加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(


根据新加坡教育部在小学新生登记入学时所做的调查,新加坡讲华语的家庭自上世纪90年代以来便一直减少,到了今天只剩下约40%的家庭仍以华语作为主要用语,反之讲英语的家庭却从1990年的26%增至今年的60%。为了改变华语地位下降的趋势,新加坡华语理事会从3月30日起推出“华文,谁怕谁”大挑战活动,通过有趣的问答游戏,让新加坡公民以及永久居民亲身参与,感受中华文化的博大精深,深化他们对华文华语的认识,并进一步提升他们的华语掌握能力。这个活动将持续3个月,每个月的积分前六名的新加坡人将参加面试,最后选出6人参加在7月份举行的电视总决赛。 第一周“华文,谁怕谁”的12个具有挑战性的测试题如下,各位试试看,我觉得有些题对中国人而言难度系数也不小。附上英文版,顺便也来个“英文,谁怕谁”: 1. "龙筹股"指的是什么?What do "dragon stocks" refer to?http://photo.blog.sina.com.cn/showpic.html#blogid=48670cb20100cvas&url=http://static16.photo.sina.com.cn/orignal/48670cb2x67787979f59f&6902. 请猜这是什么汉字?What word does this hieroglyph refer to? 3. "四美路"注:四美路是新加坡一条街道、地铁站,见图中的"四美"指的是哪四位美女?The word 'Simei' in 'Simei Road' refers to which of the following four beauties?" 4. 吴宇森执导的电影《赤壁》,是根据哪个朝代的历史事件拍摄?Which era is the film Red Cliff, directed by John Woo, set in? 5. 哪一位中国名画家曾花了2年7个月,待在敦煌沙漠临摹历代壁画?Which oChinese artists spent two years and seven months copying frescoes and paintings in the Dun Huang desert?" 6. 已故新加坡艺术家郭宝最为脍炙人口的作品是哪一个?Which of the following is one of the most well-known works of the late Singaporean artist Kuo Pao Kun? 7. 网络上所指的"Kuso"是什么意思?What does the term 'Kuso' mean on the Internet 8. 第一首被西方歌剧采用的中国歌曲是哪一首?Which is the first Chinese song to be adapted for use in a Western opera? 9. 晋惠帝的 "何不食肉糜"之说,与哪一个西方传说有异曲同工之妙?'When told about the large number of people dying from famine, Emperor Hui of the Jin Dynasty asked 'Why don't they eat meat porridge then?' Which Western story is this similar to? 10. "大红袍、碧螺春、龙井"指的是什么?What do the names Da Hong Pao, Bi Luo Chun and Long Jing (Large Red Robe, Green Conch Spring and Dragon Well) refer?11. 知名导演陈凯歌曾在哪一部西方电影里客串演小兵?Renowned Chinese director, Chen Kaige has a cameo role in which western movie? 12. 哪一句成语是英文谚语 "to put all eggs into one basket" 最适当的翻译?Which of the following best translates the saying 'to put all eggs into one basket'这十二道题考的还不完全是汉语和中国文化,有些题纯属新加坡文化,对中国人来说当然很陌生,比如第6题(新加坡艺术家郭宝的作品)。其他的题目有的很容易,也有的相当生僻。主办方给出的标准答案附在后面,供各位参考。其中第9题(西方哪一个传说与“何不食肉糜”类似),答案是法国路易十六的王后玛丽安托瓦内特对饥饿的法国人所说的 "那就改吃蛋糕嘛"(Let them eat cake)。这句话的法语原文是qu'ils mangent de la brioche,brioche应该是“面包”而非“蛋糕”(cake)。这只是一个民间传说而已,渲染这位王后的骄奢与愚钝。关于玛丽安托瓦内特,还有另外一个有名的传说,当她在法国大革命中走上断头台时不小心踩到刽子手的脚,她以贵族的优雅习惯地:Monsieur, je vous demande pardon. Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès (先生,我请求您的原谅,我不是故意的)。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)附录:新加坡“华文,谁怕谁”挑战第一周标准答案:1. "龙筹股"指的是什么(What do "dragon stocks" refer to)?答案:中国公司在本地交易所上市的股票(Stocks of Chinese companies listed on the Singapore stock exchange) 2. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph refer to)?答案:州(continent, state) 3. "四美路"中的"四美"指的是哪四位美女(The word 'Simei' in 'Simei Road' refers to which of the following four beauties)?答案:西施、王昭君、貂婵、杨玉环 4. 吴宇森执导的电影《赤壁》,是根据哪个朝代的历史事件拍摄(Which era is the film Red Cliff, directed by John Woo, set in)?答案:汉朝(Han Dynasty) 5. 哪一位中国名画家曾花了2年7个月,待在敦煌沙漠临摹历代壁画(Which oChinese artists spent two years and seven months copying frescoes and paintings in the Dun Huang desert)?答案:张大千 6. 已故新加坡艺术家郭宝最为脍炙人口的作品中是哪一个(Which of the following is one of the most well-known works of the late Singaporean artist Kuo Pao Kun)?答案:棺材太大洞太小(The Coffin is Too Big for the Hole) 7. 网络上所指的"Kuso"是什么意思(What does the term 'Kuso' mean on the Internet)?答案:恶搞颠覆(Mischievous and subversive)。 8. 第一首被西方歌剧采用的中国歌曲是哪一首(Which is the first Chinese song to be adapted for use in a Western opera)?答案:茉莉花(The Jasmine Flower)。 9. 晋惠帝的 "何不食肉糜"之说,与哪一个西方传说有异曲同工之妙?'When told about the large number of people dying from famine, Emperor Hui of the Jin Dynasty asked 'Why don't they eat meat porridge then?' Which Western story is this similar to?答案:路易十六王后玛丽安托瓦内特的 "人民若无面包,那就改吃蛋糕嘛"之说(When Queen Marie-Antoinette said 'Let them eat cake')。10. "大红袍、碧螺春、龙井"指的是什么?What do the names Da Hong Pao, Bi Luo Chun and Long Jing (Large Red Robe, Green Conch Spring and Dragon Well) refer?答案:茶叶(Tea leaves)。11. 知名导演陈凯歌曾在哪一部西方电影里客串演小兵?Renowned Chinese director, Chen Kaige has a cameo role in which western movie?答案:末代皇帝(The Last Emperor)。 12. 哪一句成语是英文谚语 "to put all eggs into one basket" 最适当的翻译?Which of the following best translates the saying 'to put all eggs into one basket'答案:孤注一掷(To stake everything at a single throw)。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第2周挑战题:1.中国现代画家张晓刚、方力均、王广义及岳敏君四人被称为什么(China's contemporary artists Zhang Xiaogang, Fang Lijun, Wang Guangyi and Yue Minjun are collectively known as)? 2. 1954年,查理卓别林在日内瓦会议上观赏了哪一部被誉为 "中国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》" 的中国电影(At the 1954 Geneva Conference, Charlie Chaplin watched a Chinese movie also known as the “Romeo and Juliet of China”;. What is the movie's official title)?3. 哪一个中国领导人曾说过 "天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧" 这句话(Which Chinese leader said, “Rain has to fall, women have to marry, these things are immutable, let them go?")?4. "口水歌"是什么(What does the Chinese expression_r "kou shui ge" (saliva song) refer to)?5. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?6. 请选出正确的读音“莘莘学子”(What is the correct phonetic notation for the Chinese idiom莘莘学子)shēn shēn xué zǐ7. 苏轼《水调歌头》词句 "但愿人长久,千里共婵娟" 中的 "婵娟" 指的是什么(What does " chan juan " refer to in the following line? "May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of chan juan; - Prelude to Water Melody by Su Shi")?8. 新加坡最早的华文日报是哪一份(What was Singapore first Chinese daily?)?9. 网络火星文"3Q到orz"表示什么(What does the phrase "3Q to orz" mean to Chinese netizens)?10. 哪一个词是英文"invoice"的中文翻译(What is the Chinese term for "invoice")?11. 上海市教委教研室将周杰伦的哪首歌收入上海中学生爱国主义歌曲推荐目录之列(Which song by Jay Chou was listed as a patriotic song for secondary school students by the Education Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission?)?12. 今日的花拉公园 (Farrer Park)于1843 年时是什么场地(What was Farrer Park back in 1843?)?

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第3周挑战题:1. 《三字经》开首“人之初,性本善”的说法源自战国何人(In the Three Character Classic, the line (people are born good) is attributed to whom from the Warring States period?)?2. 电影《国产零零漆》中,周星驰所饰演的情报特务平日以什么身份作为掩饰(What is the cover used by the spy, played by Stephen Chow, in the movie “From Beijing with Love”?)?3. 哪一部漫画是改编自《西游记》(Which of the following comic series is adapted from the Chinese classic “Journey to the West”)? 4. “杏林”是什么行业的代名词(What does the Chinese Phrase “xing lin” (apricot forest) refer to?)?5. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)? 6. 新加坡与中国在哪一个城市联合开发生态城(In which city Singapore and China are developing an eco-city together)?7. 名武侠小说家金庸有位著名的文坛表哥,他是谁(Who is the famous poet & cousin of renowned martial arts novelist Jin Yong (Louis Cha)?)?8. 新马华人于农历新年的“人日”会吃什么(What dish is eaten by the Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia to celebrate Renri (The Day of Mankind))?9. 上海的浦东和浦西以哪一条河流为分界(Which river divides the districts of Pudong and Puxi in Shanghai)?10. 针灸中的“灸”指的是什么(What does the character "jiu" in "zhenjiu" (acupuncture) refers to)? 11. 儿歌《小白船》里的“小白船"是指什么(In the Chinese song "xiao bai chuan", what does the title refers to)?12. 以下哪一位电影英雄,在真实历史上并无其人(Which one of the following movie heroes is fictional?)?

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第4周挑战题: 1. 在中国大陆,普通话中的“土豆”一词一般指的是什么? A. 花生 B. 蕃薯 C. 马铃薯 2. 以前称作“小坡五马路”的,是今日的哪一条街? A. 滑铁卢街 B. 明古连街 C. 布连拾街 3. 一九三九年,徐悲鸿在新加坡看了知名女星王莹演出的话剧后, 画了以下哪一幅名作? A. 田横五百壮士 B. 放下你的鞭子 C. 愚公移山 4. “山寨明星”指的是什么? A. 行为恶劣的明星 B. 出身微寒的明星 C. 几可乱真的模仿者 5. 请选出“鞋子”的正确拼音:3 A. 鞋子xiézi B. 鞋子xuézǐ C. 鞋子xuézi 6. 网络语言中 “被黑”是什么意思? A. 被网民批评 B. 被骇客侵入电脑 C. 被网民抹黑而背黑锅 7. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 在新加坡叫“亚细安”,在中国则被称为什么? A. 东南亚共同体 B. 东协 C. 东盟 8. 第一部入围奥斯卡奖的中文电影是哪一部? A. 菊豆 B. 大红灯笼高高挂 C. 红高粱 9. 以下女演员中,谁没有饰演过《射雕英雄传》中的黄蓉? A. 林依晨 B. 朱茵 C. 范冰冰 10. 《高山青》这首歌曲原出自哪里? A. 台湾山地民歌 B. 中国童谣 C. 电影主题曲 11. “孔明灯”中的“孔明”指的是谁? A. 诸葛亮 B. 孔融 C. 鲁肃 12. “射虎台”是一项什么活动? A. 猜灯谜 B. 射击 C. 打电玩

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第2周挑战题答案:1.中国现代画家张晓刚、方力均、王广义及岳敏君四人被称为什么(China's contemporary artists Zhang Xiaogang, Fang Lijun, Wang Guangyi and Yue Minjun are collectively known as)?答案:画坛F4(The F4 of the art world) 2. 1954年,查理卓别林在日内瓦会议上观赏了哪一部被誉为 "中国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》" 的中国电影(At the 1954 Geneva Conference, Charlie Chaplin watched a Chinese movie also known as the “Romeo and Juliet of China”;. What is the movie's official title)?答案:梁山伯与祝英台(The Butterfly Lovers) 3. 哪一个中国领导人曾说过 "天要下雨,娘要嫁人,由他去吧" 这句话(Which Chinese leader said, “Rain has to fall, women have to marry, these things are immutable, let them go?")?答案:毛泽东 4. "口水歌"是什么(What does the Chinese expression_r "kou shui ge" (saliva song) refer to)?答案:唱者并非原唱,而是翻唱早已被唱至街知巷闻的知名歌曲(A cover of a popular song) 5. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for:)?答案:交(mix) 6. 请选出正确的读音“莘莘学子”(What is the correct phonetic notation for the Chinese idiom莘莘学子)答案:shēn shēn xué zǐ 7. 苏轼《水调歌头》词句 "但愿人长久,千里共婵娟" 中的 "婵娟" 指的是什么(What does " chan juan " refer to in the following line? "May we all be blessed with longevity, though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of chan juan; - Prelude to Water Melody by Su Shi")?答案:月亮(moon) 8. 新加坡最早的华文日报是哪一份(What was Singapore first Chinese daily?)?答案:叻报 lè bào 9. 网络火星文"3Q到orz"表示什么(What does the phrase "3Q to orz" mean to Chinese netizens)?答案:感谢得五体投地 (To be prostrate with extreme gratitude) 10. 哪一个词是英文"invoice"的中文翻译(What is the Chinese term for "invoice")?答案:发票 11. 上海市教委教研室将周杰伦的哪首歌收入上海中学生爱国主义歌曲推荐目录之列(Which song by Jay Chou was listed as a patriotic song for secondary school students by the Education Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission?)?答案:蜗牛(snail) 12. 今日的花拉公园 (Farrer Park)于1843 年时是什么场地(What was Farrer Park back in 1843?)?答案:跑马场(Race course)

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第3周挑战题答案:1. 《三字经》开首“人之初,性本善”的说法源自战国何人(In the Three Character Classic, the line (people are born good) is attributed to whom from the Warring States period?)?答案:孟子(Mencius) 2. 电影《国产零零漆》中,周星驰所饰演的情报特务平日以什么身份作为掩饰(What is the cover used by the spy, played by Stephen Chow, in the movie “From Beijing with Love”?)?答案:猪肉佬(Pork seller) 3. 哪一部漫画是改编自《西游记》(Which of the following comic series is adapted from the Chinese classic “Journey to the West”)?答案:七龙珠(Dragon Ball) 4. “杏林”是什么行业的代名词(What does the Chinese Phrase “xing lin” (apricot forest) refer to?)?答案:中医(Traditional Chinese Medical Practice) 5. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?答案:立(stand, establish) 6. 新加坡与中国在哪一个城市联合开发生态城(In which city Singapore and China are developing an eco-city together)?答案:天津 7. 名武侠小说家金庸有位著名的文坛表哥,他是谁(Who is the famous poet & cousin of renowned martial arts novelist Jin Yong (Louis Cha)?)?答案:徐志摩 8. 新马华人于农历新年的“人日”会吃什么(What dish is eaten by the Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia to celebrate Renri (The Day of Mankind))?答案:七彩鱼生 (Tossed raw fish salad) 9. 上海的浦东和浦西以哪一条河流为分界(Which river divides the districts of Pudong and Puxi in Shanghai)?答案:黄浦江(Huangpu River) 10. 针灸中的“灸”指的是什么(What does the character "jiu" in "zhenjiu" (acupuncture) refers to)?答案:用燃烧的艾叶来刺激穴位(the stimulation of acupoints with burning Chinese mugwort leaves) 11. 儿歌《小白船》里的“小白船"是指什么(In the Chinese song "xiao bai chuan", what does the title refers to)?答案:新月(The crescent moon) 12. 以下哪一位电影英雄,在真实历史上并无其人(Which one of the following movie heroes is fictional?)?答案:李小龙所饰的陈真(Chen Zhen played by Bruce Lee)

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第4周挑战题答案: 1. 在中国大陆,普通话中的“土豆”一词一般指的是什么?Answer:C. 马铃薯 2. 以前称作“小坡五马路”的,是今日的哪一条街?Answer:B. 明古连街 3. 一九三九年,徐悲鸿在新加坡看了知名女星王莹演出的话剧后, 画了以下哪一幅名作?Answer:B. 放下你的鞭子 4. “山寨明星”指的是什么?Answer:C. 几可乱真的模仿者 5. 请选出“鞋子”的正确拼音:3Answer:A. 鞋子xiézi 6. 网络语言中 “被黑”是什么意思?Answer:B. 被骇客侵入电脑 7. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 在新加坡叫“亚细安”,在中国则被称为什么?Answer:C. 东盟 8. 第一部入围奥斯卡奖的中文电影是哪一部?Answer:A. 菊豆 9. 以下女演员中,谁没有饰演过《射雕英雄传》中的黄蓉?Answer:C. 范冰冰 10. 《高山青》这首歌曲原出自哪里?Answer:C. 电影主题曲 11. “孔明灯”中的“孔明”指的是谁?Answer:A. 诸葛亮 12. “射虎台”是一项什么活动?Answer:A. 猜灯谜

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第5周测验题: 1. 苏打绿演唱的《小情歌》歌词中所出现的中国古典文学作品是(What is the Chinese literary classics mentioned in “Little Love Song” by Taiwanese band Sodagreen)? 2. 新加坡武装部队的军官职衔中最高的是哪一个军阶(What is the highest army rank in the Singapore Armed Forces)?3.曾经说过“不管黑猫白猫(也有黑猫黄猫之说),抓住老鼠就是好猫”是哪一位中国政治领导人(Which Chinese political leader said, "Regardless if a cat is black or white (and in other sayings, black or yellow), it has merit as long as it catches mice")?4. 白居易《长恨歌》中,“天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧”一句指的是谁(In "Song of Eternal Sorrow" by poet Bai Juyi, he writes: "Yet with such beauty bestowed by fate, how could she remain unknown! Eventually, she was chosen to attend to the emperor". Who was he refering to?>)?5. “梁上君子”指的是什么(What does the Chinese expression_r "gentleman on top of a beam" refers to)?6. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?7. 哪一位新加坡人在厦门大学当过校长(Which Singaporean was once the president of Xiamen University (University of Amoy))?8. 商业术语中的“红海”是什么意思(What does the Chinese business term "red ocean" refers to)? 9. “下岗”的意思是什么(What does the Chinese expression_r "to step off a post" refers to)?10. 以下哪一部电影并非改编自漫画作品(Which one of the following movies is not an adaptation of a comic book)?11. 歌手王力宏的歌曲《在梅边》是根据哪一个古典文学作品而创作的(Which Chinese literary classics is Leehom Wang's song "Beside the Plum Blossom" based on)?12. 武夷山位于中国的哪一省份(The Wuyi Mountains are located in which one of the following provinces of China)?

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第六周测验题; 1. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?2. 在本地,饮料“鸳鸯”指的是什么?(In Singapore, the colloquial expression_r "mandarin ducks" refers to which drink)?3.电影《海角七号》插曲《野玫瑰》的作曲者是谁? (In the film "Cape No.7", who is the song "Heidenroslein"'s compositor)?4. 曹操《短歌行》:“对酒当歌,人生几何?______,去日苦多。”请填空。(In “The Short Song”, Cao Cao writes “Let’s sing and enjoy the wine while it lasts. _______, too much time has been lost")?5. 俗语“不分青红皂白”中的“皂”是指什么颜色?(The Chinese saying "bu fen qing hong zao bai" refers to the inability to distinguish right and wrong. On its own, what does the Chinese character 皂 mean)?6. 中国艺术家中,第一个在纽约古根汉博物馆举办个人回顾展的是哪一位?(Which contemporary artists is the first from China to hold a solo retrospective exhibition at the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum in New York?)?7. 光绪皇帝曾为新加坡天福宫题哪四个字(The Thian Hock Keng Temple in Singapore once received a calligraphic panel from Emperor Guangxu as a gift. What Chinese phrases was inscribed on it)?8. 以下哪一个人物并非老夫子漫画中的角色(Which one of the following characters is not from the "Old Master" comic series?)?9. 下列哪一个城市不是中国的“经济特区”(Which one of the following cities is not a Special Economic Zone of China)?10. 清末四大奇案的哪一案件被改编为卖座巨片《投名状》(The box office hit "The Warlords" was adapted from which one of the Four Greatest Mysteries of the Qing Dynasty)?11. 周星驰在《家有喜事》中的亲吻绝招叫什么(In the Chinese film "All's Well, Ends Well", Stephen Chow's character has a signature kissing technique. What is its name)?12. 中国哪个地区的熊猫数量最多(Which region in China has the most number of pandas)?

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第5周测验题答案 1.答案:离骚(The Lament) 2. 答案:中将(Lieutenant-General) 3.答案:邓小平 4. 答案:杨玉环 (杨贵妃) 5. 答案:小偷(A thief) 6. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?答案:光(light) 7. 答案:林文庆(Lim Boon Keng) 8. 答案:指某产业的发展规则也完善,竞争激烈,剩下的市场份额很小(Mature industries with comprehensive business development rules, leading to intense competition that results in the decrease of market share for all players)。 9. 答案:被裁(a dismissal) 10.答案:七剑(Seven Swords) 11. 答案:牡丹亭(The Peony Pavilion) 12. 答案:福建

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)第六周测验题答案; 1. 请猜这是什么汉字(Which word does this hieroglyph stand for)?答案:从(follow,from)2. 答案:咖啡混合奶茶(coffee mixed with milk tea) 3.答案:舒伯特(Franz Schubert) 4. 答案:譬如朝露(For life is like the morning dew) 5. 答案:黑(black) 6. 答案:蔡国强 7. 答案:波靖南溟(Tranquility of the South Seas) 8.答案:小西瓜(Little Watermelon) 9. 答案:拉萨(Lhasa) 10. 答案:张汶祥与马新贻 11. 答案:巴黎铁塔翻转再翻转(Eiffel Tower Double Flip and Twist)。 12. 答案:四川卧龙

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 难倒新加坡人的华语测试题,中国人会答吗?(中英双语)有点晕~

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