加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词
共创世界和平与发展的美好未来 ――中国国家主席胡锦涛2010年新年贺词 2009年12月31日 Make Joint Efforts to Build a Bright Future of World Peace and Development -- 2010 New Year Speech delivered by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China December 31, 2009 女士们,先生们,同志们、朋友们, Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends, 新年的钟声就要敲响,2010年的帷幕即将拉开。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福! The New Year's bell is about to ring, and 2010 will soon begin. At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television, I'm delighted to extend New Year greetings to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词2009年是中华人民共和国历史上十分重要的一年。中国各族人民隆重庆祝新中国成立60周年,为伟大祖国的发展进步感到无比自豪,决心在新的起点上把中国特色社会主义事业继续推向前进。 The year 2009 has been a very important one in the history of the People's Republic of China. Chinese people of all ethnic groups have celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, feeling extremely proud of our country's development, and determined to promote the socialist course with Chinese characteristics at a new starting point。 面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国各族人民坚定信心、迎难而上、万众一心、共克时艰,坚持把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务,统筹做好保增长、保民生、保稳定各项工作,实现了经济总体回升向好。中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的显著成就,人民生活继续改善,社会保持和谐稳定。中国积极参加应对国际金融危机、气候变化等问题国际合作,扩大同世界各国交流合作,为世界和平与发展作出了新的贡献。 Under the circumstances of the global financial crisis, people of all ethnic groups in China have been resolute in confidence and braved hardships and difficulties. With millions of people united as one, we put the maintenance of a stable and comparatively fast economic growth as the primary task in our economic work. We made overall plans and efforts to guarantee economic growth, value people's livelihood and ensure social stability. With these efforts, we have achieved an overall economic recovery. Remarkable new progress has been made in the reform, opening-up and socialist modernization. The livelihood of the people continued to improve, and society remained harmonious and stable. China actively participated in international cooperation in dealing with issues such as the global financial crisis and climate change, increased international exchanges and cooperations, and made further contributions to world peace and development。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词 2010年是中国实施“十一五”规划的最后一年。在新的一年里,我们将坚定不移高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,继续实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,根据新形势新情况着力提高政策的针对性和灵活性,更加注重提高经济增长质量和效益,更加注重推动经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,更加注重推进改革开放和自主创新、增强经济增长活力和动力,更加注重改善民生、保持社会和谐稳定,更加注重统筹国内国际两个大局,努力实现经济平稳较快发展,继续推进全面建设小康社会进程。 The year 2010 is the last one in China's implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. In the upcoming year, we will unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deepen the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, maintain the continuity and stability in macro-economic policies, maintain a proactive fiscal and moderately easy monetary policy, make the policies better-targeted and more flexible to adjust to new situations, pay more attention to enhancing the quality and benefits of economic growth, and accelerate the change of economic development mode and structural adjustment. We will pay more attention to deepening the reform and opening up and encouraging independent innovations to inject vigor and vitality into economic development. More stress will be put on further improving people's welfare, and maintaining social harmony and stability. We will make overall plans in dealing with domestic and international situations to achieve a stable and comparatively rapid economic growth, and push forward the construction of a moderately well-off society in all respects。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词我们将坚持“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,同广大香港同胞、澳门同胞携手努力,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。我们将坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的方针,牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展的主题,加强两岸交流合作,更好造福两岸同胞。 We will uphold the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and "Macao people governing Macao" with a high degree of autonomy. We will work together with our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to maintain long-term prosperity and stability in the two Special Administrative Regions. We will adhere to the principles of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", and firmly grasp the theme of cross-Strait relations and peaceful development, strengthen the cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, and bring continuous well-being to compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait。 当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期。世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,国际金融危机影响继续显现,气候变化、能源资源、公共卫生安全等全球性问题突出,国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏。继续推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,需要世界各国人民加强合作、同舟共济。 At present, the world is at a time of significant development, great changes and huge adjustments. It is moving further towards multi-polarity and globalization. The impact of the global financial crisis remains; global issues such as climate change, energy and resources and public sanitary security are prominent; and international and regional hot spots are emerging. The noble course of peace and development for humanity demands the cooperation of the people of all countries to meet the challenges jointly。
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 2010年国家主席胡锦涛新年贺词借此机会,我愿郑重重申,中国将高举和平、发展、合作旗帜,恪守维护世界和平、促进共同发展的外交政策宗旨,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持在和平共处五项原则的基础上同所有国家发展友好合作,继续积极参加应对国际金融危机、气候变化等问题国际合作,同各国人民一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。 I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that China will uphold the banner of peace, development and cooperation, and adhere to the principle of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. We will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit and win-win situation, actively develop friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, actively participate in efforts by the international community to deal with the global financial crisis and climate change, and strive to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity。 此时此刻,在我们共同生活的这个星球上,还有不少民众正蒙受着战争、贫穷、疾病、自然灾害等苦难的煎熬。中国人民深切同情他们的不幸境遇,将一如既往向他们提供力所能及的帮助。我相信,经过世界各国人民不懈努力,世界文明必将不断发展,人类福祉必将不断增进。 At this moment on this planet we inhabit, there are still people who are suffering the effects of war, poverty, sickness and natural disasters. The Chinese people have great sympathy for their pain, and are always willing to do all we can to help them overcome the difficulties. I believe, with sustained efforts of people of all countries, the world civilization is sure to progress, and the humanity's well-being is certain to improve。 2010年,以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题的世界博览会将在中国上海举行。我们热忱欢迎五大洲的朋友们共襄这一盛举,共同谱写增进相互了解和友谊的新篇章。 In the year 2010, the World Expo will be held in Shanghai, with a theme of "Better City, Better Life". We warmly welcome friends from all around the world to participate in this great event, and to compose a new chapter of promoting understanding and friendship with us。 最后,我从北京祝大家在新的一年里幸福安康! Finally, from here in Beijing, I would like to wish you all happiness, peace and health in the New Year!
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