加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问下如何才能申请电工学徒的课程?


请问下如何才能申请电工学徒的课程?在georgebrown的网站上说得先要找到雇主,和雇主签订合同,政府机构派人认证,最后一步才是去college注册学习。。。。。。 难啊,招工的 顺序完全反过来了。。。。 可是我就是因为一点专业知识都没有,所以才想从头学起,去找电工工作,很是疑惑 希望各位i高人能给指点下迷津 How do I get started?To become an apprentice, an applicant must find an employer who is willing to train. Such jobs are rarely advertised, and instead, employers often rely on word of mouth to attract applicants. People who want to become apprentices usually apply directly to an employer, union or joint training committee.For information about apprenticeship, call the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Employment Ontario, Apprenticeship Office at 416-326-5800.To learn about the more than 130 skilled occupations that can be practised through Ontario's apprenticeship training system, see the Skills Connect web site that has been set up by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Employment Ontario, Apprenticeship Office, www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/training/apprenticeship/appren.html.How do I register?Apprentices are registered by the regional office of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Employment Ontario, Apprenticeship Office. You cannot register for an apprenticeship at George Brown College. You or your future employer can call the Ministry’s regional office and ask one of their consultants to visit your workplace. The consultant will make sure that you both understand what apprenticeship is all about.

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