加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大皇家大学的MBA怎么样?


加拿大皇家大学Royal Roads University 在中国招MBA称和本土获得的文凭无异,本人正在申请中,想去读一个,既可以加上Master的分分,又可以获得本地文凭,不知这所学校的MBA怎样,海外获得的证书加国认不认?请学哥学姐 们回答,谢谢

很一般,没名气,在加拿大最好的是WEST ONTARIO, U .of Toronto, McGill, Concodia.还有很多大学比这个大学强.Note: These rankings may not be the latest published ones. The rankings have been taken from annual rankings of Canadian Business Schools by Payback. Rank University Program Entry Program Length Min. TOEFL score Min. GMAT score Min. Work Experience 1 Queen's University May 1 year 250 (cbt) 600 2 2 University of Manitoba August 11 months 550 500 - 3 University of Western Ontario September 2 years 250 560 2 4 York University Jan, Sept 16-20 months 600 (250) - 2 5 University of Toronto September 8-16 months 580 . . 6 Mcgill University September 2 years 600 570 2 7 Wilfrid Laurier University August 1 year 550 (213) 550 2 8 HEC (French) 9 University of Ottawa August 15 months 580 10 University of New Brunswick - St. John October 12 months 550 500 2 11 University of Victoria August 17 months 230 550 2 12 University of British Columbia September 15 months 600 (250) 2 13 Concordia University Sept, Jan, May 16-24 months 250 (cbt) 600 2 14 Simon Fraser University Sept, Jan, May 4 semesters 570 550 - 17 McMaster University September 2 years 580 600 1 18 Dalhousie University September 2 years 580 550 .- 19 Saint Mary's University September 2 years 550 500 .--

不是皇家大学是皇家路大学,和英国皇家毫不相干 Royal Roads---the body of water that forms the entrance into Esquimalt Harbour from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, lying to the east of the facility.Royal Roads UniversityFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchRoyal Roads University -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Motto Living Our Learning Established 1995 Type Public Chancellor Mr. Bob Skene Students 2,668 Location Colwood, British Columbia, Canada Website www.royalroads.ca Royal Roads University (RRU) is a public university located in Colwood, a suburb of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It is the only public university in Canada devoted exclusively to offering applied and professional programs, at both the Undergraduate and Graduate degree level. Located on the site of the former Royal Roads Military College, RRU has one of the largest MBA programs in Canada.[edit] Campus and groundsThe campus and surrounding grounds of Royal Roads University are situated in Hatley Park National Historic Site. Royal Roads leases the land from the Department of National Defense for $1 per year and assumes all stewardship responsibilities related to the site including the cost of site management, operations, the preservation and restoration of heritage assets (which include all buildings on the site as well as many heritage gardens)and educating the public about the site's historic and natural attributes.Originally used by the Coast Salish, the land was developed for agriculture by European immigrants and their descendants. In 1906, the coal magnate and politician James Dunsmuir purchased the land to build an estate. The Canadian government acquired the buildings and grounds from his descendants in 1940 to serve as a Naval Training Establishment, which came to be known as Royal Roads Military College. In 1995, the military college was closed and the land and facilities leased by the government of British Columbia. The site was converted into Royal Roads University the same year.The military college and the university took their name from Royal Roads, the body of water that forms the entrance into Esquimalt Harbour from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, lying to the east of the facility. The grounds, a mix of landscaped gardens and natural woodland, still go by the name of Hatley Park which the Dunsmuirs gave their estate (it is not a designated park). Hatley Castle and its surroundings have made appearances in numerous movies and TV series programs such as Smallville where it serves as the Luthor Mansion, and the second and third X-Men films where the university is transformed into Professor Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.[edit] Admission Fees and Development ControversyIn June, 2006, Royal Roads University started charging admission fees to the main heritage gardens in Hatley Park National Historic Site, an area that makes up less than five per cent of the campus. RRU cited the need to generate funding to support the (unfunded) $20 million in heritage work facing the site. After a change in plans to create a combined parking and admission fee, RRU created a garden-only admission fee structure where the cost of one-time adult admission was reduced to $8 from the $12 originally proposed. The university also offered a $15 four-month garden pass to residents of Greater Victoria in addition to the free pass originally offered to Colwood residents.Some people remain opposed to the fees, and cite them as an example of commercialization of the campus, which they also oppose. For example, RRU plans to build a combined accommodation and conference centre that would be used both by learners (who are mostly mature adults attending three-week residencies over the course of their two-year programs) and external visitors. An advocacy group, http://www.savehatleypark.com/ Save Hatley Park], formed in response to these developments.

sophie-ca 说:加拿大皇家大学Royal Roads University 在中国招MBA称和本土获得的文凭无异,本人正在申请中,想去读一个,既可以加上Master的分分,又可以获得本地文凭,不知这所学校的MBA怎样,海外获得的证书加国认不认?请学哥学姐 们回答,谢谢点击展开...但读比不读好,应该是认可这所学校的证书的,但MBA就业不怎么样,耶鲁的也不一定找得到工作.

sannorm 说:但读比不读好,应该是认可这所学校的证书的,但MBA就业不怎么样,耶鲁的也不一定找得到工作.点击展开...谢谢sannorm,我铁了心要出去,主要是为了加分,而且学费不贵只要5W多RMB,我看RRU网上在加国学校本部读要3W多加币,比起来国内要便宜多了,加上在国内一直做投资银行工作,没有其他专业技能,又没有体力(女生) 累脖怕做不了,我在考CFA,争取出去之前考过LEVEL2不知对找工作有没有用?


2006-11-13#7 烛 影 3,588 $0.00 还可以吧,很正规的大学,在维多利亚~

精彩纷呈的电影,美妙动人的音乐尽在“电影音乐版” 2006-11-13#8 sophie-ca 1,884 $0.00 传说加国大学的MBA对本国居民的学费很便宜吗,可我在RRU的网站上看到对国际学生是5W多刀,对本国学生是3W多刀,没少多少啊,也就是七折左右,传说是只有一到二折啊

sophie-ca 说:传说加国大学的MBA对本国居民的学费很便宜吗,可我在RRU的网站上看到对国际学生是5W多刀,对本国学生是3W多刀,没少多少啊,也就是七折左右,传说是只有一到二折啊点击展开...每个学校的情况都不一样的

精彩纷呈的电影,美妙动人的音乐尽在“电影音乐版” 2006-11-14#10 不 82 $0.00 RRU算是大学中的后起之秀,中加两国的政府是认可的。至于雇主认可度如何,我没有经验。但是一定要搞清楚,落地办学所发的文凭是否会注明在什么地方完成的课程(英文称notation),加国雇主对这种文凭不会太感兴趣吧!


Englishbay 说:国内读不如在这里读,因为毕业找工作的时候,国内的教育经历和工作经验都是打折扣的,除非出名的世界级企业或银行。另外加拿大不是国际金融中心,投资银行的就业前景比较有限。点击展开...同意,但一时半会儿来不了,在国内早做准备,另外还想这个MASTER加分呢,我06/8的FN,自评65分,不够及格线,想凑分数

加分就没有别的途径? 5W多RMB也是很多钱啊, 呵呵。反正多读书也没什么坏处,到了国外以后,别把这个学历看得太重就是了。

有朋友说"If you want get this 25 points you should study in Canada locally" really?那那么多国家的master不是都认可吗为什么偏偏是加国的不认可,不解



***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 2006-11-15#17 helenjoe 1,387 $0.00 如果在国内有钱有闲就学呗.

***感恩之心让生活变得简单轻松*** Better Happy Than Rich. 2006-11-15#18 P 545 $0.00 野鸡大学,从没听说过,文凭在加毫无用处,能不能加分不知道.



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