加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息looking for English speaking partner


I am looking for someone who want to practice English speaking. or I want an English talking partner who can and want to talk to me in English any spare time. I need practice oral English desperately.Any one has interest to this idea, please leave me message, or email to [email protected]. we will talk via phone or MSN. I mean internet free phone. I am in Vancouver. no private issues, no writing word. for more detail, please connect with me here or email.Speak English everybody. Foreigners, average people, judge your English with your fluency.

回复: looking for English speaking partnercall for English speaking partner!!!!!why we learn English? Think it over, guys. if you can't speak out and fluently, you are wasting your time, precious time!!!! I passed TOEFL with high mark ,but my English is suck! is nothing! when I am in Canada, I can't find a professional job. BEcause if you can't speak E as fluently as local, It is NOTHING for them!!!!without English speaking, without fluency, English is nothing. anywhere out of China, people need you speak English even if you don't know how to read it or write it. tell u guys something: in Vancouver, INdian people dominate retail industry. why? because they speak Englih altohugh their English are so strange and ugly, but they speak fluently, and Cnadian local people enjoy to talk to them. so many Indian and philippines find pretty good job even if they are iliterate, can't read and without secondary school education.so, my peers, be my English practice partners, we talk English. TALK, TALK, TALK. leave message here or email to [email protected]. I know mostly, I will recieve a lot of spam in my box after I hand in my amil box here. But maybe you are a exception

回复: looking for English speaking partnerLet me have a try.

回复: looking for English speaking partnerI wanna give it a try

回复: looking for English speaking partnerSORRY ,I can't install a MSN messenger.

回复: looking for English speaking partneri want add to this team.....my msn:[email protected]'s talk to IN English.

回复: looking for English speaking partnercall for English speaking partner!!!!!why we learn English? Think it over, guys. if you can't speak out and fluently, you are wasting your time, precious time!!!! I passed TOEFL with high mark ,but my English is suck! is nothing! when I am in Canada, I can't find a professional job. BEcause if you can't speak E as fluently as local, It is NOTHING for them!!!!without English speaking, without fluency, English is nothing. anywhere out of China, people need you speak English even if you don't know how to read it or write it. tell u guys something: in Vancouver, INdian people dominate retail industry. why? because they speak Englih altohugh their English are so strange and ugly, but they speak fluently, and Cnadian local people enjoy to talk to them. so many Indian and philippines find pretty good job even if they are iliterate, can't read and without secondary school education.so, my peers, be my English practice partners, we talk English. TALK, TALK, TALK. leave message here or email to [email protected]. I know mostly, I will recieve a lot of spam in my box after I hand in my amil box here. But maybe you are a exception点击展开... having learnt so many years' dumb english, i've found it really a challenge to express myself at right time using the right words. There were occasions when I was totally at a loss to understand a word at all, let alone talking to him /her in a real sense of conversation ...

有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: looking for English speaking partner

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