1.要学会查资料,这比学外语更重要,很多人在这里问来问去,一查就查到的问题,在加拿大不会查资料就等于睁眼瞎,这样的人是很难找到工作的. 大家都来给个忠告.起哄和嘲弄就不必要了.
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 赏 2007-03-03#4
10,587 $0.00 我也听课。评论
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 赏 2007-03-03#5 289 $0.00 教授还没来
2. 查资料最简单的是查GOOGLE,但GOOGLE上很多查不到,要去图书馆,在美加,图书馆的使用要成为生活日常活动,很多资料如怎么写简历如何准备面试,社区就业指导中心,就业辅导材料等社区图书馆都有,可以问REFERENCE LIBRARIAN.
参加Job Finding Club...成功率很高。至少不会感到isolated.我很遗憾我当时没参加。
2008说的很对,很多人都有点懒,自己不愿去搜索资料。照理说,技术移民都是读过书的呀,怎么连这点搜索资料的能力都忘了呢?另,问一下2008,dewey decimal是全世界都通用的吗?还是只是英语国家才用的,还是只有北美才用的?
dewey decimal是全世界都通用. There types of classifications: 1. Universal schemes covering all subjects. Examples include Dewey Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Classification 2. Specific classification schemes. Examples includes Iconclass, British classification of Music 3. National schemes specially created for certain countries. Example is CLC (Chinese Library Classification). 2008说的很对,很多人都有点懒,自己不愿去搜索资料。照理说,技术移民都是读过书的呀,怎么连这点搜索资料的能力都忘了呢?另,问一下2008,dewey decimal是全世界都通用的吗?还是只是英语国家才用的,还是只有北美才用的?点击展开...
3.还是讲查资料,很多移民想干本行,和中国不同,有些行业在加拿大是政府垄断的,没有公民身份和近似NATIVE SPEAKER的外语及加拿大本科以上学历是进不去的,还有些行业如护士,教师,图书馆员在中国没人愿干的在加拿大是吃香的专业工作,而且大都是NATIVE SPEAKER垄断的行业,说穿了,适合中国人的两大行业是电脑编程和各种体力活,所以来之前要做好充分的思想准备.
4.新移民到加拿大最主要看你有没有PLANNING SKILLS,如计划不好过了三五年你的英文也没长进,你的技能也没长进,还在打LABOUR,那就不要怪加拿大没给机会,而是你自己的失败.根据自己的具体情况好好规划一下,期望值不要太高,观念要转变,步步为营,每天进取,特别是外文,到了一定阶段面试就和在朋友谈话一样,写申请几分钟就搞定了(我现在看到一个广告,大概5分钟就把自己的简历和COVER LETTER裁剪好了,这取决于你的阅读理解和写作能力,学术职位的广告一般一页以上,很多内容)
比如这个广告,我扫一下几秒钟就知道该写些什么,HR拿到你的申请信也是扫几秒钟就决定要不要进一步给你面试所以叫RESUME SCREEN.University of GuelphAcademic Liaison LibrarianPosition Title/Rank: Academic Liaison LibrarianDepartment: LibraryDeadline: April 6, 2007Position Description:The University of Guelph Library is recruiting for an innovative professional Librarian to provide Liaison services in a full-time, tenure-track position. The candidate will be adaptable in a variety of professional contexts and able to assume responsibility for a variety of roles or special projects relating to liaison with academic programs. Such activities with academic departments might include the development and promotion of programs to promote scholarly communication and faculty outreach, collection development and information resource management, information literacy and curriculum support, and the development and provision of services to support teaching, research, and learning in the academic environment.Environment:McLaughlin Library and the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) Learning Commons are located on the main University of Guelph campus, approximately one hour west of Toronto. The Library is affiliated with the University of Guelph-Humber Library and three regional campus libraries: Collège d'Alfred, Kemptville College and Ridgetown College. An innovative partnership with the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University -- the Tri-University Group of Libraries -- provides access to a total of 7 million volumes including our own collection of 2.5 million. The Library serves the learning, teaching, and research needs of the undergraduates, graduates, faculty and researchers of the University of Guelph. Our management approach stresses shared goals, participatory decision-making, and positive collaboration with the Tri-University Group of Libraries, and our other academic partners. The Library is a member of the Ontario Council of University Libraries, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL).Qualifications and Salary:Required qualifications include an ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. A degree in a subject discipline in the Humanities or Social Sciences is strongly preferred. Qualifications for this job include: strong oral and written communications skills; strong organizational skills; creative thinking and problem-solving abilities; strong interpersonal skills; a commitment to working in a collaborative team environment; the ability to multi-task a variety of responsibilities and projects and to be flexible and adaptable in a variety of professional situations. In addition, experience or knowledge of the research process in an academic environment would prove valuable in working with faculty and students. This is an academic appointment and the successful candidate will be expected to participate in appropriate professional and scholarly activities.This entry-level position will be filled as a tenure-track appointment within the University of Guelph Faculty Association at the Assistant Librarian level. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience; a comprehensive benefits package is provided. Currently the Librarians at the University of Guelph participate in a plan that features incremental annual salary increases linked to a formal peer-review performance appraisal process. Application Procedure:Please submit a resume and names of three (3) references by April 6, 2007 to: Sandra Shore Personnel and AdministrationOrganizational ServicesMcLaughlin LibraryUniversity of Guelph 50 Stone Road E, Guelph ON, N1G 2W1. Telephone: (519)824-4120, ext. 52307Fax: 519-824-6931. Email: [email protected] qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. This appointment is subject to final budgetary approval.The University of Guelph is committed to an employment equity program that includes special measures to achieve diversity among its faculty and staff. We therefore particularly encourage applications from qualified Aboriginal Canadians, person with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women.
Required qualifications include an ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. 这是要学位A degree in a subject discipline in the Humanities or Social Sciences is strongly preferred. 这也是要学位Qualifications for this job include: strong oral and written communications skills; 你的COVER LETTER就可从侧面反映出,但你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?strong organizational skills; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?creative thinking and problem-solving abilities; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?strong interpersonal skills; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?a commitment to working in a collaborative team environment;你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? the ability to multi-task a variety of responsibilities and projects and to be flexible and adaptable in a variety of professional situations.你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? In addition, experience or knowledge of the research process in an academic environment would prove valuable in working with faculty and students. 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?This is an academic appointment and the successful candidate will be expected to participate in appropriate professional and scholarly activities.你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢?COVER LETTER不超过一页,但这些你都得点到,那就是每一点都用一句话的例子写.
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC 赏 2007-03-13#18 1,663 $0.00 强人
http://weipp.spaces.live.com/Required qualifications include an ALA accredited Master’s degree in Library and Information Science. 这是要学位 A degree in a subject discipline in the Humanities or Social Sciences is strongly preferred. 这也是要学位 Qualifications for this job include: strong oral and written communications skills; 你的COVER LETTER就可从侧面反映出,但你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? strong organizational skills; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? creative thinking and problem-solving abilities; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? strong interpersonal skills; 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? a commitment to working in a collaborative team environment;你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? the ability to multi-task a variety of responsibilities and projects and to be flexible and adaptable in a variety of professional situations.你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? In addition, experience or knowledge of the research process in an academic environment would prove valuable in working with faculty and students. 你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? This is an academic appointment and the successful candidate will be expected to participate in appropriate professional and scholarly activities.你在COVER LETTER里怎么写呢? COVER LETTER不超过一页,但这些你都得点到,那就是每一点都用一句话的例子写.点击展开... 。 拜读了您发表的多个帖子,受益颇多。
回复: 从今天开始给找工作的移民每天给个忠告很好的提议,加声望
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