加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息寻live-in caregiver雇主
我在国内,36岁,曾在新加坡做过3年华语老师,后回国生孩子,照顾孩子3年,现在一家幼儿园工作。我有着丰富的幼儿护理及幼儿教育经验,英语、汉语、白 话流利,现欲赴加拿大工作,有请line-in caregiver的请与我联系。(如有提供雇主信息的也可与我联系,有酬谢)。 我的电子邮件为:[email protected]
回复: 寻live-in caregiver雇主是不是我的主题发错地方了,怎么没有回复呢
回复: 寻live-in caregiver雇主still no one reply? Is it very difficult to find a caregiver job in Canada?
回复: 寻live-in caregiver雇主听真印度人做这个的多,她们的english好.华人少.
回复: 寻live-in caregiver雇主We are looking for individuals interested to work as caregivers / nanny for Canadian families to look after children, elderly or disabled. Selected candidates will be sponsored under the Live in Caregiver program which allows a foreign worker to apply for Canadian permanent residency after 2 years of work. Interested candidates should send following information: Name, date of birth, information about education and work experience, at least one picture of yourself.Contact: Email: [email protected]: one.canadian.caregiverYahoo Messenger: Canadian.caregiver
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