加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息centennial college skills assessment???
此号多人使用!回复: centennial college skills assessment???写一篇essay 给4-5个topic pick up one写得好上171写得不好上161根据专业不同可能还有数学啥的,考前管他们要一份sample paper. 不难
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: centennial college skills assessment???我报了2个专业,要考2种数学,麻烦!听说不是打电话预约考试吗?怎么我的流程全都不一样呢!在网上自己选的日子,另外自己带字典吗?还是用他们提供的?英英的?数学能带英汉的吗?还是怕看不懂题啊!
此号多人使用!回复: centennial college skills assessment???我选的是工程数学基本就是tan sin costrianglefraction numerator denominator基本就这些了
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: centennial college skills assessment???三角函数很难啊,对于我来说,得恶补几天了
Baby tell me how can I tell u that I love u more than life. Show me how can I show u that I am blinded by ur light. When u touch me I can touch u to find out the dream is true. I love to be loved by u.回复: centennial college skills assessment???下周一要去centennial考试了 没底 好紧张啊
回复: centennial college skills assessment???me too
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