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现今与性别有关的英文有快速中性化 (gender-neutral) 的趋势,如 fireman 变成 firefighter, policeman 变成 law enforcement officer, mankind 变成 homo sapiens,而 man on the street 则变成 average person。因此,专家强烈建议,若非必要,避免提及性别、年龄、性倾向或种族,just talk nice。此外,一些称呼带有明显的侮蔑之意,应避免使用,如不可叫坐轮椅的人"wheelchair-bound",亦不可称呼自己的太太为 "the little lady" 或 "the ball and chain" (美俚,黄脸婆);中国人自谦的「糟糠之妻」,老外 听起来可是非常刺耳的。再者,同性恋者 (homosexuals) 就是男(gays)或女(lesbians)同性恋者,只有他们或她们可以互相称呼对方为 queers 或 dykes。 1990 年代英文定义的重大变更之一是,俚语及猥亵字眼使用率的增加。例如,5年前新闻媒体几乎从不使用 shit, asshole,尤其是 bitch 等字眼,但现在司空见惯,且几乎被各界所接受。 现将这些“新词”按照字母A-Z的顺序介绍给大家,并附有汉语解释,希望对大家有用。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: active aging 中文: 人老心不老 (身心一直保持相当活跃) 的老化过程。 其它: 名词。亦写成 active ageing。 英文: ad creep 中文: 广告空间逐渐扩展到非传统表面 (如地板、厕所墙壁、汽车和建筑物的侧面) 的情况。 例句: Three California start-up companies are racing to turn the average person's car into an advertising vehicle. . . .Not everyone is thrilled with this phenomenon. "It's part of ad creep," says Gary Ruskin, head of nonprofit awareness group Commercial Alert. (The Wall Street Journal,华尔街日报) 其它: 名词。 英文: adrenalin(e) 中文: 兴奋剂,刺激物。 例句: Someone said, "Hold your hands up", and my adrenalin started pumping like mad. 其它: 名词。动词:adrenalinize,使兴奋,使刺激 (excite)。Being chased by police would adrenalinize anybody.被警察追赶时,任何人都会胆战心惊。 英文: advertecture 中文: 绘制在建筑物墙壁上的广告。 其它: 名词。 英文:Afropean 中文:非洲裔欧洲人 (的),欧洲黑人 (的)。 其它:形容词,名词。亦写成 Afro-pean,由 Afro- + (Euro)pean 所组成,与 Afro-American [非洲裔美国人(的),美国黑人(的)] 的复合方式相似。注意:Afro-Asian 意为非洲与亚洲国家 (的),非洲与亚洲国家人民 (的)。 英文: alpha girl (AL.fuh gurl) 中文: 1. 欺压其她女生的「大姊头」。2. 女生或女性团体中居主要或主导地位的成员。 例句: Citing new research on teenage relational aggression, a flurry of articles and books have appeared in recent weeks trumpeting the existence of the alpha girl (a k a the "really mean girl" or the "queen bee"), a supremely confident, domineering and manipulative teenager, whose main appeal seems to be her stereotypically masculine behavior. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。由例句可知,alpha girl 又叫做 really mean girl 或 queen bee。 英文:attack-fax 中文:攻击或抹黑对手,尤其是政治竞选对手的传真。 其它:名词。亦写成 attack fax,而以传真来攻击或抹黑竞选对手的行为称为 fax attack;从事这种行为的人称为 attack-faxer。与抹黑广告 (attack ad) 一样都属不正当行为。 英文:astrotel 中文:太空旅馆。 其它:名词。为太空观光客设计的旅馆,可能定期往返于地球、月球和火星之间。截至目前这还只是美国航天总署 (NASA) 研究人员的构想,但预测显示,太空旅馆将在 2040 年存在。我会提醒我的孙子为我订位,庆祝我的 80 岁生日。 英文: baby bust 中文: 出生率显著下降。 其它: baby buster:造成出生率显著下降的因素或事物,如晚婚。这两句都为名词。 英文: bad hair day 中文: 美国相当流行的一句新词,自年前一出炉就席卷美国,并且很快成为一切借口的代名词;例如,课业不长进、业绩不佳或是工作表现不好,都可以说 I'm having a bad hair day. 例句: It was a bad hair day for our manager because he was fired by our chairman. 英文: bar-code hairstyle 中文: 童山濯濯的男子将他们最后仅剩的几撮稀疏的头发梳理来掩饰秃头处的发型,看起来有如条形码。 其它: 名词。美国环球邮报 (the Globe and Mail ) 对其有详细的说明:Bar-code hairstyle (baakado haasutyru): A term used by Japanese university students to describe male professors with thinning hair who comb what few tresses they have left over their bald spots. 英文: barking head 中文: 政治 call-in 节目的学者或政论者。 例句: Try finding a discussion of these issues on any news network. The barking heads who usurp the space of public affairs with high-volume jeers are not equal-opportunity offenders. (The Los Angeles Times,洛杉矶时报) 其它:名词。这些所谓的学者或专家在政治 call-in 节目中,以高分贝的音量,搞分裂、煽动情绪及制造对立的言语或论点畅所欲言;奉劝诸位网友不要看这些气死自己活该倒霉的节目,你会觉得原来生活竟是如此轻松愉快。 英文: bazodee 中文: 混淆不清,困惑。 其它: 动词 (过去分词) 例句:I am completely bazodee (confused). 我完全被搞胡涂了。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: beefcake 中文: 1. 健壮,具肉体美的男人,会引起女人性欲的男人。 2. 表现男性肉体美的照片 (参见 cheesecake)。3. 结实魁梧的体格。beef 意指肌肉。 例句: I want a piece of that beefcake. 我很想和那有一身肌肉的家伙上床 。 其它:名词。 英文:belly shirt 中文:中空装。 其它:名词。亦写成 belly-shirt。 英文:(the) black stump 中文:天南地北,天涯海角 (the end of the world)。 其它:名词。 英文:bloviate 中文:大放厥词、高谈阔论;又臭又长地说或写。 其它:动词。 英文:blow-dried 中文:外表过份光鲜、整洁的。 其它:(新义) 分词形容词;blow-dry 意为用吹风机整理头发 (adj., n., v.t.)。 英文:bobo 中文:新中产阶级。 其它:这是取自 BOurgeois BOhemian 字头 "bo" 所形成的字;他们是信息时代的菁英和新贵,过者舒适和便利的生活。他们因事业成功、创意与众不同而致富,但没有暴发户极尽铺张之能事的作风。这个新字的起源来自戴维布鲁克斯 (David Brooks) 的新书 Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There。 英文:book(s) on demand (or instant books) 中文:随选书籍。 例句: Majors bookstore in Houston was among the first retailers to offer "books on demand." 其它:由于美国著名恐怖小说作家 (horror author) 史蒂芬金 (Stephen King) 仅在网络发表的新小说 "Riding the Bullet " 两天内吸引 50 万金迷上网付费下载,英、美大型书商和出版商现在纷纷推出「随选印刷」(print-on-demand service) 服务,让读者挑选自己喜爱的书籍 (包括绝版书) 或某一本书的某些章节,然后由书店在约 15 分钟内印成书册,卖给读者。因此,books on demand 又叫做 「立即书」(instant books -- 这个词组原本的意思是「应时书籍」,一种在新闻性高的事件发生后一个月内发行的书籍,注重事件的时效性和新鲜度)。 英文:boom car 中文:配备强力高级音响,并在车窗被拉下时以最大音量和低音播放的汽车。 例句: The acoustic terrorism fostered by boom cars runs counter to the desire of most Americans for peace and quiet. The Census Bureau notes that noise is Americans' No. 1 complaint about their neighborhoods. Noise levels have risen sixfold in major U.S. cities in the past 15 years, and automobiles are the largest source of noise. Peace-loving citizens need to reclaim the streets. Some have already begun: In Chicago, boom cars that can be heard from 75 feet are subject to seizure and their owners may be fined $615. Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh also are cracking down on boom cars. (Los Angeles Times,洛杉矶时报) 其它:名词。boom cars 亦称为 ground pounders, street pounders,或 (少见的) trunk thumpers。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:boomeranger 中文:回锅的员工。 其它:名词。员工回锅 -- 员工回到原来的公司任职 -- 叫做 boomeranging。 例句: There are going to be a lot of boomerangers returning to their established companies from dot-coms (or internet firms) because of stock market plunge. 由于股市重挫,未来将有许多人从网络公司回锅到他们原先任职的公司。 英文:boss key 中文:公司企业和政府部门总是不乏在上班时间玩计算机游戏或其它娱乐软件的人员,但他们被逮个正着的机率非常低,因为他们利用软件所提供的计算机键盘上的某个按键来骗过上司;当上司走进或感觉有黑影靠近时,按一下这个键马上可使屏幕画面变回到电子表格等指定工作的应用软件画面。这个按键就叫做 boss key。 其它:名词。亦称为 B key。 英文:bottom-feeder 中文:1. 地位或阶级最低者 2. 牺牲别人或利用别人的不幸来牟取利益的投机份子。 其它:名词。 英文:bozo explosion 中文:(公司企业) 没有能力的员工充斥的情况;不称职、不胜任的员工为数众多的情况。 例句:"In the chapter about designing the original palmtop, Andrea suggested that I pay more attention to a Palm mantra from the early days, a favorite saying of Ed Colligan, who was then Palm's vice president of marketing: 'Delight the customer.' Now, Colligan was also responsible for many mottos that were far more clever, including 'Avoid the bozo explosion' (if you hire one clueless manager, you're dead; that person will hire more bozos, and they'll hire more)." (The New York Times,纽约时报)其它:名词。bozo 为美国的俚语,意为「笨蛋;傻瓜」。 英文:bratlash 中文:父母防范养出娇纵的子女。 其它:有钱人的困扰之一就是难以防止子女变成娇纵、任性、甚至浪费。这个字是「华尔街日报」最近一篇文章所创造出来的,由 brat (小坏蛋) + backlash 拼缀而成。这些父母防止养出娇纵子女的方式是,他们过着相当节俭的生活,让子女自己赚取零用钱且允许子女仅花费他们所赚的钱。 英文:brick-and-mortar 中文:实体的,具体的。 其它:形容词。这个字指的就是现实世界的传统商店,如 brick-and-mortar shopping malls,俾与在线商店或虚拟商店有所区别;因此,brick-and-mortar 与 online 或 virtual 正好相对。bricks and mortar:(名词) 实体商店,实体企业。参见 clicks and bricks。 英文:B2E 中文:企业对员工模式。 其它:名词。公司企业已使用因特网来与客户及其它公司企业建立关系,前者称为 B2C (business to customer),后者称为 B2B (business to business);现在他们也想将这观念扩及至自己的员工,因此设置 B2E (business to employee) 网站来做为企业内部网络 (intranet) 的延伸。与 B2C 及 B2B 不同的是,此模式以企业的角度来将员工视为公司的资源之一,由于目前信息科技 (information technology, IT) 产业发达,公司观察员工是否能依其能力发展最大的效用,使得在传统或电子商务市场取得更多的效益,再进由在职进修、教育训练来充实员工并提升公司整体素质。 英文:bullyproofing 中文:学校开办来减少或消弭强凌弱、大欺小事件的课程。 例句:Schoolyard bullies are nothing new, but the Columbine High School massacre and subsequent school shootings have brought new attention to the problem. Teen gunmen Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold partly blamed bullying by jocks for their murderous rampage on April 20, 1999. Suddenly, "bullyproofing" was the new buzzword in public education. But despite countless "zero tolerance" manifestos, bullying still occurs and isn't likely to be totally eradicated."(The Denver Post,丹佛邮报) 其它:名词 (现在分词)。亦写成 bully-proofing 或 bully proofing。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:bummer beat 中文:新闻记者对坠机、火灾、凶杀及类似事件所做的采访。 其它:名词。 英文:cack-handed 中文:笨拙的 (clumsy)。 其它:形容词。 英文:capsizing 中文:公司裁员瘦身到无法正常运作的情况。 例句:Why doesn't downsizing work in most cases? Because the company typically cuts the people but not the work. So now you've got fewer people doing more work than ever. ... And when the dust settles, the company finds that its short-term savings have evaporated and in order to stop from capsizing, it has to hire more people, increase morale, and correct quality problems that have emerged. (佛州 Sun-Sentinel 日报) 其它:名词。 英文:carve-out 中文:1. 公司的某一部门独立出来成立新公司并在首次发行股票 (IPO) 时出售部分股票的过程 2. 这种新公司。 例句: In a pure spinoff, a parent company distributes 100 percent of its ownership interest in a subsidiary company to its existing shareholders in the form of a dividend. In a partial spinoff, or carve-out, the parent company sells less than 20 percent of its ownership interest in the subsidiary company to the public. (Chicago Tribune,芝加哥论坛报) 其它:名词。又称 spinoff (也写成 spin-off) -- 根据例句所述,carve-out 的精确定义应该是 partial spinoff,而非将新公司的股票全部分配给原公司股东的 pure spinoff。carve-out 也是美国健保业所用的一个名词,指的是自雇主对员工所提供的健保福利中抽出来,然后由一家专门从事特定健保项目的健保供货商来承保的某一健保项目 (如心理保健或视力保健)。 英文:celeb (suh.LEB) 中文:1. 冠盖云集;有许多名流出席或参加。2. 利用某人的名流地位来促销产品或推动目标。 例句:TOM JONES ''He's brilliant. We had our annual Man of the Year party at the Opera House in London's Covent Garden about three years ago. He turned up at the after show party. It was really celebed up. There was designer Tom Ford and Paul McCartney, lots of people, a brilliant evening. (The Western Mail,英国「西方邮报」) 其它:动词。上面的例句是第一个意思的例句;第二个意思亦写成 cause-celeb。 英文: cell yell 中文: 大声讲大哥大。 例句: Before the cell phone, theatergoers rushed to the lobby during intermissions simply for a quick smoke. Now they hurry out to shout (the 'cell yell,' it's called) into their indispensable gadgets. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。 英文:chatterati 中文:名嘴阶级 (chattering class) 的菁英成员。 例句:While the London chatterati think a Labour landslide is a turn off, the Scottish middle classes are quite willing to participate in inevitable triumphs for the People's Party. (The Herald,前锋报) 其它:名词。chatterati 包括媒体成员 (尤其是专栏作家),电台和电视脱口秀、谈话性节目的主持人。虽然这些名流已存在一段很长的时间,但他们特殊的社会地位自大约 1990 年代以来才有一个专属的名称。这个字结合了 chattering class (由受过高等教育、精明干练、有时固执己见的名流所组成的社会团体) 和字尾 -rati (某一特殊团体的菁英成员和智识份子)。chattering class 为英国口语。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: cheesecake 中文: 1. 强调女性优美曲线的照片,泳装照,裸照 (参见 beefcake, leg art) 2. 性感迷人的年轻女性 3. 显现身体曲线的衣服 (泳装,紧身毛衣等)。 例句: If you want to find some cheesecake, hang around the high- school parking lot . (第 2 项例句) 其它: 形容词。淫荡的,挑逗的:cheesecake pictures。 英文: chip 中文: 更换芯片破解保护。 其它: 动词。这是另一个专门术语的动词。你的 PS2 主机、DVD 放影机、任天堂等等皆可藉由更换其内重要的硅芯片来破解防拷措施或 DVD 影片不能全区 (全球分成 6 个区,台湾属于第 3 区) 播放的限制。这个动词 (re-chip 的简写) 也可用来指更改汽车电子点火系统的设定来增进性能。它首次出现在 70 年代,用来指破解家庭卫星电视和有线电视系统的保护。 英文: clickocracy 中文: 联机上网的政党支持者。 其它: 名词。信息科技革命浪潮沛然莫之能御,美国的政治活跃人士已开始透过因特网来动员支持者及进行辩论,此一行动促使 clickocracy 这名词的诞生;他们越来越受到美国 总统候选人在网络的竞选活动 (e-campaigning) 的影响。 英文: clicks and bricks or clicks and mortar (strategy) 中文: 公司企业结合在线电子商务和传统零售通路的营运策略。 其它: 名词。这个词组以 click (计算机鼠标的点按) 来表示在线电子商务,而以 brick (砖) 或 mortar (灰泥) 来表示实体的零售商店,言简意赅,颇为正方。参见 brick-and-mortar。 英文:clockless worker 中文: 愿意在任何时候 (不管白天或夜间) 工作的员工。 例句:The New Economy has set many formerly 9-to-5 companies on a slippery slope that has employees working late, then into the night, then all night. In most offices, the phenomenon is voluntary, with "clockless workers" enjoying the flexibility of being able to work anytime. (Christian Science Monitor,基督教科学箴言报) 其它: 名词。 英文:club-sandwich generation 中文: 总汇三明治世代 (同时扶养与照顾父母、子女和孙子的人)。 例句:Dan English, Kootenai County clerk, spoke from experience when he said, ''There is a real need for such a support group. Lots of people in our age range can use that kind of help. We talk a lot about the sandwich generation, but there are a lot of us in what I call the triple-decker or club-sandwich generation." These are folks dealing not only with aging parents, but also helping to raise their grandchildren, the fourth generation of their family. [The Spokesman-Review (美国华盛顿州 Spokane 市的刊物)] 其它: 名词。如例句所言,这个词组系植基于 sandwich generation (三明治世代 -- 同时扶养与照顾父母和子女的人)。据「美国退休人员协会」(American Association of Retired Persons) 估计,逾 50 岁的祖父母当中,有 11% 除了要扶养和照顾子女以及年迈的双亲外,还要养育孙子女,因而使他们成为「总汇或会所三明治」-- 多了一片面包。我们也可称之为 triple-decker generation。 英文:cluster care 中文:集体看护:由一名医护人员看护和照顾数名住在疗养场所或家里 (但住家彼此相近) 的慢性疾病病患。 其它:名词。亦称 shared aid,由 cluster + (health) care 组合而成。 英文:cockroach problem 中文:比最初所显现的还要大的问题。 例句:"FORTUNE": "Well, Terry, Procter & Gamble has a cockroach problem, and, you know, we know what that means; in other words, you've got one little piece of bad news, and there is always more, just like those little bugs." (CNN,美国「有线电视新闻网」) 其它:名词。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:collateral mail 中文:毒信 (内有有毒物质或被有毒物质,尤其是炭疽病毒,感染的信件)。 例句:Greg Poland, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said that although "no envelope is airtight" and any powder inside could be squeezed out in processing, the probability of a significant number of anthrax spores escaping is low. ... So far, he said, no anthrax cases have been caused by what he called "collateral mail." (The Washington Post,华盛顿邮报) 其它:名词。这个词组是根据 "collateral damage" -- 意为「在军事行动中对平民的生命或财产所造成的非故意的损害」-- 一词而来的;在此,collateral 的意思是 「附属但次要的」。 英文:combo 中文:组合食物,如色拉、三明治、饮料等 (美口语,combination 的缩写)。 其它:名词。combs 是指连身式内衣 (英口语,plural),亦称 coms。参见英文数据库之健康医疗制药厂的 drug-combo。 英文:comfort food 中文:以古法烹调,旨在引发思古幽情及怀旧的食物。 其它:名词。 英文:communal bereavement 中文:共有的丧亲之痛。 例句:The measure of communal bereavement that Catalano and Hartig use in their research is the prevalence of very low birth weight babies babies born small as a result of premature labor, which can be induced by psychological stress. They wanted to know, as Catalano puts it, "How far away from the individuals who died can you be and still experience the bereavement response at a biological level?" Studying the effects of two national traumas in Sweden, and controlling for other variables, they found a 21 percent increase in very low birth weight babies after the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme, and a 15 percent increase after the ferry Estonia sank, killing hundreds of passengers. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。虽然不认识死者,但许多人在与闻某人或多人丧生时,心中都会油然而生有如自己丧失至亲好友般的丧亲之痛。1997 年英国黛安娜王妃之死、1999 年台湾 921大地震以及 2001年美国 911 恐怖攻击造成数千人丧命的惨剧皆曾引发许多人的哀伤和悲痛,是 communal bereavement 的典型例子。 英文:conflict diamonds 中文:冲突钻石。 其它:名词。非洲交战团体将采自当地的钻石拿到国际市场销售来挹注战争经费,如狮子山国的「革命联合阵线」(Revolutionary United Front) 和安哥拉的「安哥拉全国全面独立联盟」(UNITA -- National Union for the Total Independence of Angola 之意的葡文头字语 )。conflict diamonds 的另一名称是 blood diamonds (血腥钻石)。钻石交易商最近已采取措施来阻止血腥钻石的销售。 英文:cookie jar accounting 中文:饼干罐会计 (策略)。 其它:名词。公司企业的一种作帐方式;在营运良好的年度,储备部分资金以降低盈余,但在营运不佳的年度则运用这笔资金来提高盈余,予人该公司年年获利、财物平稳的印象。 英文:core training 中文:核心 (运动) 训练 -- 一种着重于加强身体躯干 (尤其是腹部和腰部) 肌肉的运动训练方法。 例句:"No one answers. They're too busy concentrating on conditioning their 'core,' which is the whole point of this Reebok core board class. 'Core training' has become a buzzword in today's fitness circles, aimed at helping baby boomers nearly 77 million strong stave off the effects of aging by working from the inside out." (Saint Paul Pioneer Press,圣保罗前锋报 -- 明尼苏达州) 其它:名词。 英文:couch hop(ping) 中文:居无定所,借住于亲戚朋友的家 (通常睡在沙发上)。 例句:Instability led Crystal Toatley, 19, to homelessness. She left home about four years ago and ended up pregnant and couch hopping to and from the homes of friends and relatives. (Star Tribune,明星论坛报) 其它:动词。亦称为 hidden homelessness。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:covert couture 中文:量身定做、但看起来像普通衣服的高级时装。 例句:It's simple. First, choose an off-the-rack handbag or pair of shoes. Then have the manufacturer make you a customized version of it (for an outlandish amount of money). The finished item may not look so very different from the store-bought version, but it's secretly special. This is covert couture personalized luxe that does not scream a designer's name. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。全世界的名流们 (尤其是有钱的女性) 无不花费大笔金钱来购买高级时装或其它奢侈品,以彰显自己的尊荣华贵。然而,当有许多人同时拥有相同品牌的高级时装、皮件或其它奢侈品时,那份与众不同的特殊感也就荡然不存了。所以越来越多的富婆量身定做看起来像普通衣服的高级时装,以享受那份秘密的独特性和特殊感。例句中的 "off-the-rack" 是指一般商店贩卖的普通的现成货 (如 "off-the-rack clothing/handbag/shoes"),与 "custom-made" 或 "tailor-made" 「量身定做的」正好是相反词。 英文:cutensil 中文:设计上非常可爱、讨人喜欢 (cute) 的厨房用具或器皿。 例句:Koziol's spaghetti forks with a smiley face, ice-cream scoops with eyes and the "Tim" dish brush with legs are some of more than 300 "cutensils," as they're known, that flew off shelves of American stores last year. (Time,「时代」周刊) 其它:名词。 英文:cyberaddiction 中文:网络瘾。 其它:名词。cyberaddict or cyber addict 网络瘾患者;cyberaddicted or cyber-addicted (形容词) 网络瘾的,网络瘾患者的。 英文:cyberhate 中文:仇恨网站:有个网站教人如何在网球或香蕉内制造炸弹;另有个网站提供优厚的奖金给杀警察的人;又有个网站推销种族歧视的音乐。这类网站都叫做 cyberhate。目前这种由极端人士主导的新高科技文化正以惊人的速度蔓延。他们以几乎每一个种族、宗教、国籍和特殊性倾向 ( 如同性恋者) 的团体为攻击对象。甚至就连教宗亦无法幸免。 例句:A cyberhate portrays John Paul II as an anti-Christ, and also paints Jews as "pigs". 有个仇恨网站把教宗若望保禄二世描绘成反耶稣基督的人士,并说犹太人是猪。 其它:名词。参见 hate music。 英文:cybersecretary 中文:计算机秘书:用来做电子通信如 e-mail 或电话录音机的电子记事簿软件。 其它:名词。亦写成 cyber-secretary 或 cyber secretary。 英文:cyberpet or cyber pet 中文:1.电子宠物,如电子鸡 Tamagotchi,亦称 video pet 或 virtual pet. 2.类似的计算机游戏和软件,如 Catz、Dogz. 3.专门提供与宠物有关之信息的网站所叙述的宠物,亦写成 Cyberpet or CyberPet or Cyber Pet. 参考网站:http://www.cyberpet.com/ 4. 皮肤中被植入计算机芯片以利辨识的宠物。 其它:名词。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:dashboard dining 中文:一面开车一面用餐。 例句: Dashboard dining seems to be a phenomenon of our times. More and more busy people find their car takes the place of the breakfast table." (the Toronto Sun,多伦多太阳报) 其它:名词。参见 one-handed food。 英文:deprivation cuisine 中文:健康但淡而无味的食物。 例句: Today's buzzwords for menu writers are roasted, grilled and braised. No steaming on that list. It has fallen victim to its own virtuous image: these days, steaming sounds like deprivation cuisine; too healthy, too boring. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。 英文:deskfast 中文:在办公桌上吃的早餐。 例句: While most Americans still eat breakfast at home, increasing numbers are leaving home in the morning and waiting until they reach their destination before eating a trend that has been dubbed "deskfast." 其它:名词。 英文: digerati 中文: 计算机专家,计算机通。 其它: 名词。 英文:dilbert 中文:通常做 be dilberted 动词词组使用,意为在工作上被主管过份要求、被主管亏待或利用。 例句:I have been dilberted again. The old man revised the specs for the fourth time this week. 其它:动词。源自美国 Scott Adams 的卡通人物 Dilbert (呆伯特)。dilberted 为分词形容词 (participial adjective)。 英文:dinkum 中文:真正的,真实的 (genuine)。 其它:形容词。 英文:dinosaurology 中文:恐龙学。 其它:名词。dinosaurologist (n.) 恐龙学家;dinosaurological (adj.) 恐龙学的,恐龙学家的。 英文:documentary-style 中文:(婚礼) 记实摄影的,写实摄影的 (亦即被拍照者没有摆 pose)。 例句:The Cheneys and the Mihaloviches hired Black Dog Imageworks of Kansas City to photograph their weddings. Black Dog shoots black and white overwhelmingly, and plenty of people call the company for just that reason. The move to black and white hasn't occurred in isolation. It generally goes along with a grainy texture, wide-angle lenses and a spontaneous, documentary-style approach. (Kansas City Star,堪萨斯城星报) 其它:形容词。纽约时报不久前报导,这种摄影 (他们称之为 documentary wedding photography) 日益受欢迎,因为越来越多的现代新娘和新郎不喜欢被拍照者排成一排、摆好姿势,然后拍照的传统摄影方式 -- 此种传统式照片在英文中被称为「行刑队式照片」(firing squad photo,亦称为「卡斯特罗式照片」"Castro photo")。documentary-style 这种自然主义的记实摄影方式也叫做「新闻摄影方式」 journalistic-style。documentary style:(名词) 婚礼记实摄影方式。 英文:donorcycle (DOHN.ur.sye.kul) 中文:马力超强、速度飞快的机车。 例句:Organ donors are not just people who die. They are young, healthy people who die unexpectedly usually from a violent accident, suicide or crime, such as a motorcycle crash or a gunshot wound to the head. Transplant surgeons sometimes refer to motorcycles as "donorcycles." (The Washington Post,华盛顿邮报) 其它:俚语。这个字是由 donor 和 motorcycle 拼缀而成,亦写成 donor cycle 或 donor-cycle。由于这种所谓「跑车型的机车」 (sport bikes) 发生死亡车祸的机率非常高,它们又被称为「死亡机车」(suicycles)。donorcycles 的骑士 (donorcyclists) 大多是年富力强的健康年轻人,一旦丧命,他们便成为器官捐赠的理想人选 -- 此一事实再加上这个新字的组合构成了一幅颇具讽刺、亦令人欷嘘的画面。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:downaging 中文:公司调降员工的平均年龄来进行瘦身 (其采取的方式不外乎解雇年纪较大的员工或以较年轻的员工来取代他们)。 例句:Midlife insecurity extends far beyond concerns about appearance and prowess to the loss of what were once the perks of midlife, like job security, to such an extent that "downsizing" might be more appropriately termed "downaging." (The New York Times Book Review,纽约时报书评) 其它:名词。 英文: drag , drag racing , street racing 中文: 街头飚车 (汽车)。 其它: 名词。 英文:drill bit stock 中文:价格低于一元 (美元)的股票。 例句:Heard the latest lingo on the Street? It's "drill bit stocks," as in stocks trading in the drill-bit range (3/64, 5/16, etc.). (Fortune,财星杂志) 其它:名词。这个字是源自凿孔器 (drill bit) 的钻头尺寸都不大于 1 英,如 1/4, 3/8, 7/16 等等。 英文:drive-by VC 中文:(仅提供资金给新公司 -- 但未提供其它支持或专业技术) 的创投公司或投资商。 例句:In a time of "drive-by VC" we are differentiated by our active, involved investment approach and the strength of operating skills we bring to the table,' said Jon Feiber, a general partner of MDV and co-managing partner of the funds. (Business Wire ,商业通信杂志) 其它:名词。有时我们会见到这个词组被全部拼出来:drive-by venture capitalist。 英文:drive-through delivery 中文:生产后仅在医院待了一段很短的时间。 其它:名词。 英文:dudette 中文:年轻女子,尤指受到同侪羡慕和赞美的妙龄女子。 其它:名词。亦写成 dude-ette,通常用于 dudes and dudettes 这个词组中;由 dude (打扮入时的男子) + ette (表示「女性」的字尾) 所组成。 英文:dumbsize 中文:过份裁员:将员工的人数削减至公司无法获利或没有效率的程度。 其它:动词。由 dumb + (down)size 所组成。 英文:DWY (driving while yakking) 中文:一面讲大哥大一面开车。 例句:Officers have their hands full already, and unless the legislature makes the fine higher than the $ 25 proposed in these bills, cops might reasonably conclude that the lawmakers don't think DWY is that big a deal. Why go to a lot of trouble to nail somebody for something so minor? Yet it isn't minor. Though a lot of people have gotten in the habit of dialing and talking, and though most of them haven't had a wreck, that doesn't mean it's safe. (Morning Star ,英格兰「晨星报」) 其它:动名词。yakking 为「喋喋不休」的意思。从 2001 年 9 月起,国内的 DWY 族可要特别小心,以免受罚。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:earballs 中文:收听电台或音乐会,或造访在线音乐网站的人数。 其它:名词。 英文:earned media 中文:免费的媒体报导。 例句:In the world of campaigns, there is nothing better than earned media free television and radio exposure as opposed to paid media or costly advertisements." (The Los Angeles Times,洛杉矶时报) 其它:名词。竞选期间,候选人成为媒体新闻报导的对象,无异是一种免费的广告,让候选人大有「赚到的」(earned) 感觉。earned media 过去称为 free media, 相反词为 paid media。 英文:eater-tainment 中文:提供影片欣赏和现场转播音乐等娱乐的餐厅。 例句:Eater-tainment has become the industry buzzword for restaurants such as Hard Rock Cafe, Dave & Buster's and Jillian's, which bring together dining and play under the same roof. [The Columbus Dispatch,哥伦布快报 (俄亥俄州首府哥伦布市)] 其它:名词。 英文:Ebonics 中文:黑人英语 (Black English):非洲裔美国人所讲的英语方言。 其它:名词。有时写成 ebonics。 英文:eco-porn 中文:公司企业用来赞扬各该公司环保记录或政策的广告。 例句:We're all used to eco-porn by now; those beautiful television ads featuring some natural jewel, during which an announcer with a four-balls voice tells us how much Exxon or some other gross polluter is doing to keep our precious earth green. (The Seattle Times,西雅图时报) 其它:名词。 英文:elder orphan 中文:老孤儿 (没有家人、孑然一身、孤苦伶仃的老年人或其家人不能、无法或不愿照顾他们的老年人)。 例句:The moment her husband died, Loretta McAdam stopped the cuckoo clock in the kitchen of their mobile home. It remains forever frozen at 4:45 a.m. the exact minute she became an elder orphan. "I'm the only one left," said McAdam, 83. "I have no one."Her husband has been gone for three years, but every day before she goes to sleep, she pats the bed beside her and wishes him good night. ... (Orlando Sentinel)其它:名词。在这个新词组之前出现的 senior orphan (1983), older orphan (2003), orphaned elderly (1981) 以及 orphaned senior (1993) 都是在表达相同的意思。 英文:El Nonsense 中文:(俚语)不合逻辑或毫无根据地将某一事件 (如激烈的气候现象)或一系列事件的发生以因果的关系与圣婴现象 (El Nino) 产生关连的主张或论调。 其它:名词。 英文:end-time 中文:世界末日的,与世界末日 (doomsday;the end of the world) 有关的。 其它:形容词。亦写成 end time。end timer or end-timer or End Timer or End-Timer (名词) 世界末日论者,信仰世界末日教派的人。 英文:eternity leave 中文:公司或政府机构给予需要全日照顾垂死之配偶或家属的员工或公务员的有薪假 (留职留薪)。 例句: Palliative care doctors and caregivers are calling for legal changes to provide job protection and paid leave for people caring for dying loved ones. They say just as the parent of a newborn child receives maternity leave, the care provider for a terminally ill person often a child taking care of a dying parent should get "eternity" leave. (The Medical Post,美国「医学邮报」) 其它:名词。获得 eternity leave 而对垂死之配偶或家属所提供的照顾叫做 eternity care。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:Euroskeptics 中文:英国反对欧盟整合及英国加入欧元的人士 -- 大多是年纪较大的白人男性。 其它:名词。Euroskeptic (形容词),如 Euroskeptic campaign, Euroskeptic groups;Euroskepticism (名词) 反对欧盟整合及英国加入欧元的主张和论调。 英文:event horizon 中文:重大的转折点。 例句: As we sit on the brink of this "event horizon" for equity markets, you should ask whether this "black hole" we are entering will deliver us to a new dimension where bulls run freely, or will it tear the market, destroying what we've built up? (Futures,「未来」杂志) 其它:名词。在物理学上,event horizon 译为「事相面」,是指黑洞的边界,在此黑洞的重力庞大得连光线也逃不出去。另外,1998 年初有部科幻恐怖电影也叫做 Event Horizon,国内译为「撕裂地平线」。 英文:extreme tourism 中文:极限旅游。 例句:Ah, vacation! Balmy breezes, ice-cold margaritas, compliant snipers. Snipers? Yep. The newest kick for jaded tourists who have hit all the world's hot spots is to hit the world's really hot spots. The idea behind what some are calling terror travel or extreme tourism is basically to take the U.S. State Department's travel advisory warning list and make an itinerary out of it. (Forbes,「富比世」杂志) 英文:fasherati 中文:喜欢穿着和拥有最新时装的人,尤指撰写有关时装之文章和报导时装信息的人。 其它:名词。这是另一个根据 literati (英文因此有了一个新的字尾 -ati,意为 ...的人) 所产生的字;另一个以 -ati 为字尾,且颇为常见的字是 glitterati --参见英文数据库之五花八门大杂烩。 其它:名词。这个词组因美国富商 Dennis Tito 支付俄罗斯航天总署 2000万美元,让他在国际和平太空站待了数天而声名大噪。extreme tourism 又叫做 terror travel (恐怖旅游)-- 但 terror 这个字现在让人总是有一种不舒服的感觉。 英文:fast-casual restaurant 中文:食物和服务质量以及气氛都比快餐餐厅略好的餐厅。 例句:Besides bumping up a notch from fast food, the fast-casual restaurants, including chains such as Chipotle, Panera Bread Co., Qdoba and Noodles & Co., offer up more atmosphere. (The Denver Post,丹佛邮报) 其它: 名词 (fast-casual 为形容词)。这种餐厅在食品业亦被称为 adult fast food (1983) 或 upscale fast (1981)。fast-casual 这个词新了很多,于 1995 年才开始出现。 英文:fat finger dialing 中文:1. 一种电话骗术 -- 某家公司设立一支收费电话,其号码与某一广为人知的电话号码仅有一个数字之差,当用户不小心拨错了这支正当电话的号码时,该图谋不轨的公司便大赚其钱。2. 这种方式的拨错电话号码。 例句: But state and federal regulators say Homrich and his son Eugene are two of the latest consumers to fall prey to a trick known as "fat finger dialing." It works like this: A caller dials a number like 1-800-COLLECT to make a collect call but misspells the word or hits an incorrect button. He accidentally dials something like 1-800-COILECT.The call is connected but not by the company the caller planned to use, which in Homrich's case was MCI. Instead, the call is carried by a company that secures 800 numbers similar to those advertised but charges much higher rates. (Albuquerque Journal,艾伯克奇日报 -- 美国新墨西哥州最大报)其它:名词。亦写成 fat-finger dialing, fat fingers dialing。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: feisty 中文: 1.精力充沛的,精神饱满的,生气蓬勃的,有胆识的,有勇气的,即 spirited, spunky, plucky. (见例句 1). 2.麻烦的,困难的,即 troublesome, difficult. (见例句 2). 3.易怒的,脾气不好的,好争吵的,即 ill-tempered, pugnacious。 例句: 1.The champion is faced with a feisty challenger.2. feisty legal problems. 其它: 形容词。feistiness (名词),feistily (副词)。 英文:15 minutes of fame 中文:(因新闻媒体的报导)短暂出名、大出风头。 其它:名词。亦写成 fifteen minutes of fame,系由 fame is for fifteen minutes引申而来。 英文: financial pornography 中文: 对金融专家、基金经理人、理财专家以及他们所做的交易大肆歌功颂德、大加赞扬的书籍、刊物、文章和新闻简讯。 例句: In The Four Pillars of Wisdom, [author William Berstein] devotes a well-deserved chapter to the financial press and its weakness for "financial pornography" lurid coverage of star money managers. (The Seattle Times,西雅图时报) 其它: 名词。 英文:find and bite 中文:(警方)利用警犭来追捕和攻击犯罪嫌犯的办案方式。 其它:动词。 英文:flash mob 中文:快闪族。 例句:The Internet has spawned a gaggle of new verbs Googling, surfing and flaming are words most of us are used to hearing in everyday conversation. Now you can add "flash mobbing" to that list. In recent weeks, New Yorkers have been using forwarded e-mails to coordinate "flash mobs," or not-so-random crowds that appear and dissipate within a matter of minutes. Is it performance art? The cutting edge of a new social movement? Or just an easy way to flummox carpet salesmen?To protect the planned serendipity of each event, participants aren't told exactly what the mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens. For the most recent New York happening on July 2, participants passed around an e-mail telling them to assemble at the food court in Grand Central Station, where organizers (identifiable by the copies of the New York Review of Books they were holding) then gave mobbers printed instructions regarding what to do next.The result: Shortly after 7 p.m., about 200 people suddenly assembled on the mezzanine level of the Grand Hyatt Hotel next to Grand Central Station, applauded loudly for 15 seconds, then left. (Chicago Tribune,芝加哥论坛报)其它:名词。乍看这个词组的中文翻译,你可能不知它的意义为何,但看了下面的说明你就会懂了。快闪 族活动源于纽约市,发起人以 e-mail 联络志同道合者,在某个时间、某个地点集合,然后同时做个动作,在持续短暂的时间之后即迅速作鸟兽散。 例句中提到的就是快闪族一次典型的「出击」:七月间,一群约 200人的快闪族在纽约一家饭店的大厅集合,于晚上七点过后他们突然出其不意地同时尖叫和鼓掌 15 秒,使得其它人一时愕然,然后他们立即撤退、「闪人」。目前,这种快闪族现象已快速地在全球蔓延开来,而且有越演越烈的趋势。flash mob 亦可当形容词和动词用;它有一非常贴切的同义词:inexplicable mob。诚然,他们是一群令人费解、莫名其妙,只为了做个无意义的动作而聚集在一起的乌合之众。与此相关的用字包括:flash mobber (名词 -- 快闪族成员)、flash mobbing (现在分词 -- 快闪族的行为、活动)。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: flat daddy 中文: 部署在海外的军人的放大照片 (主要用来安慰该军人的太太、子女和亲属)。 例句: To make your daughter feel good at home, you can tape your husband as he reads books to her and then play one of those tapes after he leaves, while she holds the book. You can make a "flat daddy" for her, too, by having a big enlargement made of your husband's picture and hanging it on her bedroom door or sitting it in your husband's chair at dinnertime. You can even have his picture scanned on her pillow. (The Washington Post,华盛顿邮报) 其它: 名词。 如果该名军人是女性或女兵,则这种放大照片就叫做 "flat mommy"。 英文:fleshmeet 中文:面对面的会晤;现实生活的会面 -- 尤指经常在或仅在网络上交谈的网友之间的会面。 例句:The Opera Forum is a closely knit group. With 40 or so active participants scattered across at least a dozen states and three continents, and many more lurkers, members have organized two official group "fleshmeets," and several members have attended the opera together in various cities. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。这个字是由 "a meeting in the flesh" 改写而成,其中 in the flesh 意为「现实生活的」、「活生生的」、「以肉体形式的」:She's even more beautiful in the flesh than in photos (or photographs) -- 她本人比照片还要漂亮。 英文:flog 中文:假部落格。 例句:Fake blogs [are] created by corporate marketing departments to promote a service, product, or brand. The flog's writer often uses a fake name. Derided by bloggers, fake blogs are an increasing trend. McDonald's created a flog to accompany its Super Bowl ad about the mock discovery of a french fry shaped like Lincoln, while Captain Morgan created a fake blog in March for its Rum drinks. (Business Week,商业周刊) 其它:名词。这个字是由 fake 和 blog (部落格或网志) 组合而成,亦可当动词用,意为「设立或撰写假部落格」(flog, flogged, flogged)。根据「纽约时报」和「商业周刊」的报导,这种部落格通常是由个人所撰写,但实际上是由企业营销部门或公关公司在维护,目的是在推销该公司的产品、服务等。 英文:floridisation 中文:全球人口老化。 其它:名词。这是纽约联邦储备银行副主席 Peter Peterson 所创造的字;他认为全球老化比全球暖化所造成的威胁更严重。据称,当一个国家的老年人口达到占其总人口的 19% 时,floridisation 的问题就会出现。 英文:food desert 中文:食物沙漠。 其它:名词。大型百货公司、超市、购物中心和量贩店都设在都市或大都会区的结果,已使一些内陆地区及偏远的农村地区不容易以合理的价格买到新鲜的食物,而成为道地道地的「食物沙漠」。 英文:food futurist 中文:食物和饮食趋势预言家。 例句:As our rapid-paced lifestyle continues to change eating patterns, Campbell's sees nourishing, ready-to-serve soups playing an even more important role in the future. Which is why this market leader put the challenge to Ann Coombs, food futurist and trend forecaster, to predict Canada's future "soupscape" and food trends for the year 2025. (Canada NewsWire,加拿大新闻联机报) 其它:名词。美国的 food futurists 甚至组成一个名为 International Food Futurists 的组织。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:free-ride 中文:不劳而获。 例句:The fact that you're the son of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff doesn't mean you'll free-ride in the army. 虽然你是参谋首长联席会议主席的儿子,但这并不表示你在军中可以不劳而获。 其它:不及物动词。由 free-rider 或 free-riding 引伸而来。 英文:frontfire (FRUNT.fyr) 中文:产生想要或预期的效果。 例句:I want to discuss that false psychic you paid to bring Heather messages from the dead. It was a thoughtful idea, but one that backfired and then, ultimately, in its own way, frontfired, giving Heather more hope than you'd imagine. (Random House Canada,加拿大蓝登书屋) 其它:动词。这个字是 backfire 的反义字,后者意为「产生反效果;事与愿违」。backfire 自至少 1886 年以来就已存在,但最初的意思是指内燃机或枪炮武器的「逆火」;它是在大约 1912 年才开始有「产生适得其反的结果」这个意思。英文:Generation D 中文:D世代;数位世代。 例句:Wheeler said he believes that if Baltimore is serious about attracting "Generation D" the "digital generation" of young computer wizards it should use its available harbor- front property to create places that would draw them, whether it's housing or work spaces or recreational amenities. (The Baltimore Sun,巴尔的摩太阳报) 其它:名词。 英文:genetic-industrial complex 中文:基因产业复合体。 其它:欧洲对基因改造农作物的安全性的辩论,已使法国「世界报」英文版的 Le Monde diplomatique 在 1999 年提出这个充满政治意味的名词。它相当于冷战用语 military-industrial complex [军事产业复合体:指军事权力机构与武器军需制造商的结合;这是美国总统艾森豪威尔 (1890-1969) 在1961年1月离职演说中的用语,暗示其为足以操纵美国经济及外交政策的强势集团] 且其含意也相当,但这里指的是基因改造食品制造商;他们对政府有不当的影像力,但并完全控制政府。 英文:ghost farmer 中文:幽灵农民:拥有大批农地和农田,但并未从事耕种和农作的人。 例句:It looks like it is the end of the road for Brunei's "ghost farmers," who have been making fortunes pretending to be agriculturists." (Borneo Bulletin,文莱「婆罗州快报」) 其它:名词。这个字有个存在多年且比较常见的同义字,那就是 telephone farmer:"These large-scale farmers include cabinet members and other ministers, members of Parliament, party leaders of the governing Kenya African National Union and senior civil servants. Many are 'telephone farmers' who run things from Nairobi." (The New York Times, August 11, 1982)另外,我听美国人讲过,在别人偏僻、隐蔽的农田种植大麻的人 (与国内最近破获的在山区种植大麻的人似乎一样) 也叫做 "ghost farmer",不过我尚未在出版品中见过这项用法。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:ghost work 中文:现存员工所承担的额外工作或工作量。 例句:In an office haunted by the ghosts of laid-off employees, those workers who dodged the hatchet aren't necessarily the lucky ones. They must excel at their old jobs to avoid still looming staff cuts and must also juggle extra, unfamiliar duties. Workplace experts are only beginning to grasp the phenomenon. "In the information age, knowledge is critical to businessand it's the employee who owns it," says Hamilton Beazley, 58, chairman of the Strategic Leadership Group, a consultancy in Arlington, Va. Beazley coined the term ghost worknow catching on around the countryto describe the additional workload taken on by surviving employees, usually without their former colleagues' trove of knowledge. (Time,「时代」周刊) 其它:名词。经济不景气,裁员解雇事件频传,幸存的员工在庆幸保住饭碗之余亦发现他们现在也必须做遭解雇之前同事所留下的工作,工作量一下子增加好几倍,但为了生活,亦不得不苦撑。例句是 2002 年 11 月 18 日出刊的 Time 的文章,如文中所指出,ghost work 这名词目前在美国可是个流行用语。 英文:glass floor 中文:女性升迁的障碍。 其它:名词。在公司企业和机关团体中,限制女性晋升到某一职位以上的障碍叫做 glass ceiling (这词组相当常见);据说,之所以使用 glass,是因为这障碍有如玻璃般的「无形」-- 看不到。glass floor 是 glass ceiling 的相等词,但更狠,它甚至不让女性有任何的晋升。 英文:globophobe 中文:恐惧或反对全球化 (globalization) 的人。 例句:Saturday is trash time in Davos. On the third day of the World Economic Forum, globophobes and anticapitalists of every stripe make their voices heard well, actually, their fists and brickbats. (Time,时代周刊) 其它:名词。这个字的相反词为 globophile (主张或赞成全球化的人),但后者比较少见得多了。 英文:go commando 中文:穿裤子但不穿内裤。 例句:Comedian Dave Gorman is also firmly with the traditionalists. 'I'm never ever naked beneath my trousers. If God had wanted men to 'go commando' he wouldn't have invented polycotton with two per cent lycra! When my zip broke once I was glad to have boxers on. (Mail on Sunday,英国「周日邮报」) 其它:动词。根据数篇报导,这个词组来自英国皇家陆战队突击队 (Royal Marine Commandos);其中一篇报导称,这些突击队员的工作服底下通常不穿内裤 (go boxerless)。例句中的 boxers 为一种有松紧带的男用内裤,亦称为 boxer shorts。 英文:golden bungee 中文:公司企业给予最高主管优渥的待遇,包括离职资遣费、现金、股票选择权及其它让该主管为公司「卖命的」条件。 例句:Under the terms of the agreement, McGinnis will remain in charge of Ralston's and Nestle's combined pet food business, which will be based in St. Louis. Instead of bailing out with the so-called golden parachute, McGinnis will bounce back from the deal on what McGurn called a "golden bungee."(St. Louis Post-Dispatch,刘易斯邮报) 其它:名词。由上面的引句可知,"golden bungee (or golden bungee cord)" 显然是来自 "golden parachute" (参见英文数据库之商业经济金银岛),不过后者于 1980 年就已成为英文的一员,而前者于 1998 年才出现。 英文:golden handcuffs 中文:公司丰渥的奖金、红利和配股等 (但员工若辞职就领不到,因为它们大多在年底发放)。 例句:The lures include signing bonuses; so-called "golden handcuffs," such as bonuses that are not payable until the end of a year or stock options that vest over time; and generous relocation packages. (Chicago Tribune,芝加哥论坛报) 其它:名词。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:GOOMBY (GOOM.bee) 中文:小区捍卫者 (一心想要将危害小区或有碍小区观瞻的事物 -- 如小区附近的垃圾焚化炉、工厂排放的废水等移除的人)。 例句:The city is trying to raise taxes and it is trying to harass a legitimate business that an environmentally correct City Council finds offensive. The appellate judge coined a new phrase to describe what council members are doing: GOOMBYism. He refers to NIMBYism the Not In My Back Yard sentiment that drives many political decisions. ''The present case, by the same token, may be described as GOOMBYism for 'get out of my back yard,' or at least, 'if you stay here, you're going to pay for it.''' (The Orange County Register,橘郡记录报) 其它:名词。由引句可知,这个字是 "Get Out Of My Back Yard" (滚出我家后院) 的头字语,与 NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard --参见英文数据库之五花八门大杂烩) 极为类似,但后者现已成为主流用字,若干新版的英文字典已经有收录。GOOMBYism (GOOM.bee.iz.um) 意为这种人所抱持的态度。最后,让我们来看「新闻周刊」(Newsweek) 一段相关的报导:"NIMBY has been joined by other acrimonious acronyms of the waste wars: GOOMBY (Get Out of My Backyard), LULU (Locally Undesirable Land Use) and NIMEY (Not in My Election Year)." 英文:gouge gap 中文:(超市或百货公司中)名牌商品与非名牌商品之间的价差。 其它:与 dollar gap 同义;比较 gender-gap, generation gap 和 communications gap。 英文:goulash democracy 中文:匈牙利民主体制:匈牙利在共党垮台后所实行的政经制度。 其它:在共党掌权时代,匈牙利系实行 goulash communism (匈牙利共产主义)。匈牙利共产主义是指前匈牙利社会主义劳工党 (共党)第一书记 Janos Kadar 所推行的公私企业并存的经济体制,亦即一种有限度自由的共产体制。goulash 又称 Hungarian goulash,系匈牙利一道名菜 (浓汁炖牛肉)。 英文: granny-dumping 中文: 遗弃年老的亲属。 其它: 名词。 英文 gray matter 中文: 新创公司所雇用的年纪较大、经验丰富的主管。 例句:But in 2001, an "old school" emphasis on improving the efficiency of operations and locating customers with deep pockets is back in vogue, and a tech company's investors breathe a sigh of relief when a "gray hair" (or a "no hair" or a "gray matter") CEO is in charge."(The Boston Globe,波士顿地球报) 其它 名词。由例句可知,gray matters 也叫做 gray hairs 或 no hairs。 英文 growth recession 中文: 成长衰退。 例句:Defining a recession used to be easy. It was broadly defined as two or more consecutive quarters of falling economic output. Now, economists have taken to adding adjectives: One favorite: a "growth recession," which is meant to describe an economy growing at 2% or less. (Never mind that 2% used to be considered normal growth.) (USA Today,今日美国报)其它 名词。growth recession 最常被称为 soft landing (软着陆),后者亦称为 Downy landing:[A] growth recession ... is a close cousin to economic "soft landing" or "Downy landing." ( National Post,加拿大全国邮报)。Downy landing 因宝碱 (P&G) 的 Downy 衣物柔软精而得名。 英文: guerrilla marketing 中文: 非主流的促销或营销活动。 例句:College campuses provide the perfect venue for guerrilla marketing. 其它: 名词。一种采用非主流策略和场所的促销活动,通常违反当地法律或规定。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: gym bunny 中文: 过度重视健美的男同性恋或女同性恋者。 其它: (美国俚语) 带有略微贬抑的意味;他们或她们非常讲究健美,并利用每个机会来展示其美丽的身体。 英文:hand-me-up 中文: (父母捡自子女或兄姊捡自弟妹已用过的,或年少者用过传给年长者的) 旧物品、二手货 -- 尤指已穿过的旧衣服。 例句:Until knock-off time at 5 pm from his Little India den, he maintains contact with the 'outside' world via an old, 'hand-me-up' Nokia mobile phone left behind by his son, and the occasional news buzz on the Iraqi crisis crackling through his radio. (The Straits Times,新加坡「海峡时报」) 其它:名词/形容词/动词。这个字在旧衣服或二手货的「传继」方向上是 hand-me-down 的反义字,亦即后者指的是年长者穿过传给年少者的旧衣服,或别人穿过的衣服;英式英语叫做 "reach-me-down"。牛津英语辞典 (OED) 说,hand-me-down 最早是出现在1874年出版的一本俚语书籍中。这两个字当名词用时,其复数是直接在后面加上 "s":hand-me-ups/hand-me-downs。 英文:hate music 中文:仇恨音乐:仇恨音乐网站 (hate-music websites) 所播放的音乐和推销的音乐 CD;这些网站也贩卖充满仇恨的 T恤、钮扣、海报、保险杆贴纸、书籍并做枪枝广告。 例句:Hate music is big business. (仇恨音乐是门大生意) 其它:名词。参见 cyberhate。 英文:head bag 中文:1.戴在头上以免被认出身份 (如嫌犯不想让人家看到他的脸) 的袋子. 2.汽车的安全气囊 (air bag),亦写成 headbag. 3.建筑物发生火灾时戴在头上以免吸入浓烟或有毒气体的袋子。 其它:名词。 英文:helicopter parent 中文:密切注意小孩行踪、严密监视小孩行动、处处保护或干涉小孩的父亲或母亲、。 例句:Kids aren't the only ones who use slang in school. Here's some vocabulary that teachers aren't teaching: Helicopter parent: A nosy grown-up who's always hovering around. Quick to offer a teacher unwanted help. (Newsweek,新闻周刊) 其它:名词。亦称为 helicopter mother, helicopter mom, helicopter dad。这些父母亲有如直升机盘旋在他们小孩的上空。 英文:helicopter view 中文:(商业用语) 通盘检视或检讨某问题。 例句:We'll give pay problems a helicopter view. (i.e., We'll take an overview of pay problems.) 我们将对薪资问题做一通盘检讨。 其它:名词。 英文:hit-and-run nursing 中文:打带跑的医护 -- 由一名护士照顾多位病患的医疗措施,这些护士甚至执行原本应该由专业医师来做的工作 (目的在于加速医疗过程)。 例句:They worry that managed care, without restraints, leads to what they call hit-and-run nursing and to mistakes, abuses and oversights. (The New York Times,纽约时报) 其它:名词。亦称为 accelerated-care nursing。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文:i-dotter (EYE.daw.tur) 中文:注意细节、吹毛求疵、一丝不苟的人。 例句:"He really gets focused and pursues whatever he tries to achieve," said partner Wilson, vice president and secretary of Edwards Construction. "He's fastidious. He's an i-dotter and a t-crosser." ( Northern Colorado Business Report,北科罗拉多商业报导) 其它:名词。这个字来自成语 “dot one’s i's and cross one’s t's” 或 “dot the i’s and cross the t’s” (意为「注意细节的,小心谨慎的」)。这也是为什么 i-dotter 和 t-crosser 几乎都是焦不离孟、孟不离焦,同时出现的原因 (i-dotter 单独使用的情况虽有,但很少见)。这个字可以是恭维,也可以是挖苦和讽刺。,例句中的 i-dotter 是恭维。 英文:induhvidual 中文:愚蠢的人;说傻话、做傻事的人。 例句:The deliciously ironic bit, though, was the comment from a Transit Workers Union representative who thought Muni drivers would experience less stress. These are the same induhviduals who can't be bothered to pull their behemoths into the block-long bus zones fiercely defended by $250 fines. (The San Francisco Chronicle,旧金山记事报) 其它:名词。 英文:Infobahn or infobahn 中文:信息高速公路;information superhighway 的另一名称。 其它:名词。亦写成 InfoBahn 或 Info-Bahn 或 info-bahn。此字为借字德文的外来语 (loan word),由 info(rmation) + (auto)bahn 所组成;autobahn 为德文的高速公路。 英文:initiati 中文:名流雅士,尤指社会某一上流团体的成员。 其它:名词复数型 (单数 initiatus.),为 initiat(e) + (literat)i;参见英文数据库之五花八门大杂烩的 glitterati。 英文:intellidating 中文:智慧约会 (需要用脑或脑力激荡的约会)。 例句:Call it the courtship equivalent to the slow-food movement. Call it a backlash against point and click matchmaking. Whichever, intellidating an unhurried, decidedly highbrow approach to mating is catching on in Boston, New York, Toronto and beyond ... Intellidating is also a boon for the shy. In contrast to speed-dating, which demands rigidly timed discussions about pretty much whatever pops to mind, events such as lectures and viewings offer built-in conversational pegs. ( The Globe and Mail,环球邮报 -- 加拿大多伦多)其它:名词。亦写成 intelli-dating (这个字是由 intelligent 和 dating 组合而成)。intellidate (n.)。正如例句所言,智慧约会在波士顿、纽约、多伦多和伦敦以及欧美其它城市越来越盛行。单身男女约会为何需要用脑或脑力激荡呢? 因为他们现在的约会场所与过去大异其趣,而是美术馆、博物馆、艺术展览会场、艺术课教室、演讲会场、读书会、诗歌朗诵会或时事学会等。 英文:Internet-dependent 中文:非常仰赖因特网的;有网络瘾的。 其它:形容词。亦写成 Internet dependent。Internet dependent 亦可当名词词组用,意为网络瘾患者,但不常见。 英文:internot 中文:拒绝使用因特网的人。 其它:这些人可能是因为无法适应最新科技、有科技恐惧症 (technophobia),或者是因为网络上没有他们想要的东西。 英文:investment pornography 中文:内容以投资成功为主轴的报导和文章。 例句:You know the stories: The Top Ten Mutual Funds to Buy Now, How to Double Your Money This Year, personality profiles that read like fan magazines. Stock-touting pieces that praise any path to profits. We've all done these stories, in one form or another. It's investment pornographysoft core, not hard core, but pornography all the same. ( Columbia Journalism Review,哥伦比亚新闻评论) 其它:名词。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 英文新词 汉语释义(推荐)英文: jump the couch 中文: 「跳沙发」-- 意指情绪失控。 例句: Let's just put it this way: We're normal at Quick until deadline, then we all "jump the couch." (The Dallas Morning News, 达拉斯晨报) 其它:动词。这 词组源自美国著名影星汤姆克鲁斯 (Tom Cruise) 今年 (2005) 5月23日上欧普拉 (Oprah Winfrey) 节目的一段插曲。阿汤哥当时不知是吃错了什么药,突然陷入狂喜状态并跳上沙发,在这个全美转播的脱口秀节目中公开表示对他新女友的爱意。阿汤哥此一怪异的跳沙发举动 (couch-jumping antics) 遭到许多人的嘲讽与讪笑,因此乃有 "jump the couch" 这一词组的产生,用来表示某人骤然陷入狂喜状态或变得极度激动而情绪失控。jumping the couch (现在分词/动名词)。 英文: kidnap 中文: 重划选区以形成同党竞争的局面。 例句: The goals of modern gerrymandering haven't changed much since Burton's day: Either "pack" voters hostile to the mapmaker into the fewest possible districts, or "crack" them into ineffectual minorities among districts that the mapmaker's party is sure to win. "Pair" unwanted incumbents in the same district so one has to go, or "kidnap" them by pulling them out of their existing districts. (Chicago Tribune,芝加哥论坛报) 其它:动词。kidnapping (名词) 这种重划选区的手法,是将某一现任者的选区全部或大部分变成另一选区的一部份,而另一选区的现任者也广受选民爱戴且来自同党,意谓这两位现任者将形成同党竞争的局面。这是政党恶整对手的手段之一;结果是,鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 有一点必须提醒的是,由于这是 "kidnap" 的新义,所以日后当你看到 "Someone was kidnapped." 时,它的意思不一定就是「某人被绑架了」;尤其是,当它是出现在有关政治和选举的上下文时,它很可能指的是这里所讲的重划选区的意思。参见「英文新字新词」的 "packing and cracking"。英文: kidult (ki.DULT or KID.ult) 中文: 现今仍继续参与并享受青少年文化的中年男子;「永远长不大的」中年男子。(形容词) 老少咸宜的 (尤指某种形式的媒体 -- 如某支影片或某首歌曲 -- 或事物同时吸引大人和小孩的)。 例句: That 'Adult toys' may sound like a risque phrase, but it is also used to describe the playthings that 'kidults' (those of us who never quite grew up) have been buying in increasing numbers. (Mail On Sunday,周日邮报) 其它:名词/形容词。这个字是由 kid 和 adult 拼缀而成。 英文: killer app 中文: 同类型和功能相同的计算机软件中最佳的软件,如 FrontPage 是网页写作软件中的佼佼者。 其它: 名词。 英文: kitchen-sink (KICH.un sink) 中文: 同时宣布公司所有财务上的坏消息。 例句: Job cuts and a dividend reduction are thought to have already been factored into the share price. Equity salesmen believe that there is also little that could be said to push the shares higher on the day as the management has already kitchen-sinked the business and parted with Mariah Carey, one of its most expensive stars. [The Daily Telegraph,每日电讯报 (伦敦)] 其它:动词。这个动词是根据成语 "everything but the kitchen sink" (其中 everything 可用 all 来代替,而 but 可用 except 来代替。这个成语来自二次世界大战,当时是指敌人炮火猛烈,除了洗碗槽外,各式各样的炮弹齐发;现在它意为「除洗碗槽外的所有东西」、「太多的东西」:He has gone away for a short holiday, but he took everything with him but the kitchen sink.) 而来。当一家公司同时宣布所有财务上的坏消息时,其股价下降的幅度必然会比每次仅宣布一项坏消息所造成之股价下跌的幅度总和来得小,这或许还有利空出尽的效果。 英文: knee-mail (NEE.mayl) 中文: (跪地) 祈祷。 例句: Sign spotted outside the Church of Christ in Mountlake Terrace: "God Answers Knee-mail." [The Seattle Times,西雅图时报] There was a sign by a church. It said, "God Answers Knee Mail." That's because some people kneel when they pray. (The Christian Science Monitor,基督科学箴言报)其它:名词。这个字显然是仿效自 "e-mail",亦写成 kneemail, knee mail。从例句可知,knee-mail 最常出现在教堂外的告示上。这个字亦可当动词用:「跪地祷告」。

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华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...