加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录


傅莹介绍: 傅莹是著名外交官,女,蒙古族,内蒙古通辽人;北京外国语学院英语系毕业,英国肯特大学国际关系硕士研究生;中国职业外交官。曾任中国驻菲律宾、澳大利亚、英国等国大使,是中国第一位:少数民族女大使、驻大国女大使。是继龚澎、王海容之后,新中国为数不多的女性副部级外交官。另一位是暨南大学中文系教授。 2010年1月30日《金融时报》发表该报专栏“与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使文章,以下为这次的采访实录: On Januruary 30th, FT publishes its interview with Ambassador FU Ying. The Tran script is as following: Lionel Barber (B): The questions will be in three sections: firstly, your impression about Britain, secondly yourself, your background and thirdly, China and the world.巴伯(巴):我的问题将分三个部分:首先是你对英国的印象,其次是你的个人经历,最后是中国与世界的关系。 Fu Ying (F): First of all, thank you for choosing this restaurant. I read its background, it's very good. When people asked me what is the best English cuisine(料理,culinary art烹饪艺术). I always tell them fish and chips and pudding.(薯片和鱼,布丁是英国的国菜) Maybe I can have something more to tell them.傅莹(傅):感谢你选择这家餐馆,我看了背景材料,这里很有英国特色。每次回国有人问我什么是典型的英国菜时,我总说是“鱼和薯条”,要不就是圣诞布丁,也许今后我可以推荐更多的英国菜。B: Yes, this restaurant is very British. Well, You have been very helpful and kind during your tenure (任期)here. I will never forget the fact that you manage to secure the interview with Premier Wen, which is one of the highlights of my career. I have talked with many people about you and they are very positive about you. They said Madam Fu Ying is the first Ambassador to use wit and charm as a weapon.(所有的政治家,外交家和团队领导所应具备素质) And you do have a sense of humour and you are quite different from the sort of stereotype Chinese diplomat.(stereotype, 陈规,成见,这里翻译成老派还是很有味道的。) 巴:这家餐馆的确很有英国特色。大使阁下,你任内总是乐于提供帮助。我不会忘记,你帮忙促成《金融时报》专访温家宝总理,这也是我个人职业生涯的亮点之一。我跟很多人谈起过你,他们对你的评价都很正面,说你是第一位善于发挥智慧和魅力攻势的大使。你有幽默感,与老派的中国外交官不太一样。 F: I think there are some stereotyped views about the Chinese. A lot of Chinese are witty and humorous. The Chinese are very humorous people. There seems to be a barrier between us. And when I was a student here, I found that I couldn't get all the British jokes either. Probably because I have been a student here for a year and I was in Australia so I am more relaxed and I can get to this side of the barrier and try to see why there is a barrier.傅:我认为外界对中国有不少陈旧观念。实际上,中国人是非常机智、幽默的。也许是因为中西方之间有一些隔阂,我在英国留学的时候,对英式幽默也不能完全体会。但是有了在英国留学一年的经历,又在澳大利亚呆过,因此能感受到这种隔阂,并思考个中原因。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: “与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录B: Let's get back to this barrier a little bit later. Well, you are leaving at somewhat short notice(地道的说法~即将,原意是“一接到通知就...”), will you miss this country?巴:我们一会儿再谈隔阂。你即将离任,是否会怀念英国? F: Yeah, very much. I think leaving is probably the most painful part(关键是这个part! 鼓掌) for any ambassador on the post. Coming in, it takes time, but it is relatively easy; when leaving, all the good things would come out and hold you. I will take my last jog in the park, the last beer in the pub, the last walk on Oxford street… I feel sad when I realize it would be the last…but I think I will leave with a very good memory of this country. 傅:当然,我会非常怀念英国。对于任何一个大使来说,告别总是不舍的。履新时需要时间适应,但相对容易,告别时,所有美好的记忆都会涌上心头。我将在公园里最后一次慢跑、在酒吧里最后一次品尝啤酒、在牛津街最后一次散步。我会非常不舍,并带着对这个国家的美好记忆离开。 Do you know this Chinese writer, whose name is Wang Meng. He was Cultural Minister of China for some time. He wrote a lot about the places he traveled. I like his writing very much, very smooth, like drinking cold water in summer. He described London like this: going to London is like coming into an old familiar oil painting. That is the kind of feeling I get wherever I go in the UK, not only London, in other cities too. It is like something you already know, from readings or images.你知道著名中国作家王蒙吗?他曾经担任文化部长。他描述了很多自己到过的许多地方,我喜欢他的文字,非常流畅,就像在炎热的夏天喝一杯凉水。正如他所描述的:来到伦敦如同进入一幅早已熟悉的油画。我对此深有同感,不仅是伦敦,其他城市也给人这样的感受,好像通过文字或图像早已熟知,似曾相识的感觉。B: What did you most like about your time in Britain?巴:你最欣赏英国什么?F: Personally I really enjoy visiting the home museums of the great writers, such as Jane Austin, the Bronte sisters. I make an effort wherever I go to try to find out what is around. For a few hours, I will sneak out(偷偷溜出去) and visit the place.傅:我喜欢参观文学家的故居,像简奥斯汀和博朗特姐妹的故居。我不管去哪儿,总是尽量抽时间去看看名人故居。B: I see. Yeah. It is because you are a great reader of western classics.巴:原来你是西方古典文学的忠实读者。F: Most Chinese know the British writers. At the Jane Austen's, for example, I was translating for my driver. The curator (馆长)asked me "could you translate my brochure?" He said a lot of Chinese visit the museum and he could not explain in Chinese. Of course I accepted it and we mailed it to him one week later. It is amazing so many Chinese are visiting there. She has a lot of fans in China.傅:中国人对英国文学巨匠耳熟能详。举个例子,参观简奥斯汀故居时,我在为自己司机翻译解说员的介绍,那位解说员就问我能否帮忙翻译博物馆的宣传册?他说有许多中国人去参观,他不懂中文很难讲解,我欣然答应,一周后即把译文寄给了他。想不到会有这么多中国人参观简奥斯汀故居吧,在中国有很多人知道她。B: So you have been to Dickens' home?巴:你一定参观过狄更斯故居吧?

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: “与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录F: Yeah. For Shakespeare's home, I have been there so many times. In my three years, I have attended two birthday parades for Shakespeare.傅:是的。我也多次去过莎士比亚故居。我在英国三年,曾两次参加莎士比亚生日的盛大游行纪念活动。B: So that's the positive side, please tell me other positive things that you would like about this country.巴:这都是积极面,谈谈你对英国其他好的印象吧。F: Really, the cultural side, the west end theatres, the football. I love it every much.傅:我非常喜欢英国文化,伦敦西区的剧院,还有足球。B: You are trying to tell me you like football?巴:你喜欢足球?F: Yes, very much. And a friend of mine introduced me to Arsenal, he was so keen that I started to support Arsenal; I even have a T-shirt of Arsenal, 08.傅:是的,很喜欢。一位要好的朋友向我推荐阿森纳队,他非常热衷,感染之下我也成了阿森纳的球迷,还有一件阿森纳的08号球衣。B: I forgive you, I hate Arsenal.巴:我原谅你,我讨厌阿森纳队。F: Which one do you like?傅:你喜欢哪支球队?B: Spurs.巴:热刺队。F: Oh Spurs. I watched Spurs once, against Manchester United, and Spurs lost. I am going to tell you a story about my "diplomatic faux-pas"(faucx pas “失礼,失言”diplomatic faux-pas外交失误) in the football stadium, as I later understood that the colour is very important for football.傅:热刺队呀。我看过热刺队对曼联的比赛,可惜热刺队输了。我要告诉你一个有意思的故事,我称之为“外交失误”。你知道,在足球中,颜色非常重要。B: Yeah. Arsenal is red, Chinese red.巴:是啊,阿森纳队是红色,中国红。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: “与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录F: That was the last weekend of November, Sunday, and it was very cold. And Arsenal was playing with Chelsea. I had a down coat, which is light blue. I have only one down coat, because of the cold weather, so I put it on. And I matched it with light blue jeans and bright blue scarf beautifully. I was satisfied with the outfit. But we I arrived, it was terrible!傅:那是去年11月份的最后一个周日,天冷极了。我穿了件淡蓝色的羽绒服去观看阿森纳队对切尔西队的比赛。我只有一件羽绒服,那天特冷,我就套上羽绒服,配浅蓝色牛仔裤和蓝色围巾,很漂亮,我对这身装束非常满意。但当我到赛场的时候,发现不对劲了。B: Yeah?巴:怎么了?F: Before entering, I already knew I made a mistake. It was awful, cheering for Arsenal in blue. My friend picked me up and he did not mention it, he did not say anything. British courtesy, isn't it?傅:进去之前我就意识到自己犯错误了,穿蓝色衣服给阿森纳队加油,太尴尬了,但是我的朋友什么都没说。这就是英式礼貌吧? B: You should have brought a little red flag with you.巴:你应该带一面小红旗。F: As to the bilateral relationship part, I like the work I have done; I like the people I work with. British politicians, in my impression, have a good world vision. It is not by training, it seems to be part of them. They have a very strong sense of responsibility for the world. It is always pleasant talking with British politicians, because of their global vision, they bring you up and stimulate you to think at that level.傅:关于中英关系,我喜欢自己的工作,也喜欢与我共事的人。我欣赏英国政治家的全球视野,这种视野不是培训出来,而是与生俱来的,他们有强烈的世界责任感,与他们交谈令人愉悦,与他们对话可以促使人去思考一些大的问题。B: That is true to the Tories as well?巴:保守党也这样吗? 英国党派的小贴士: PS.The Tories 托利党 were those who supported hereditary monarchy and were reluctant to remove kings. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.托利党人是指那些支持世袭王权、不愿去除国王的人。托利党是保守党的前身。 The Whig were those who opposed absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists. The Whig were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party.辉格党人是指那些反对绝对王权,支持新教徒宗教自由权利的人。辉格党人在19世纪中叶与持不同意见的托利党人组盟组成自由党。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: “与FT共进午餐”专访傅莹大使实录F: Both have this very strong sense. I read some of the books about past politicians, and I think they always thought a lot about the world; the global map was always there when they were thinking about politics, which is good. I think this country sets an economic example. The living standard is high, you have very strong services, a leading financial sector, and a dynamic creative sector. China is a late comer, which is just entering industrialization, fast but still at an early stage, I feel there is a lot we can learn from this country. With the help of UKTI, I visited about a dozen companies, I was amazed at your high-end manufacturing. I think that is what China should learn. What amazed me is that almost every company I visited is either trying to expand exports to China, or wanting to enter China. China is really on their radar.(on one's radar 进入...法眼,视线)傅:两党都是。我读过一些政治家的书,他们总在思考国际问题,把政治问题放在全球大背景下去看,这很好。我认为英国经济有很多可取之处。这里生活水平很高,服务业、金融业、创意产业发达。中国是后来者,处在工业化初级阶段,可向英国学习的东西很多。英国贸易投资署给我安排了许多参观机会,我参观过几十个公司和工厂,对英国高端制造业印象深刻。这是中国需要学习的地方。令我欣慰的是,这些公司有的已经开展在华业务,有的准备进军中国,中国市场成为他们关注的对象。 B: If you have to list two or three things that you found less appealing about our country?巴:如果要你指出两、三点不太欣赏英国的地方,是什么呢?F: We Chinese believe in "Yin and Yang", two sides for everything. There is always an upside for everything and a downside, not necessary bad, but it may be called the other side.傅:我们中国人有个“阴阳”的概念,每个事物都有两面性,都有积极面和消极面,也就是另外一面。B: I heard of a great story that you came up with. It was in London after the Tibet unrest(前两天的实践我们谈过turbulence, upheaval ), there were some comments about the protectionism and taking actions. You looked around the room and said with a sweet smile: Yeah, you should be a little bit careful, because you know, if you start restricting China's export, look around at your clothes, you will be naked.巴:我听过一个关于你的有趣故事。故事发生在314后,当时伦敦有很多保护主义的言论。你环顾四周,带着甜美的微笑说:小心噢,如果要限制中国出口,你们可能很多人身上的衣服就没有了。F: Did I say that?傅:我这样说过吗?B: Yes, you did. It is very good, that is what I meant using humour to make an important point.巴:是的。说得真好,这就是幽默攻势。F: For the British, I wish they could think about the other side of everything. For example, I was attending a seminar on the rainforest, a very good seminar, I totally agree with the speakers. And I probably believe it is a serious issue that the world should address. The trouble for me was that it was held at a beautifully decorated room with wooden panels. Other ambassadors from the developing countries share my feeling, we do not understand how come the speakers sitting there do not realize that there is also another side of the problem, the market, the demand for timber, the consumers. It is good to lecture (动词化, to preach )people not to cut down the trees, but you need to see how the people who have been lectured feel.傅:我希望英国人多想想事物都有另外一面。比如,我参加一个关于热带雨林的论坛,这个论坛很不错,我完全赞同演讲者的观点,这应该是全球共同应对的严重问题。问题是,论坛在一个装饰精美的大厅举办,四周是用大量的木质墙围装饰的。参加论坛的其他发展中国家大使与我有同感,我们无法理解为什么演讲者意识不到问题还有另外一面:市场、需求和消费者。 The sense of telling people to do things with your own standard, as a master, and the belief that your own standard, your own background, your own values are the best, and trying to measure everybody against them-that is what I feel, not only at lectures, but also on dinner tables. In China, Confucius said: if there are three people walking in front of you, one of them must have something to teach you. Confucianism is almost in our blood, it is so deep in our culture. Be modest, look around before you make a judgment. We joke among us about the British, maybe for some not for all: if there are three people walking in front of you, you must be their teacher. 不能只是说教,不关注受众的感受。一些人总以为自己的生活方式、背景和信仰都是最好的,并以此衡量别人,要求他们仿效。这种感觉我经常会有,无论是听演讲还是在餐桌上。孔子说:三人行,必有我师。儒家精神几乎已经融入我们的血液,深植于中国文化,中国人一向谦虚谨慎,考虑方方面面的因素才做判断。我们有一个关于英国人的笑话,当然指的是部分英国人而不是全部英国人,对他们来说,“三人行,我必为师。”B: Right. I see.巴:明白了。

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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