒的准备时间内完成,基本是不可能的。所以我们要做的就是提前准备好自己的模板,再运用转化原则,以精练的短句,清楚的表达出来。[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]例[/FONT][FONT=宋体]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant [/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]参考答案[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]例2:Choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]参考答案:Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing. [/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship. [/FONT][FONT=宋体]([/FONT][FONT=宋体]摘自[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]秦苏珊英语中心[/FONT][FONT=宋体])[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]这两段回答里用的全是口语化的短句[/FONT][FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]而且出现了很多相同的细节描写。这就是我们所说的转化原则[/FONT][FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]也就是将提前准备好的模板应用到各种题目中去。在表达过程中,还要注意语速不要太快,要以清晰为主,巨型多样化为辅,大胆运用自己掌握的词汇,不必过分拘泥于语法,遇到不知道该如何表达的时候,可以用一些常用词表示自己正在思考,尽量放松,保持发音流利顺畅。 [/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]  最后温情提示:Don't be shy to speak! [/FONT][FONT=宋体]The more you practise, the more confident you'll become.[/FONT]​

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