第一册: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第一册1-37课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第一册38-72课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第一册73-110课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第一册110-144课.mp3 第二册: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第二册1-31课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第二册32-54课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/新概念英语第二册55-76课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn2(77-96).mp3 第一册第二册录音: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn1-2.zip第三册 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn3(1-14).mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn3(15-26).mp3这个确实是不错,我早就已经下载了,也找到了文本课文,希望能和大家分享。 第一册 9.21M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce1.PDF 第二册 16.8M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce2.PDF 第三册 12.1M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce3.PDF 第四册 180 K http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce4.pdf
反馈:libbyye 和 sherryzhang 2005-08-01#2 Z 6,866 $0.00 谢谢你的分享!
赏 2005-08-01#3
3,113 $0.00 up
赏 2005-08-24#4
399 $0.00 学英语为什么要选新概念 理由一:经典 经典之所以成为经典就是因为它经久不衰,历久弥新。《新概念英语》正是其中的一个典范。新概念进入中国30多年,被无数英语学习者奉为英语学习的宝典,而且为一代代的英语爱好者提供了一个从英语入门到全面提高英语水平的最好途径。 理由二:权威亚历山大(L.G.Alexander):是世界著名的英语教学权威,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事,其著作为交际教学法奠定基础,其中一些如NCE和Follow Me已成经典教材。何其莘博士:现任北京外国语大学副校长、英美文学教授、博士生导师。 理由三:正规在铺天盖地的英语学习材料中《新概念英语》未必是最时髦的,但绝对是最正规的。无论时代如何变迁,语言最基本的东西是不会变的,新概念正是这样一个由地道的英国人编写的,最能体见英语文化的正统的英语学习教材。 理由四:系统《新概念英语》全套共分为四册,科学地融合了听、说、读、写、译五方面的技能,能有效地把你从一个"英文盲"引导成为一个"英文通"。我们打个比方:《新概念》好似一座豪华的大楼,一册打下了英语口语及语法的稳固基石;二册则以其经典实用的句型及短文搭起了"英语大厦"的框架;三册更是从一个崭新的语法、句法和写作的高度上为大厦添砖加瓦;四册则当然是大厦精美的"内装修"--让你的英语综合技能(包括阅读与词汇)方面趋于完善,使你的英语素质与实用能力达到真正完美的统一,无论是交流还是应试,你都能游刃有余。
反馈:jessiec123 2005-08-24#5
399 $0.00
如何通过《新概念英语》全面提高英语能力如何通过《新概念英语》全面提高英语能力一. 激情(passion):英语学习中唯一理性的动力。 1. 学习语言需要激情。人生需要激情。成功需要激情。自信来自激情。 2. 激情造就天才 3. 运用激情的方式 二. 激情联想学习法在英语学习中的运用。 1. 用激情联想征服词汇。 词汇→英语之根;秘招→联想扩展→至高境界 词形联想法: l 词缀词根联想:说起来容易做起来难,若一旦掌握受益终生。/懒惰者勿用。/扩大高难词汇必用之秘方。 pos→put:"放" expose (ex<外面>expose 放在外面→暴露); impose (im<里面>→强加);depose(……) 必须掌握的词缀及词根 l content contend consent bear dear fear gear hear near pear rear tear wear year l 同族词联想:大量单词一脉相通。 如:forget→forgetful→forgetfully→forgetfulness→forgettable→forgetter→unforgettable 等。 词义联想法 l 同义词与反义词联想: 新概念二、三册单词联想示例 初级联想:big→large→huge→great→grand→ 高级联想:colossal(庞大的)船-泰坦尼克号→titanic→gigantic→immense→vast→enormous→tremendous wild [waild] a.野生的,野性的(living in a natural state, not controlled by humans) [联想] →(同)feral(a.凶猛的); barbarous(a.野蛮的) (反)tame (a.驯服的); domestic(a.家养的) [经典用法]wild wind 强风,wild guess 瞎猜,wild times 乱世 经典用法联想 二册词汇用法联想示例: seat [si:t] n.座位; vt.使座下(a place to sit ;to let somebody sit down.) [经典用法联想] →① have a seat/take a seat 就座 →②be seated/seat oneself/坐下 这里seat 是及物动词,联想→enjoy oneself 玩得开心: dress oneself 给……穿衣 [习惯搭配联想/超级联结联想/经典词汇联想/语法功能联想] 拟声联想法: "P"→拍打,撞击等声音。 Chap(轻拍,拍手);slap(用手掌拍打);pat (拍打);wrap(包起来);pop(砰); Pound(敲打);pour(泼);drop, chop, torpedo; sip(吮吸)…… "fl" →飞翔,流动等声音 fly; flow; flash(闪光)flame(火焰);flow(流动);flood(洪水);flu(流感);float(漂浮),fluid(流动性);flush(冲洗) pest(拍死它→害虫);obscene(我不see→淫秽的)或(词缀法)… 形象联想法 tussle(扭打);grass(青草)[ss];derrick井架(deck+rri);baggage;roar(咆哮);cheer;smile,round,square…… 激情音标联想背词法 所有无规律的长单词 archaeology(考古学);anthropology(人类学);bedraggled(弄湿的); exhilarating(令人兴奋的); 自定义联想法 privilege; barbarous// bait(诱饵→bite);hay(干草);graze(牛羊吃草)[grass/gray] lullaby(催眠曲);gangster(土匪,强盗) 2. 用激情联想法快速突破英语口语 "说"的误区。 l 外教至上的误区。 l 独自无法练习口语的误区 l 随心所欲的误区 l 单一强化口语的误区 solution→ a. 快速联想与延伸 b. 地道口语的联想与运用 c. 精美口语句式的联想记忆 d. 独自锻炼联想(一册语音,背诵2,3册,大声跟读,模仿语调(WOA/BBC),独自讨论辩论法,高声描述法) 独自讨论辩论法: MIMIC DISCUSSION l Do you like music? What do you think of Madonna and Michael Jackson? l What's the relation between the sports field and the battlefield? l What do you think of the difference between the white-collar workers(白领工人)and blue-collar workers(蓝领工人)? l What do you think of the saying "Wealthy man tends to be bad while a bad woman tends to be wealth"? MIMIC DEBATE l Money can buy everything that you want. l There's no true and pure friendship between man and woman. l Capital punishment should be abolished. l Health is wealth. l Computer will control the human being. 3. 激情联想快速突破英语听力 "听"的误区 l 速成论的误区。 l 一本教材突破听力的误区。 l 突击提高听力的误区 solution→ a. 长期的过程(经验),因为激情你不再苦闷,因为激情你豁然开朗! b. 练习听力的最佳材料及时间 c. 提高听力的方法(电影、英文歌曲、周润发) d. 精听与泛听。 e. 如何通过新概念提高听力。(不同版本及不同级别的运用) 4. "英语阅读"中的如何走出误区 a. 技巧论→泛读与精读 b. 阅读方法联想漫谈 5. 激情联想学习法在"英语写作"中运用。 a. 正确(初级)→多样化→美化(激情联想的运用) I like music. I am fond of music. I am crazy about music. I take great interest in music. Music exerts tremendous fascination on me. b. 形式三段论-内容三段论 c. 超级模仿好句型,语法重点尽在文中。 Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. NCE BOOK Ⅲ Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. NCE BOOK Ⅲ 三. 一套浓缩语言精华的教材,一种全新的英语学习理念 1. 一册(First Things First):学习英语的敲门砖。 经典示例: ASSISTANT: Do you like this dress, madam? LADY: I like the colour very much. It's a lovely dress, but it's too small for me. ASSISTANT: What about this one? It's a lovely dress. It's very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it? 2. 二册(Practice and Progress):构建英语的基石。 经典示例: l No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. Lesson 68 Persistent I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me . it was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning. 'Hello. Nigel.' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here?' 'Hi. Elizabeth.' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning---until I saw you. You're not busy doing anything, are you?' 'No, not at all.' I answered. 'I'm going to …' 'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking. 'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.' 'Then I'll come with you.' He answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!' 3. 三册(Developing Skills):掌握英语的关键。 经典示例: Lesson 26 Wanted: A Large Biscuit Tin No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. Lesson 60 Too Early And Too Late Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos. Only in a sparsely populated rural community is it possible to disregard it. In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. 4. 四册(Fluency in English):体味英语的精髓。 经典示例: A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-twentieth-century opportunities. (Lesson 41) It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. (Lesson 58) (理解自测) The only arguable plea for capital punishment is the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect of life in another, but since what used to seem to the great majority of civilized humanity the assurance of another life beyond the grave has come to seem to more and more people less certain, a feeling for the values of human life has become deeper and more widespread. (Lesson 60) 四. 如何掌握新概念英语: 1. 自学的误区 2. 突破新概念词汇: →根据上述激情联想法之后的复习: 时间间隔应先短后长;第一次间隔6小时左右,第二次间隔一天左右,第三次四五天,第四次约一个星期……如此往复,达到X次记忆。 背单词的感觉: 复习与背诵单词的最佳时间: 3. 句型:→择抄,朗读,默背,钻石句型超级模仿记忆。 4. 课文:→3R:Recite; Retell;Review 作业:→由点及面。(黄金要点遍布新概念的每一个角落!) 五. 掌握《新概念英语》与英语全面突破。 1. 课堂上:由被动接受→主动吸收(笔记与心记)(与英语共舞) 2. 课后如何巩固。(课堂笔记是你的宝贵财富) 3. 百读不厌,不厌百读。(背诵需要激情) 4. 由初级到高级循序渐进,终会突破! 六. 素质英语与应试英语在新概念教材上如何统一。 1. 素质是关键 2. 应试是检验。 3. 新概念是手段。
反馈:maylee55 和 fafan 2005-08-24#6
3,113 $0.00 新概念的确是个不错的教材,新东方徐燕老师讲的第二册我听了好几遍!加SW!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fanfan,是否可以拿出来一起分享呀?因为我这儿有些不全面。另外礼尚往来,也加你SW了。点击展开...很想拿出来给大家分享,不过太大了,无法上传! 去这里下吧!http://lib.verycd.com/2005/02/24/0000040130.html
赏 2005-08-24#9 A
33,612 $0.00 我也喜欢新概念,只是总在第二册打转
赏 2005-08-24#10
758 $0.00 这套教材真的不错,俺正在学习中
再一次给 showxu 添加声望之前, 您必须对周围其他会员评论声望。
I am also a fan of NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH.加声望了。
I believe--你还在那里等待,我的心已经充满了期待。。。
赏 2005-09-20#15
209 $0.00 第一册: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...谝徊?-37课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...一册38-72课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...徊?3-110课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...册110-144课.mp3 第二册: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...二册1-31课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...二册32-54课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia...二册55-76课.mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn2(77-96).mp3 第一册第二册录音: http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn1-2.zip第三册 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn3(1-14).mp3 http://edu.qd.sd.cn/wangwang/shuxia/xgn3(15-26).mp3这个确实是不错,我早就已经下载了,也找到了文本课文,希望能和大家分享。 第一册 9.21M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce1.PDF 第二册 16.8M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce2.PDF 第三册 12.1M http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce3.PDF 第四册 180 K http://edu.qd.sd.cn/audition/nce/nce4.pdf好多都无法下载啊!郁闷。麻烦showxu能否再传一个啊,多谢了,加声望了!
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