我在网上看了很多, 主要是关于美国的, 但是加拿大的行医执照具体该怎么取得却信息不多, 希望大家能给一些建议???我看到一篇网页上有说到要学历认证, 我很迷惑, 还望各位高人指点?如果也有一样的战友请联系我, 我们可以互通有无, 一起备战!我的邮箱是[email protected]
努力读书中, 因为梦想从没改变过, 知道会很难, 但是还是要试的, 因为那么多人可以, 我也一定可以! 赏

1,345 $0.00 回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?这里有两篇相关文章:职业定位_医生评论
回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?谢谢, 这两篇 我都看过了, 但是没有细节,很想找到一些同路人一起讨论一下具体步骤!
努力读书中, 因为梦想从没改变过, 知道会很难, 但是还是要试的, 因为那么多人可以, 我也一定可以!回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?我的QQ 号1320340707, 请有兴趣的战友加我!
努力读书中, 因为梦想从没改变过, 知道会很难, 但是还是要试的, 因为那么多人可以, 我也一定可以!回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?the Medical degree from china will not be recognized by the Canada government, so basically if you want to continue Medicine as a career, you need to re-do all your medical training from Canada Medical school. It means you need to do two year of pre-Medical courses, then get into a 4 years medical school and then match into residency program in Canada. It is a really tough route. Good luck.
回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?you need huge investment (money and time)but the return after 4-5 year is also good
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重。回复: 我2010年医学本科毕业, 已经拿到签纸,我想继续当医生, 我该怎么办?我很年轻, 我没有小孩, 所以基本上我很有时间,我老公有份工作, 愿意供我, 所以钱问题不是很大,至少考试费和生活基本有着落,谢谢!
努力读书中, 因为梦想从没改变过, 知道会很难, 但是还是要试的, 因为那么多人可以, 我也一定可以!the Medical degree from china will not be recognized by the Canada government, so basically if you want to continue Medicine as a career, you need to re-do all your medical training from Canada Medical school. It means you need to do two year of pre-Medical courses, then get into a 4 years medical school and then match into residency program in Canada. It is a really tough route. Good luck.点击展开...can you tell me more about the pre-medical courses?thank you very much .
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