加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息英文课文--每日一篇
虽然是旧新闻,但中英对照,还是有学习的价值的。 中国感谢美国提供震后救援 (China Thanks US for Earthquake Help) 中国高层领导人感谢美国在四川省上个月大地震后为救灾工作提供帮助。中国国家主席胡锦涛今天(星期一)在会晤美国国务卿赖斯时表达了谢意。胡锦涛还说,他感谢美国总统布什和第一夫人劳拉在中国驻华盛顿大使馆悼念簿上签名慰问四川大地震的受难者。 赖斯正在对中国进行两天访问,以促进美中两国关系。今天早些时候,赖斯会晤了中国总理温家宝。 星期天,赖斯访问了四川地震灾区。当地官员说,地震造成将近7万人死亡。赖斯在四川表示,中国人民的恢复能力和精神给她留下极其深刻的印象。 China’s top leaders have thanked the United States for helping with recovery efforts following last month’s devastating earthquake in Sichuan province. Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed his thanks today (Monday) during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Mr. Hu also said he was grateful that President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush had signed a book of condolences for quake victims at the Chinese embassy in Washington. Rice is in China for a two-day stop to promote relations between the two countries. Earlier today she met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. On Sunday, Secretary Rice visited the quake zone in Sichuan where officials say nearly 70-thousand people died. While there, she said she was tremendously impressed with the resiliency and spirit of the Chinese people.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇联合国秘书长敦促中国发挥更大的全球作用 (UN Chief Urges China To Play Greater Global Role) 联合国秘书长潘基文敦促中国在应对例如粮食短缺等全球挑战方面发挥更大作用。潘基文星期三在北京对中国国家主席胡锦涛说,联合国需要中国的大力参与、合作以及夥伴关系。胡锦涛承诺支持潘基文发起的改革联合国的行动,并为联合国在四川致命大地震后提供救援对潘基文表示感谢。 中国是联合国五个拥有否决权的常任理事国之一,因此中国的支持对改革联合国机构的努力至关重要。潘基文星期二从日本抵达北京。他在日本讨论了北韩最近提交其核项目清单的问题。 U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged China to take a greater role in dealing with global challenges such as food shortages. Mr. Ban told Chinese President Hu Jintao today (Wednesday) in Beijing that the United Nations needs strong participation, cooperation and partnership with China. Mr. Hu pledged to support Mr. Ban in his campaign to reform the world organization and thanked him for U.N. relief efforts following the deadly earthquake in China Sichuan province. China is one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and its support is crucial in efforts to reform U.N. institutions. Mr. Ban’s arrived to Beijing on Tuesday from Japan where he discussed North Korea’s recent declaration of its nuclear programs.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国协助地震救灾囚犯获得减刑 (Chinese Prisoners Who Assisted in Quake Efforts Have Sentences Reduced ONE) 中国官方媒体报导说,中国5月致命大地震之后协助救灾与重建的数百名囚犯将获得减刑。官方中国日报说,430多名囚犯获得减刑,其中八人星期二获得保释。 其中获得保释的一名囚犯是一位43岁因谋杀罪而服刑的男子。中国日报说,在地震震垮监狱之后,这名男子本来可以逃跑,但是他却留在监狱,帮助救助一名残障囚犯。 四川省各地的监狱官员要求法庭让此类囚犯获得保释或者减刑。省政府官员说,他们可以让还有几年就将刑满的此类囚犯保释,或者给有残疾子女或者年迈父母的囚犯减刑。 Chinese state media say hundreds of prisoners who assisted in relief and recovery efforts after a deadly earthquake in May will have their sentences reduced. The official China Daily newspaper says more than 430 prisoners have had their jail terms cut, with eight of them released on probation on Tuesday. One of the prisoners released on probation was a 43-year-old man who was serving a murder sentence. The newspaper says the inmate could have escaped after the earthquake damaged the prison, but stayed behind to help save a physically disabled inmate. Prison officials across Sichuan province have asked courts to either release such prisoners on probation or shorten their sentences. Provincial officials say they could grant probation to prisoners with a few years left on their sentences, or cut the sentences of those with disabled children or elderly parents.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇欧佩克主席预计油价将在每桶150至170美元 (OPEC President Predicts Oil at $150 to $170 A Barrel) 石油输出国组织主席说,每桶原油的价格在今后几个月可能上涨到最高150到170美元。欧佩克主席哈利勒今天(星期四)把油价飞涨归咎于美元疲软,但表示他不认为油价会达到每桶200美元。他还说,欧佩克(石油输出国组织)做好了满足未来对原油的更多需求的准备。 星期三在纽约市场,原油8月份的交货价格下跌了两美元多,降到每桶134美元55美分。美国政府的发表报告显示美国石油库存在上星期有所增加,此后油价下跌。上星期,原油价格达到创记录的每桶将近140美元。 The head of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries says the price of a barrel of oil could reach as high as 150 to 170-dollars a barrel in the next few months. OPEC President Chakib Khelil today (Thursday) blamed soaring oil prices on a weak dollar, but said he does not think oil prices will hit 200-dollars a barrel. He also said OPEC was ready to meet additional demand for crude oil in the future. The price of crude oil for August delivery fell more than two-dollars in New York on Wednesday, settling at 134-dollars, 55-cents a barrel. The drop followed a government report (from the U.S. Energy Information Administration) showing U.S. oil inventories rose over the past week. Crude oil prices hit a record-high of nearly 140-dollars a barrel last week.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国发行面额十元奥运纸币 (China Issues 10-Yuan Olympic Note) 中国的中央银行发行面额为10元的特别纸币来纪念北京奥运,纸币上的领袖毛泽东的头像将换成北京标志性的国家体育馆的图像。 中国人民银行表示,计划在北京奥运期间发行6百万张这种面额大约相当于1美元45美分的纸币。 北京的鸟巢体育馆是复杂交错的钢架结构,看上很像一个鸟窝。纪念纸币的一面是鸟巢体育馆以及2008年北京奥运的一个跳舞男子的标志。另一面则是一个古希腊掷铁饼者雕塑的图像。 纸币两面的背景图案都是天坛。天坛是中国最著名的建筑之一。 China’s Central Bank is issuing a special 10-yuan note to commemorate the Beijing Olympics, swapping the image of communist leader Mao Zedong for a picture of the city’s iconic national stadium. The People’s Bank of China says it plans to issue six million of the notes, worth about one dollar and 45 cents each, during the games. Beijing’s Bird’s Nest stadium is an interlocking mesh of steel that looks much like a roost for birds. A picture of the stadium will be on one side of the note, along with the dancing man emblem of the 2008 Olympic Games. On the other side will be an image of an ancient Greek statue of a discus thrower. Both sides of the bill will also feature the Temple of Heaven as a backdrop, one of China’s best known landmarks.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇美国谴责伊朗试射导弹 (US Condemns Iranian Missile Tests) 美国谴责伊朗试射九枚导弹,伊朗官员说,其中一些导弹可以打到以色列和美国在该地区的其他盟国。伊朗革命卫队的高层指挥官胡赛因.萨拉米今天说,军事演习显示伊朗反对敌人的决心和力量。 美国立即敦促伊朗立即停止进一步试射导弹。白宫发言人称,伊朗发展弹道导弹违反了联合国安理会的决议,违背伊朗对国际社会应尽的责任。 The United States is condemning Iran’s test of nine missiles, some of which Iranian officials say could reach Israel and other U.S. allies in the region. A top Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander (Hossein Salami) said today’s (Wednesday’s) exercise demonstrated Iran’s resolve and strength against its "enemies." The United States immediately urged Iran to refrain from further missile tests. A White House spokesman (Gordon Johndroe) called Iran’s development of ballistic missiles a "violation" of United Nations Security Council resolutions and "inconsistent" with Iran’s obligations to the world.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇两架中国战机在内蒙上空相撞 (Two Chinese Fighter Jets Collide, Crash Outside Inner Mongolian Capital) 中国官方媒体报导说,两架喷气式战机今天(星期三)在内蒙古北部地区上空做例行飞行训练时相撞,坠落到一个居民区。官方的新华社说,这两架歼-8战机在内蒙古首府呼和浩特附近上空相撞。 报导说,两名飞行员弹出驾驶舱,安全降落,只受了轻伤。新华社没有提供有关地面可能发生伤亡的情况。 China’s state media are reporting that two fighter jets have collided and crashed into an inhabited area today (Wednesday) during a regular training mission over the northern region of Inner Mongolia. The official Xinhua news agency says the two J-8 fighter jets collided near the regional capital of Hohhot. The report says both pilots ejected and parachuted to safety, and suffered only minor injuries. Xinhua gave no information about possible casualties on the ground.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国-残奥火炬传递行程 (China - Paralympic Torth Relay) 中国组织者取消了北京残障人奥运会火炬国际接力活动,并缩短了在国内的传递行程。在中国方面星期三做出这项宣布之前,北京奥运火炬在国际间的传递遭到反对中国对西藏政策的暴力抗议的干扰。但组织者表示,对残障人奥运会火炬传递路线做出改变是因为政府目前把精力集中在5月12号大地震的救灾工作。这场地震造成四川省7万人死亡,数百万人无家可归。 残障人奥运会火炬在国际间的首次传递本来计划在9月6号到17号举行残奥会之前经过未来奥运会主办城市伦敦、温哥华、索契以及香港。在中国国内,火炬传递本来有16站,现在取消了成都、重庆、乌鲁木齐和天津四站。 Chinese organizers have canceled the international portion of the Beijing Paralympic torch relay, and shortened the domestic legs. Wednesday’s announcement comes after international legs of the Olympic torch relay were plagued by violent protests against China’s Tibet policy. However, organizers say the Paralympic relay route was changed because the government is focusing on relief work following a deadly earthquake on May 12th. It killed 70-thousand people and left millions displaced in Sichuan province. The first-ever international Paralympic torch relay had been scheduled to visit upcoming Olympic host cities London (England), Vancouver (Canada) and Sochi (Russia) as well as Hong Kong before the September sixth to 17th Paralympics. Four Chinese cities - Chengdu, Chongqing, Urumqi and Tianjin - were also removed from the original 16-stop schedule for the domestic relay.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇法国总统萨尔科齐拒绝接受中国不要在达赖喇嘛下月访问法国时会见这位西藏流亡精神领袖的警告。萨尔科齐今天(星期四)在斯特拉斯堡对欧洲议员发表讲话时说,他的日程和会谈安排不是由中国来决定。 本星期早些时候,中国驻法国大使警告说,如果法国总统会见达赖喇嘛,可能对中法关系造成严重后果。 此外,萨尔科齐为自己决定以法国总统和欧盟轮值主席的身份出席北京奥运开幕式进行辩解。一些欧洲议员对萨尔科齐的出席决定提出批评,但他今天对这些议员强调说,他得到欧盟所有27个成员国的同意。 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has rejected warnings from China against meeting with Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, when he visits France next month. Speaking to European lawmakers in Strasbourg today (Thursday), Mr. Sarkozy said it is not up to China to set his agenda or his meetings. Earlier this week, China’s ambassador to France (Kong Quan) warned that a possible meeting between the French president and the Dalai Lama could have serious consequences for Sino-French relations. Mr. Sarkozy also defended his decision to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games as French president and as the rotating head of the European Union. Some European lawmakers criticized Mr. Sarkozy’s decision to attend, but he stressed to lawmakers today that he had the approval of all 27 member states.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国保奥运安全悬赏安全信息 (China Offers Rewards for Olympic Security Tips) 中国当局将向能够在奥运会期间提供有关安全威胁的任何人发放高额奖金。 中国官方的新华社星期五报导,在今后几个月提供有关安全威胁线索的个人可获得多达7万3千美元的奖金。 北京当局说,将向提供有关恐怖攻击和某些团体企图破坏奥运的可靠信息的人士发放奖金。就奥运会相关人士以及外国人的死亡提供信息也将获得奖金。 中国政府本星期宣布已经破获了5个恐怖组织,逮捕了涉嫌阴谋破坏奥运会的80多人。 Chinese authorities are offering generous rewards to anyone who provides information on security threats during the Olympic Games. A report today (Friday) by China’s state-run Xinhua news agency says individuals could receive as much as 73-thousand dollars for tips over the next several months. Beijing authorities say rewards would be paid for substantial information on terrorist attacks and groups planning to sabotage the games. Rewards would also be paid for information regarding the deaths of individuals involved in the Olympics and foreigners. The Chinese government announced this week that it has already broken up five alleged terrorist groups and arrested more than 80 people suspected of plotting to sabotage the Olympics.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇世行说中国推动非洲基础建设 (World Bank Says China Boosting African Infrastructure) 世界银行最新公布的一份报告说,中国正增加对越来越多的非洲基础设施项目的投资,帮助非洲削减贫困和发展经济。 这份报告的作者、世界银行非洲地区副总裁埃泽奎西利说,中国越来越多的承诺正在帮助非洲大陆解决基础设施严重不足问题。 这份报告说,从2004至2006年,中国、印度和中东等世界新兴资金提供者对非洲的年投资从10亿美元增加到80亿美元。 报告说,非洲需要基础设施,正好中国也需要自然资源,而且中国建筑行业在全球具有竞争力。 中国的非洲政策经常受到批评。一些批评人士说,中国的非洲政策无视非洲大陆上的侵犯人权等问题。 A newly released report by the World Bank says China is financing an increasing number of infrastructure projects in Africa that are helping reduce poverty and boost economies. The author of the report, Obiageli Katryn Ezekewesili (vice president for the Africa region at the World Bank), says China’s growing commitments are helping address a huge infrastructure deficit on the continent. The report says that between 2004 and 2006, annual investments in Africa from the world’s emerging financiers - China, India and the Middle East - grew from one billion to eight billion dollars. The report says Africa’s need for infrastructure is matched by China’s need for natural resources and its globally competitive construction industry. China is frequently criticized for its policies in Africa, which some say turns a blind eye to human rights and other abuses on the continent.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇美国消费者信心和房价下降 (US Consumer Confidence & Home Prices Fall) 星期二新公布的两份经济报告对美国经济前景表示不乐观。美联储官员正在华盛顿开会商讨有关美国利率的问题。两份经济报告显示,美国消费者信心降至有纪录以来的最低点,美国房屋价格正在以创纪录的速度下跌。美国一个商业调研团体说,6月对数千美国人的调查显示,他们认为美国经济急剧恶化。专家密切注视消费者信心。 一路下降的消费者信心可能会进一步下跌。标准普尔公布的经济报告说,美国10个大都市地区的4月份房屋价格比去年同期下跌了16%。这是20年前开始进行这项统计以来的最大跌幅。 Two new economic reports paint a downbeat picture of the U.S. economy today (Tuesday) as top central bank officials gather to discuss U.S. interest rates. The reports show U.S. consumer confidence dropping to the lowest level ever recorded and U.S. home prices falling at the fastest rate on record. A business research group says its survey of thousands of Americans in June shows their view of the health of the economy declined sharply. Experts watch consumer confidence closely. The falling consumer confidence may get worse. A report from Standard & Poor’s says home prices in 10 metropolitan areas fell more than 16 percent in April from the same time a year ago. That is the fastest decline in the survey’s 20-year history.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇救援人员寻找菲律宾船难800失踪者 (Rescuers Search for 800 Missing in Philippine Ferry Disaster) 菲律宾海岸警卫队说,星期六在台风中翻船的渡轮上800多人当中有至少31人已经逃到岸上。 菲律宾海岸警卫队说,“星辰公主号”渡轮上的许多生还人员是靠橡皮救生艇和救生衣在海上漂流了超过24小时之后而在星期天登上岸的。 救援人员继续搜寻那艘翻船渡轮上其余800多名失踪的人。 The Philippines coast guard says at least 31 of the more than 800 people on a capsized ferry have managed to make it to shore. The Philippine coast guard says many of the survivors from the ship, the Princess of Stars, made it ashore Sunday after drifting more than 24 hours in a rubber boat and in life jackets. Rescuers are continuing their efforts to find the more than 800 other people who were on board the ship when it went down and remain missing.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国将清理珠穆朗玛峰 (China to Clean Up Mount Everest) 中国说,中国计划明年对埃弗勒斯峰(珠穆朗玛峰)从事大清理,也可能限制登山者与观光客的人数。 中国官方的新华社今天(星期一)引用西藏自治区环保局局长张永泽的话说,登山者给环境带来了负面影响,应该加以限制。 他说登山者与观光客在这座跨越中国与尼泊尔边境的世界最高峰上乱丢的垃圾,将会被清理干净。 张永泽还说,应该加强对利用珠穆朗玛峰从事商业活动的管理。他说,环保局将与西藏登山学校合作来清扫山峰。 China says it is planning a major cleanup operation for Mount Everest next year, and may limit the number of climbers and other visitors. The official Xinhua news agency today (Monday) quotes Zhang Yongze, the director of Tibet’s Bureau of Environment Protection, as saying climbers exert a negative impact on the environment, and should be limited. He said garbage left by climbers and tourists on the world’s highest peak, which straddles China and Nepal, will be cleared away. Zhang also said the management of commercial activities involving the mountain need to be strengthened. Zhang said his bureau will work with the Tibet Mountaineering School to complete the cleaning job.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国主席首次同网友在线交流 (China’s President Chats Online in His First Live Webcast) 中国国家主席胡锦涛同网友进行在线交流,这对于中国国家元首来说还是第一次。 胡锦涛星期五在喉舌、中国国营的人民日报网站上和网友进行了20分钟的视频交流,只回答了200多个问题中的三个问题。 有网友问胡锦涛通常在网上干什么,胡锦涛说,他没有时间每天上网,不过他上网时,会看一些国内外的新闻,并喜欢了解中国互联网用户对党和国家工作提出的建议。 中国的互联网用户超过2亿2千万,但是对互联网实行的严密审查,在世界上是名列前茅的。 China’s President Hu Jintao has become the nation’s first head of state to talk online with Internet users in a live Webcast. During his 20-minute appearance today (Friday) on the Web site for the state-run People’s Daily (www.people.com.cn), the mouthpiece of the Communist Party, Mr. Hu answered only three of more than two-hundred questions. Queried about what he usually does on the Internet, Mr. Hu said he did not have time to go online every day. When he does, Mr. Hu said he reads foreign and domestic news and likes to see the advice of Chinese Internet users on the work of the (communist) party and the country. China has more than 220-million Internet users, but maintains some of the strictest Internet censorship in the world.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇美国投资者对救助房贷巨头努力反应积极 (US Investors React Favorably to Efforts to Help Mortgage Giants) 投资者欢迎美国政府巩固美国两家最大房屋贷款公司的举措。星期天,美国财政部长保尔森宣布了支持“房地美”和“房利美”的一系列建议。这两家公司拥有和保障将近一半美国全部房屋的贷款,总额超过5万亿美元。在最近的房屋贷款危机中,这两家受政府支持的贷款公司蒙受数以十亿美元计的损失。 一些经济学家说,如果这两家公司中的一家破产,对全球经济产生的后果可能是灾难性。这两家公司相当大一部分的债权是在外国政府或是国际投资者手中。 美国国会议员对政府的举措表示支持。美国国会参议院金融委员会主席多德说,政府看来在采取正确的措施。 Investors have welcomed moves by the United States government to shore up two of the nation’s biggest mortgage lenders. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced a series of proposals Sunday to bolster Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee almost half of all U.S. home loans -- worth more than five-trillion dollars. The government-sponsored lenders have lost billions of dollars during the recent wave of mortgage defaults. Some economists say if just one of the companies fails, the result could be catastrophic for the global economy. Much of their debt is owned by foreign governments or international investors. U.S. lawmakers have also voiced support for the moves. U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd says the government appears to be taking the right steps.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇中国关注针对苏丹总统战争罪指控 ( China Concerned by War Crimes Charges Against Sudan’s President) 中国表示关注国际刑事法庭首席检察官谋求以种族灭绝指控逮捕苏丹总统巴希尔的决定。中国外交部发言人刘建超星期二对记者说,北京希望这些行动有利于达尔富尔的最终稳定。 中国是苏丹政权的主要外交和经济盟友,并十分看重苏丹的石油储备。刘建超说,中国将与其他联合国安理会成员磋商,探讨是否有可能阻止国际刑事法庭对巴希尔总统采取法律行动。美国国务院发言人星期一敦促苏丹采取克制。 China says it is concerned by the decision by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to seek an arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of genocide . A spokesman for China’s foreign ministry (Liu Jianchao) told reporters today (Tuesday) that Beijing hopes the actions will benefit the eventual stability of Darfur. China is a major diplomatic and economic ally of Khartoum, with huge interests in Sudan’s oil reserves. The spokesman says China will consult with other members of the U.N. Security Council about the possibility of blocking the ICC’s ability to take legal action against Mr. Bashir. A spokesman for the U.S. State Department (Sean McCormack) on Monday urged Sudan to exercise restraint.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇布什对经济乐观 ( Bush Optimistic About Economy) 美国总统布什呼吁国会议员快速行动,通过旨在向房贷公司房利美和房地美提供财政支持的立法,同时对美国度过信贷危机表示乐观。 布什总统在星期二对记者的讲话中试图让美国以及投资者放心,美国政府的行动将有助于稳定动荡的金融市场。布什总统说,尽管美国处于经受艰难时期,但是他认为美国经济将会比以往更为强大。 U.S. President George Bush is urging lawmakers to act quickly on legislation designed to financially support mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, while expressing optimism that the country will weather the credit crisis. The president spoke to reporters today (Tuesday) in an attempt to assure the country, and investors, that the government’s action would help stabilize the rocky financial markets. Mr. Bush said although the country is going through a tough time, he believes it will emerge "stronger than ever before."
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇IMF提高全球经济预测 (IMF Raises Worldwide Growth Forecast) 国际货币基金组织说,飞涨的食品和燃料价格不会像官员起初担心的那样损害全球经济。星期四修正的全球经济展望自从2007年7月以来第一次调高了经济增长预测。仅在今年4月,国际货币基金组织还警告说,出现全球经济衰退的可能性为25%。 IMF官员说,目前仍有通货膨胀的威胁,这已成为工业大国和新型经济体的重大担心。世界各国政府一直在努力紧缩财政政策以遏制上涨的消费品价格,其中粮食和燃料价格上涨幅度最大。 The International Monetary Fund says soaring food and fuel prices will not hurt the global economy as much as officials initially feared. Today’s (Thursday’s) revised World Economic Outlook raises the IMF’s growth forecast for the first time since July 2007. Just this past April, the IMF had warned there was a 25-percent chance of a global recession. IMF officials say there is still a threat from inflation, which has become a big concern for both major industrial powers and emerging economies. Governments around the world have been tightening fiscal policies to fight rising consumer prices, which have been led by soaring food and fuel costs.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 英文课文--每日一篇本笃教皇在世界青年日讲演中呼吁保护地球 (Pope Benedict Calls for Protection of Earth in World Youth Day Speech) 罗马天主教皇本笃16世敦促世界各地的年轻天主教徒维护地球环境,排斥物质主义和流行文化。罗马天主教皇星期四在澳大利亚著名的悉尼港附近举办的世界青年日活动上,向10多万名朝圣者发表讲话。 本笃16世对信众说,人类为了“保持无可满足的消费”,浪费了地球上的海洋与其它自然资源。 他还谴责现代娱乐业,尤其是电视与互联网上不断描述酗酒、吸毒、暴力与性堕落。 Pope Benedict has called on young Catholics from around the world to preserve the Earth’s environment and reject materialism and pop culture. The Pope made his remarks today (Thursday) to more than 100-thousand pilgrims at World Youth Day near Australia’s famed Sydney Harbor. Benedict told the crowd that mankind had squandered the planet’s oceans and other natural resources to "fuel an insatiable consumption." He also denounced the constant portrayal of alcohol and drug abuse, violence and sexual degradation in modern entertainment, especially on television and the Internet.
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