加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以
Sun Life Financial Advisor Sun Life Financial advisors share a proud 140-year history of providing financial security solutions to millions of Canadians. Sun Life Financial advisors sell health insurance, life insurance and investments to individuals and groups. In this way, they enjoy meaningful work by helping to ensure the financial health of their clients. As a Sun Life Financial advisor, you'll join a group of 50,000 advisors worldwide. You'll have the support of one of the world's leading financial services companies. You'll have the opportunity to grow and build your own financial services practice, enjoy independence, freedom, flexibility, and recognition for your successes. You'll benefit from dedicated professional support from our financial centres and head office in Waterloo. Success in investment and insurance sales takes hard work, dedication, commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, and a passion for helping others. Your career is limited only by how much you are willing to put into it.As a Sun Life Financial advisor, you'll benefit from:・ The opportunity to build your own business and earn an above average income・ A flexible benefit package・ Comprehensive training・ Access to specialists to help and support you in areas such as financial planning, wealth accumulation, and health insurance・ A broad range of financial products and services to meet your clients' needs・ Leading edge technology to service your clients・ Call centre support for both you and your clients・ Dedicated, professional support from field office resource team・ Established marketing programs・ Support and backing of a solid organization with a strong name and recognition in its field[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]If you have a background in:・ financial services,・ sales,・ insurance,・ marketing,・ investments,・ business development,・ management,・ and/or accounting Send your email to :[email protected]
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回复: Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以投简历!等我登陆,一定报到!
玩的就是对冲!回复: Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以投简历!不太喜欢financial advisor类工作,原因不详。谢谢lz。
回复: Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以投简历!谢谢楼主提供信息!
回复: Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以投简历!在国内推销人寿保险的人和推销安利的人是一个地位,这种方式不适合中国人,个人观点,仅供参考。
回复: Sunlife 正在招聘financial advisor, 感兴趣的朋友可以投简历!被这种类型的“金融”公司联系了好多次,浪费我手机费。总感觉不是很正规的职业,幸亏我不是学金融的,直接不考虑。
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