加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息麦兜经典中英文对白
《麦兜响当当》掀起了暑假一轮华语动画的热潮。其实早在几年前,《麦兜故事》就已经享誉海内外,不妨来看看麦兜经典的抢包山和鱼蛋粗面的双语对白吧。 Dear Chairman亲爱的主席:How are you? I am fine. You like bun? I like bun!你好吗?我很好。你吃包子吗?我吃包子! We Hong Kong people here love bun. Buns of all sort. Dear friend, it is important to snatch buns. It is a game, no joke. One needs energy, and many night congee. In my stupid opinion... Snatching bun is an Olympic game. Let athletes all over the world snatch! And there will be peace."我们居住香港人,很爱吃包子:小笼包、上海包、广东包、莲蓉包......我认为,抢那些包子,十分重要。也算是一项运动,真的。要大力气,大吃晚上的粥。按照我愚蠢的见解,抢那些包子也应该是奥运会比赛项目。让全世界的运动员抢,世界便和平了。 McDull: Fishball noodle, please.麦兜:麻烦你,鱼蛋粗面!School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面了。McDull: Fishball rice noodle then.麦兜:这样啊……来一碗鱼蛋河粉吧。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:没有鱼蛋。McDull: Chicken wing noodle then.麦兜:这样啊……金钱肚粗面好了。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面。McDull: How about fishball congee?麦兜:那么要鱼蛋油面吧。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:没有鱼蛋。McDull: Nothing left today? How about beef noodle?麦兜:怎么样样都没了?那要个墨鱼丸粗面吧。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面。McDull: Again? Fried chicken wing with fishball...麦兜:又没啊?那麻烦来碗鱼蛋金钱肚吧。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:没有鱼蛋。Darby: Hey, fishball and noodle are both gone... You can't combine them with other things.得巴:麦兜啊,鱼蛋和粗面都卖光了,也就是所有的鱼蛋或者粗面的搭配都没有了。McDull: Can't combine them? A bowl of fishball then.麦兜:哦~没有那些搭配啊?那麻烦要净鱼蛋吧。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:没有鱼蛋。McDull: A bowl of noodle?麦兜:那么净粗面呢?School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 麦兜经典中英文对白沙发!
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 麦兜经典中英文对白麦兜:唔该,鱼蛋粗吖!School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:?粗面?。McDull: Fishball rice noodle then.麦兜:?样吖……一碗鱼蛋河吖。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:?鱼蛋?。McDull: Chicken wing noodle then.麦兜:?金钱肚粗吖。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:?粗面?。McDull: How about fishball congee?麦兜:?要鱼蛋油吖。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:?鱼蛋?。McDull: Nothing left today? How about beef noodle?麦兜:乜都?晒??要个墨鱼丸粗吖。School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:?粗面?。McDull: Again? Fried chicken wing with fishball...麦兜:又?吖??唔该一碗鱼蛋金钱肚吖。School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:?鱼蛋?。Darby: Hey, fishball and noodle are both gone... You can't combine them with other things.得巴:麦兜吖,巨地鱼蛋同埋粗面都卖晒勒,即系话所有既鱼蛋同埋粗面既配搭都没晒勒。McDull: Can't combine them? A bowl of fishball then.麦兜:哦~?果D配搭吖??麻烦要净鱼蛋吖。(得巴倒)School Principal and Logan: No fishball left.老板:?鱼蛋?。McDull: A bowl of noodle?麦兜:?净粗面吖?School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:?粗面?。
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===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 麦兜经典中英文对白牛!
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