加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student
申请了Seneca三年的Applied Science program, 已经收到Seneca Offer,但却要求重新参加Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student,之前的入学评估考试叫Pre-admission assessment tests,现在的目的是:PurposeThe assessment is a tool to determine academic placement. Be sure to act quickly. Getting your first-semester timetable depends on a completed assessment. The results of this assessment won't affect your admission to the College.我要考英语和数学,细节如下: 1. A Short Essay (handwritten) To measure your ability to write a formal essay, you'll have 45 minutes to write a 300-word essay based on a short article. 2. Computerized Placement Tests Reading Comprehension You'll read different pieces of writing and answer questions based on the content to measure your comprehension. 3. For Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology students only - Canadian Achievement Test 3rd Edition - CAT3 - Mathematics. This multiple choice test will take 40 minutes.请问上面三项具体都要考什么方面的东西?难度与入学考试Pre-admission assessments tests 难度差别多大?考试成绩好坏对 first-semester timetable有什么影响?这个 first-semester timetable很模糊,谁能单独解释解释这是做什么用的,是不是和选课有关?刚刚做了网上的三套书学模拟题目,没有难度.http://senecac.on.ca/registrar/testcentre/skills.htmlPractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3谢谢考过的朋友指点指点.
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student我也在申请入读COLLEGE,请问一定要在ONTARIOCOLLEGE.CA的网站申请对吗?可我一个月前申请,但未完成,再继续申请,却发现申请过期了,又不能重新创建一个新帐户,现在真不知怎么办,能否指点一下?
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student请问要提供的学历学位证的公证件可以吗?我看要求上好象是说要教育部的学历认证,真要这样吗?
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student我申请的是Seneca的Fire Protection专业,在My.Seneca.ca的网页上,也要求Skills Assessment Appointment。*************************You are required to take the following skills assessment test(s): Reading Comp., Tech Mathematics, Writing SampleTo book your appointment please click here here. Last updated November 7, 2009 3:12 PM.*********************************
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student请问要提供的学历学位证的公证件可以吗?我看要求上好象是说要教育部的学历认证,真要这样吗?点击展开...请参见这个帖子:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=292192
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student明天要去SENECA参加SKILL ASSESSMENT . 今天才借了本国内的数学公式来看。那么多三角函数的公式 ,挺费劲的。只希望别考得太难看了。真是全忘光了。
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student申请了Seneca三年的Applied Science program, 已经收到Seneca Offer,但却要求重新参加Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student,之前的入学评估考试叫Pre-admission assessment tests,现在的目的是: Purpose The assessment is a tool to determine academic placement. Be sure to act quickly. Getting your first-semester timetable depends on a completed assessment. The results of this assessment won't affect your admission to the College. 我要考英语和数学,细节如下: 1. A Short Essay (handwritten)To measure your ability to write a formal essay, you'll have 45 minutes to write a 300-word essay based on a short article. 2. Computerized Placement TestsReading ComprehensionYou'll read different pieces of writing and answer questions based on the content to measure your comprehension. 3. For Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology students only - Canadian Achievement Test 3rd Edition - CAT3 - Mathematics.This multiple choice test will take 40 minutes. 请问上面三项具体都要考什么方面的东西?难度与入学考试Pre-admission assessments tests 难度差别多大?考试成绩好坏对 first-semester timetable有什么影响? 这个 first-semester timetable很模糊,谁能单独解释解释这是做什么用的,是不是和选课有关? 刚刚做了网上的三套书学模拟题目,没有难度. http://senecac.on.ca/registrar/testcentre/skills.html Practice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3 谢谢考过的朋友指点指点.点击展开...我也做了这练习.做完发现那里提示这不是给APPLIED ARTS& TECHNOLOGY 学生的. 请问你能找到其它的吗?
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student我也做了这练习.做完发现那里提示这不是给APPLIED ARTS& TECHNOLOGY 学生的. 请问你能找到其它的吗?点击展开...刚看到你的帖子,不过我也找不到其它资料。你今天考试完了在这里详细说说英语Essay和数学都考什么?这里的朋友以后进了Seneca就知道怎么准备了。这个和first timetable有什么关系?一直没搞懂。谢谢您了。
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca studentYou will be tested in Reading Comp. and Tech Mathematics and Writing Sample (refer to pages 1 & 2 of your Admissions Handbook for details.)=================================收到的最新email,不知道都具体考什么方面的东西。
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student明天要去SENECA参加SKILL ASSESSMENT . 今天才借了本国内的数学公式来看。那么多三角函数的公式 ,挺费劲的。只希望别考得太难看了。真是全忘光了。点击展开...等你回答了。
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student我今天的作文题目是Gambling, recreation or addiction 有不同的题目, 大部份人拿到的是红色的.我的是兰色的.数学太简单了. 只要不是弱智,都可拿高分.真是浪费时间去复习它了.Reading 20 道题, 我考得不好. 更遗憾的是作文, 它给了很多资料,应该是允许用到写作中的,我都没引用. 字数没写够. 看来只好上500了
回复: Skills Assessment As a new Seneca student我今天的作文题目是Gambling, recreation or addiction 有不同的题目, 大部份人拿到的是红色的.我的是兰色的.数学太简单了. 只要不是弱智,都可拿高分.真是浪费时间去复习它了.Reading 20 道题, 我考得不好. 更遗憾的是作文, 它给了很多资料,应该是允许用到写作中的,我都没引用. 字数没写够. 看来只好上500了点击展开...谢谢您,这里人以后都可以有这个做指导了!
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