暂时不想读llb,剩下llm和paralegal可选。我想可能paralegal更容易找工作。不知道有没有读这个专业的童鞋能不能提供一点意见。我现在住在hamilton,这边没有认证的学校,所以在考虑Algonquin Careers Academy,在mississauga,有了解这个学校的朋友能提供一点信息吗?拜谢
回复: 开一帖讨论一下Paralegal问:怎么才能成为legal assistant? 答:去大学或者college修几门课问:你认为什么素质对这个行业比较重要?答:要喜欢才行,否则也挺枯燥。做事要井井有条。需要很好的写作能力,因为有很多东西要写。问:你觉得就业市场如何?答:我在这个行业做了八年,觉得工作很好找。不过也可能因为我干的时间比较长,另外我对这个行业比较熟悉(personal injury)的缘故。我猜找工作可能不难。不过你不能以此为准。问:这个行业收入如何?答:据我所知,从新手$24k到$50k左右。问:你觉得新移民入行这个领域如何?答:我不很清楚。但是英语要比较好。问:很辛苦吗?加班很多吗?答:还好吧。阶段性的,比如上庭期间,就有很多加班。据我的观察,这个职业需要英语写作能力和非常强的条理性。作为legal assistant,要整理很多档案信息,起草很多来往信件。有条理,语言能力强,电脑比较熟悉的人可以尝试。 原文在这里
回复: 开一帖讨论一下Paralegala kind of good job

回复: wrong information!paralegal and legal assistant are different position! Paralegals are licensed leagal profession regulated by Law Society of Upper Canada, they can provide legal services independently and they can running business by themselves. Legal assistants can not running business by themselves, they are not allowed to give legal advise to clients, not licensed, they only work with lawyers or other legal professions in legal field.点击展开...谢谢cti的意见,但是在网上看到:Paralegal和Legal Assistant是一回事,通常paralegal指experienced legal assistant,通常5年以上。都不可以出据legal opinion,不可以独立执业,也不能以律师的名义进行书信往来,必须在律师的指导下工作。不知是否正确,对这个行业不了解,请否请cti再给大家指点一下,谢谢先!
回复: 开一帖讨论一下ParalegalPlease update your information.On May 1st, 2007, The Law Society of Upper Canada became responsible for regulating the paralegal profession, as a result of amendments to the Law Society Act brought about by Bill 14.Anyone in Ontario providing legal services requires a licence(lawyer and paralegal),The Law Society governs legal service providers in the public interest by ensuring that the people of Ontario are served by lawyers and paralegals who meet high standards of learning, competence and professional conduct.Paralegal has a duty to provide legal services and discharge all responsibilities to clients, tribunals, the public and other licensees honourably and with integrity;a paralegal, as a provider of legal services, has an important role to play in a free and democratic society and in the administration of justice and a responsibility to recognize the diversity of the Ontario community, to protect the dignity of individuals, and to respect human rights laws in force in Ontario...... If you want more information, please go to the web: www.lsuc.on.ca
回复: 开一帖讨论一下Paralegalhttp://info.iask.ca/community/event/assn/2009/10/01/182638.shtml
回复: 开一帖讨论一下Paralegalhttp://info.iask.ca/community/event/assn/2009/10/01/182638.shtml点击展开...contact them, maybe they have new lecture coming about paralgal program.
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