加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息second career new deadline


坛子里有人正在申请这个项目吗?新政策出台了,大家有什么信息,具体内容可参考官方网站:http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/tcu/secondcareer/qna.html#newguidlinesBeginning November 20, 2009, changes to Second Career will focus the program on helping laid-off and unemployed Ontarians in need who will benefit most from training to find work. Ontario's Fall Economic Statement announced funding of $294.7 million to support employment and training programs, including Second Career.Priority will be given to applicants who:* Are gaining new skills for a high-demand occupation* Have been unemployed for a long period of time* Have a high-school education or less, or postsecondary education credentials that are not recognized in Ontario* Are working toward a college certificate, diploma or licenseApplicants will also be assessed on financial need and may be asked to contribute to their training.Program changes mean greater flexibility for Ontario families. Second Career participants will now be allowed to attend school on a part-time basis.Applicants must demonstrate that the career they want to train for is one that is in demand.In order to simplify the delivery of Employment Ontario programs, the new guidelines apply to both Second Career and Ontario Skills Development participants. Ontarians can still apply for short-term or long-term training.Applications that are not yet approved by the ministry will be reassessed under the new guidelines<可以交流一下。

回复: second career new deadlineI applied marketing program.Is this major in demand?

回复: second career new deadlineI don't know which occupation belong to high-demond?

回复: second career new deadline基本原则就是卡人,就那点钱,哪里够花。Marketing我看够呛。

  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
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