加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:international student 能否在加拿大考CGA呢
请教各位在考CGA的会计前辈,我是international student, 可以申请在加拿大考CGA吗?官方网站上说必需是citizenship或landed immigrant. 连接如下http://www.cga-ontario.ca/eligibility.asp 如果是这样的话,我就不准备申请accounting专业了,请问有留学生遇到这个难题吗
回复: 请教:international student 能否在加拿大考CGA呢从申请accounting专业到成为CGA,最短也要有4,5年的经历。而且还需要你有2年的senior的工作经验。在这个过程中,你就可以申请移民了。这个是BC省的规定,没有查到安省的官方说法,但是身边好多留学生在学,应该也是可以的吧International StudentsIf you have education, including business or accounting credits, from other countries, CGA will assess your courses to determine your transfer credits towards the CGA program. This education may be in the form of certificates, diplomas, or degrees from foreign institutions.In some cases, the Association may require that students have their degrees assessed by an outside agency to determine equivalency to Canadian degrees. If the student’s foreign education does not meet the CGA degree requirement, the student will be required to obtain a bachelor’s degree.International students living in B.C. or the Yukon on a student visa are eligible to enrol in the CGA program. Papers from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada confirming visa status must be included with your other application information.Keep in mind that although student on visas can begin the CGA program, all CGA students must be qualified to work in Canada in order to meet the program’s practical experience requirement. To earn certification as a CGA in Canada, members must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.International students on the CGA program may be able to return to their home countries to complete the certification requirements. See the list of international offices to find out where the CGA program is offered.See International Candidates for more about the opportunities available to CGAs in BC, support that CGA students receive from CGA-BC, and resources for newcomers to the province.
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