加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?



回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?如类黄酮化合物、绿原酸、多酚等,可抑制自由基的形成、抗衰老;它还含有叶酸,肌醇等及多种维生素,对提神醒脑,助消化,激发人体潜能有积极作用;它还含有脂多糖,可改善造血功能、防止放射性损害;它所含的茶甘宁,可提高血管韧性;它还含有羊藿甙、甾醇、黄酮甙、芳香油、黄酮类化合物、异黄酮、儿茶素、多酚等,有预防中风、糖尿病的作用,有抗基因突变、保护心脏、防癌抗癌、起阳痿、调整代谢、促进和平衡人体免疫功能,促进蛋白质、糖、脂代谢作用。 In case the type yellow ketonize shuts the matter、Green original sour、Much phenol await,Liberal foundation formation may be repressed、Combat slow deathly;It still haves folic acid,Flesh good wine awaits to reach much kinds of vitamins,Sober up to giving oneself a life in the brain,Assist digestion,The human body latent energy stimulating possess the energetic action;It still haves the grease polysaccharose,Yet the blood meritorous service capacity build in the improvement、Guard against the radioactivity injury ;It the tea Gan Ning of Han ,Blood vessel tenacity may be liftd;It still haves the sheep leaves of pulse glucoside 、Zai's good wine 、Huang Tongdai、Aromatic oil、Huang Tonglei chemical compound、Unusual Huang Tong、Catechu is habitually、Much phenol await, There is the prccaution to catch apoplexy、Action of diabetes, There is the resisted genc to suddenly change、Protcction heart、provide against the cancer anticancer、Get up impotence、Regulation is metabolized、Accelerate and the equilibrium human body immunity meritorous service capacity,Accelerate protein、Sweet、Grease metabolism.

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?支持一个

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?啊,茶甘宁就这样叫啊,我还以为象茶多酚一样:tea-polyphenols.谢谢啦.

回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?如类黄酮化合物、绿原酸、多酚等,可抑制自由基的形成、抗衰老;它还含有叶酸,肌醇等及多种维生素,对提神醒脑,助消化,激发人体潜能有积极作用;它还含有脂多糖,可改善造血功能、防止放射性损害;它所含的茶甘宁,可提高血管韧性;它还含有羊藿甙、甾醇、黄酮甙、芳香油、黄酮类化合物、异黄酮、儿茶素、多酚等,有预防中风、糖尿病的作用,有抗基因突变、保护心脏、防癌抗癌、起阳痿、调整代谢、促进和平衡人体免疫功能,促进蛋白质、糖、脂代谢作用。In case the type yellow ketonize shuts the matter、Green original sour、Much phenol await,Liberal foundation formation may be repressed、Combat slow deathly;It still haves folic acid,Flesh good wine awaits to reach much kinds of vitamins,Sober up to giving oneself a life in the brain,Assist digestion,The human body latent energy stimulating possess the energetic action;It still haves the grease polysaccharose,Yet the blood meritorous service capacity build in the improvement、Guard against the radioactivity injury ;It the tea Gan Ning of Han ,Blood vessel tenacity may be liftd;It still haves the sheep leaves of pulse glucoside 、Zai's good wine 、Huang Tongdai、Aromatic oil、Huang Tonglei chemical compound、Unusual Huang Tong、Catechu is habitually、Much phenol await, There is the prccaution to catch apoplexy、Action of diabetes, There is the resisted genc to suddenly change、Protcction heart、provide against the cancer anticancer、Get up impotence、Regulation is metabolized、Accelerate and the equilibrium human body immunity meritorous service capacity,Accelerate protein、Sweet、Grease metabolism.点击展开...这好象是机器翻译,肯定不是合格英语。我晚上回家看看能不能查出来。

回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?It the tea Gan Ning of Han?汗。。。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake如类黄酮化合物、绿原酸、多酚等,可抑制自由基的形成、抗衰老;它还含有叶酸,肌醇等及多种维生素,对提神醒脑,助消化,激发人体潜能有积极作用;它还含有脂多糖,可改善造血功能、防止放射性损害;它所含的茶甘宁,可提高血管韧性;它还含有羊藿甙、甾醇、黄酮甙、芳香油、黄酮类化合物、异黄酮、儿茶素、多酚等,有预防中风、糖尿病的作用,有抗基因突变、保护心脏、防癌抗癌、起阳痿、调整代谢、促进和平衡人体免疫功能,促进蛋白质、糖、脂代谢作用。In case the type yellow ketonize shuts the matter、Green original sour、Much phenol await,Liberal foundation formation may be repressed、Combat slow deathly;It still haves folic acid,Flesh good wine awaits to reach much kinds of vitamins,Sober up to giving oneself a life in the brain,Assist digestion,The human body latent energy stimulating possess the energetic action;It still haves the grease polysaccharose,Yet the blood meritorous service capacity build in the improvement、Guard against the radioactivity injury ;It the tea Gan Ning of Han ,Blood vessel tenacity may be liftd;It still haves the sheep leaves of pulse glucoside 、Zai's good wine 、Huang Tongdai、Aromatic oil、Huang Tonglei chemical compound、Unusual Huang Tong、Catechu is habitually、Much phenol await, There is the prccaution to catch apoplexy、Action of diabetes, There is the resisted genc to suddenly change、Protcction heart、provide against the cancer anticancer、Get up impotence、Regulation is metabolized、Accelerate and the equilibrium human body immunity meritorous service capacity,Accelerate protein、Sweet、Grease metabolism.点击展开...这不是英文,是翻译器翻的. it haves让人笑掉大牙.

回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?不好意思,没有查出来。我只有一号留心了。

回复: 大家知道绿茶中的茶甘宁英语怎么说吗?这好象是机器翻译,肯定不是合格英语。我晚上回家看看能不能查出来。点击展开...Google出来的,以为找到了,呵呵。

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