加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2010年雅思口语最有可能考到的十道题
1. What should people be careful about when they’re driving?2. How is your shopping habit influenced by TV ads?3. Is modern technology useful in your language learning?4. Describe an interesting story you saw on TV.5. Describe an important conversation you had in the past.6. Describe a person who helped you on an important occasion.7. Are there any differences between a business trip and a sightseeing tour?8. Do you think scientists from different countries should share their research findings?9. Has the culture of treating guests changed in your country in the last 20 years?10. Will the learning of a new language change your understanding of your native culture?
FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa... 赏 反馈:北京爽秋 2010-01-20#2 31,133 $0.00 回复: 2010年雅思口语最有可能考到的十道题Steve老师是前任雅思考官,认为雅思口语考试其实不难,关键在于思路和表现。如果同学们真的任何思路都没有的情况下,可以试用下面的公式,这些公式帮助过很多高中生,四级没过的大学生取得6.5分以上的成绩,通过思路帮助大家有很多话说,给考官的印象是Even though I am not good at speaking ,still I want to have a try.考官一样会给你不错的分数,绝对不能Mute. 第一部分:大部分来来去去就是你的个人情况(专业,出国,名字),爱好(电影,读书,购物,旅游,运动等等),家乡(4E原则,经济,娱乐,环境,教育等) 回答这些问题的公式基本有两个: 公式一是: I+F=HAPPY. I 是你自己, F是朋友+家人,HAPPY是你们一起做这个事件的感觉如何,什么情况下做,用who , when ,why ,what 去展开。 公式二是:内因+外因。(你做这个原因是什么,什么时候有这个想法,做了后有什么意义) 外因(你朋友,家人,社会和环境等给你的影响让你去做这个事,有意义) E.G. Do you love watching movies? Yes, I do. I love watching movies ,and my family also do.? We often spend time together in the cinema on weekends, which makes us very happy and comfortable. (公式一) (同学们记住,在转第二点的时候最好用Also,You know,well 不要用SECONDLY,这样会给考官有背作文的影子), watching movies is way to help me relax.(内因) You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study. (外因) (公式二) Do you love cooking, why?任何话题只要是第一部分的都是差不多的。 Yes, I do. I love cooking ,and my family also do.? We often spend time together at home to cook our delicious food, which makes us very happy and comfortable. (公式一) Also, cooking, I think is the best way to help me relax。
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