加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息osap要求解释年收不到6K2,需什么材料解释?
是否应对osap提出的问题,再另外提供相关?要解释的话我应提供什么材料?(说明:在osap申请中要求解释(见下文),但在Supporting Documentation清单上却没有列出相关要求的资料,所以这就有的这个疑惑应仅按Supporting Documentation的要求提供材料?还是在Supporting Documentation的要求的基础上,再增加一些材料?基本情况:白吃白住地住在亲戚家,计划九月要到另一个城市上学) 申请osap过程中,出现如何提示: Daily Living CostsBased on the information provided on your application, the combined income of you and your spouse is less than $6,200. Please provide a detailed explanation as to how your and your spouses's daily living costs are being met. The explanation must include reference to how the following are being met:rent or mortgage paymentsutilities (e.g., heat, light, telephone)food and clothing costsother miscellaneous costsIf any of the above costs are being met by another person(s), such as a friend or relative, supporting documentation must also be provided by that person indicating their name and their relationship to you. Specific details as to how that person(s) is assisting with the costs must be outlined in the supporting documentation. If any of the above costs are being met through other financial resources, such as savings or investments, supporting documentation must also be provided to confirm the type and total value of these resources. The required supporting documentation must be forwarded to your financial aid office for review and approval. Once an explanation has been provided, click on the "Last Step" tab to review and submit application.
回复: osap要求解释年收不到6K2,需什么材料解释?手写一份清单, 每个月的开支。
回复: osap要求解释年收不到6K2,需什么材料解释?为什么要弄那么麻烦呢?直接填写你的收入,别人支助也是你的收入,在gross income里填入亲戚为你所花的费用。计算直到6200加币。
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: osap要求解释年收不到6K2,需什么材料解释?我也遇到同样的问题,情况是花了带来的生活费,现在带来的钱已经所剩无几了,请教过来人,那是不是要把银行记录清单打一份出来证明一下呢?
回复: osap要求解释年收不到6K2,需什么材料解释?如果是这样,干脆把收入项填写锝超过6200不是更加省事,打工的、牛奶金什么的都算上,省得OSAP调查来调查去。
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