加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译


缘分 predestined relationship 缘 reason; cause; sake, relationship, edge; fringe, climb 血缘 blood relationship 人缘 relations with people 姻缘 predestined marriage 前世因缘 predestination 天赐良缘 a godsent marriage; a good marriage arranged in Heaven 天缘巧合 a luck coincidence 喜结良缘 tie the nuptial knot 缔结姻缘 form marital tie 聊得投缘 talk congenially 有缘结识某人 be lucky to get acquainted with sb.无缘结识某人 have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb.与某人有一面之缘 happen to have met sb. once 婚姻是缘分。 A couple's conjugal fate is prearranged.他们的结合是美满的姻缘。 Their wedlock is a happy marriage. 有缘终相逢。 Fate brings together people who are far apart. 无缘不相逢。 There is no meeting without predestination.我与烟酒无缘。 Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me. 好事似乎与他无缘。 Good luck seemed to be wholly denied to him. 千里姻缘一线牵。 Two beings destined to marry each other, though thousands of miles apart, are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight. 无缘无故地 for no reason at all 世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。 There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan because I myself am on the mountain. 他们俩有情无缘。 The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied. 机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。 As luck would have it, I found a job. 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way. 我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。 I found quite a few classmates congenial to me. 我在班里有人缘。 I am popular with my classmates.真遗憾,我们一直无缘相见。 It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other. 花径不曾缘客扫。 The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a guest. 投缘的街坊们 congenial neighbors 化缘 beg for alms 有人缘 enjoy great popularity

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: [转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译沙发

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: [转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译加几个关于缘分/命运的词:fate (最通常拿来说“命运”的词,估计大家都知道)karma (指因果报应之类的缘)destiny (指命中注定的结局或事情)kistem (天命)forture's wheel (直译是命运之轮,类似我们说的三十年河东,三十年河西)predestination (lz也有用到这个词。宿命的意思)providence (天意)

To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.加几个关于缘分/命运的词: fate (最通常拿来说“命运”的词,估计大家都知道)karma (指因果报应之类的缘)destiny (指命中注定的结局或事情)kistem (天命)forture's wheel (直译是命运之轮,类似我们说的三十年河东,三十年河西)predestination (lz也有用到这个词。宿命的意思)providence (天意)点击展开...

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: [转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译学习

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: [转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译学习了

回复: [转帖] 中国的各种“缘”在英语中的翻译不喜欢“人缘”的翻译。

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